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Epilator for legs - which is the best?

Removing unwanted vegetation on the legs is one of the important problems in the life of most women. To combat hair, they use all sorts of options and tools. But one of the easiest ways that allows you to forget about the stubble on your legs for a long time is hair removal. The main thing in this case is to choose a suitable epilator for the legs, which will help achieve the desired result without negative consequences.

How to choose the epilator for legs?

Types of epilators

There are several types of epilators that can be purchased at household appliances stores and at the same time carry out the hair removal procedure yourself. The main of these types of epilators include:

  • tweezers;
  • disk;
  • Photo-;
  • laser.

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages during and after the procedure. Also, when choosing a device, you must pay attention to contraindications. If the list provided contains at least one of the factors that impede the procedure, then it is better to choose a more acceptable device or completely abandon the idea of ​​such hair removal.

See also: tips for epilator application and skin care.


The forceps epilator for both the legs and other parts of the body is a small device that fits easily into the female hand. It works on the principle of ordinary tweezers. A motor is placed in the plastic case of the device, which is connected with a working tool - metal plates rotating around a fixed axis. Plates grab and stretch hairs. The rotation speed of these plates is quite high, so that the procedure takes almost the same time as shaving with a machine.


The advantage of this epilator compared to regular shaving is hair removal with a root, so that further growth begins after a long time, up to four weeks. Also, due to complete removal, the regrowing hair changes its structure - it becomes thinner and softer, which subsequently provides less pain when it is pulled out. One of the disadvantages of the tweezer epilator is severe pain.

Another disadvantage of a mechanical epilator is the possibility of hair growth. The broken structure can lead to the fact that the hair will not grow up, but sideways or in depth. In addition, for a significant period of time, the pore through which the rod comes to the surface of the skin can clog, which will limit hair growth up. This provokes the onset of the inflammatory process, which will not only spoil the appearance of the skin, but also cause pain.

Read also: differences and advantages of laser and photoepilator.

Disc epilator

The principle of operation and the design of a disk epilator are similar to tweezers, with the only difference being that instead of separate plates, wavy disks are captured and extended by the hair on the legs and other parts of the body. As they rotate around their axis, the disks at certain points come into contact with each other, which ensures reliable grip of the rod. All the advantages and disadvantages of using such an epilator are similar to tweezers, as are contraindications to the procedure, the main of which include:

  • oncological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • varicose veins;
  • ischemic and hypertension;
  • exacerbations of herpes disease;
  • keloid disease;
  • various skin diseases such as psoriasis or eczema.

Read also: which epilator is better - disk or tweezers?

Disc epilator


A photoepilator is a device based on the process of selective photothermolysis. The device uses a special lamp that emits light, which is subsequently converted into thermal energy. When exposed to heat on the hair follicle, the latter atrophies, which ensures the cessation of hair growth in the future. But the conversion of light into heat, and hence the intensity of the effect on the bulb, depends entirely on the amount of melanin in the hair structure, that is, its dark color, which ensures its heating. With very naturally light hairs, the photoepilation procedure will not bring visible results - the hair both grew and will continue to grow. For a higher quality procedure, the light intensity is selected individually for each person.

Which photoepilator is best for home use, read in our article.


Despite the fact that the photoepilator is designed to destroy the hair follicle, it is not always possible to do this the first time, you will have to reuse the device. But with the right settings and regular use after four to five sessions, it is possible to achieve complete disappearance of the hairs. In this case, the interval between procedures can reach four weeks.

Laser epilator

A female laser epilator, used both for the legs and other parts of the body, works on the same principle as the photoepilator, that is, it affects the hair with light that is converted into heat. Moreover, in this case, a lamp is installed in the device that reproduces alexandrite or diode rays having certain characteristics. Impact parameters cannot be changed.

Laser epilator

Just as with photoepilation, for the complete absence of hair growth in the treated area, it is necessary to perform several procedures. There is one important limitation. Using a laser epilator should not affect too dark skin, since there is a noticeable amount of melanin in it, which, by converting light to heat, can cause burns or age spots.

The main contraindications to both laser and photoepilation can be attributed to all of the same points that are unacceptable for mechanical hair removal. The only thing is that when performing light hair removal, strong discomfort does not occur, therefore, pain shock cannot occur.

find out consequences of using a photoepilator at home.

The consequences of hair removal

In light and mechanical methods of hair removal, the consequences are different. So, when pulling out hair, most often inflammation appears on the skin due to ingrown hair. But this phenomenon can also occur after laser and photoepilation due to the fact that the hair will grow for a sufficiently long time, during which time it can clog up and prevent it from “climbing” up.

With photoepilation and laser hair removal with improper use of devices, more negative consequences may occur, namely: the appearance of burns and a violation of skin pigmentation. For this reason, the implementation of this procedure is best carried out in special salons or clinics where there is better professional equipment, and the procedure itself will be performed by a master with sufficient experience. In this case, the device will be configured in accordance with all the characteristics of the hair and skin, and the procedure can be performed without the manifestation of negative consequences.

Check out selection criteria for female electric shavers in our article.

A professional procedure reduces the risk of negative effects after hair removal

Model rating and feature overview

So that the hair removal procedure does not disappoint, it is necessary choose a good female epilator, to determine which will help the rating of the best epilators for women, including:

  • tweezer epilator braun 7561 Silk-epil 7. The number of tweezers in this model is 40, the power is supplied by the battery, and operation is possible at two suggested speeds. Of the advantages of this device, it can be noted its water resistance, the presence of backlight, as well as a large number of additional nozzles included in the kit;

    Braun 7561 Silk-epil 7

  • philips HP6553 waterproof disk epilator, which provides two-hour battery operation for half an hour and captivating hairs, the length of which is 0.5 mm. Complete with an epilator comes a cooling mitten, a shaving nozzle and other procedures, which makes this device quite versatile;

View rating top home photoepilators can here.

  • Philips HP6553

  • Silk’n Glide 50K photoepilator, the resource of use of which is equal to 50 thousand flashes, which is sufficient for long-term use. The area under cultivation is 3.5 cm2. Despite the household purpose of the device, after a short time you can notice a significant reduction in the amount of hair. The only drawback of this device is the inability to replace the lamp, which makes it impossible to use it after the end of the declared resource.

Find out how clean and care for the Philips epilator.

Silk’n Glide 50K

  • laser epilator Rio LAHS-3000 allows you to process in one flash 35 mm2 skin surface, acting on it with a semiconductor light source using a unique scanning technology that recognizes each hair. The possible exposure time for a particular area of ​​the skin is from two to ten seconds. The number of procedures that guarantee a positive result depends on the type and color of skin and hair. The disadvantage of using this device is the impossibility of completely destroying the hair root, which is why after a certain time the hairs begin to grow again with a decrease in their total number.

Useful tips for choosing a female epilator read here.

Rio LAHS-3000

Recommendations for using an epilator for legs and skin care

In order to have as few negative consequences as possible during and after hair removal, certain rules must be followed. First of all, it is necessary to say about skin care before hair removal. So that while the hair grows inside the layers of the skin, the pores do not clog, a few days before the procedure, you need to do a peeling using a scrub, or walk on the skin with a hard washcloth. This will help remove dead skin particles, which simultaneously clog pores. When using mechanical epilators, it is better to choose days that do not coincide with the period of menstruation, since it is at this time that the pain from pulling out the hairs will be more noticeable.

If irritation, burns or other injuries appear on the skin, appropriate care must be provided. With any type of hair removal in the early days, it is better to refrain from visiting saunas, baths and pools, and also to prevent direct sunlight from getting on the skin. The last rule is one of the most important requirements for laser or photo hair removal.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with characteristics of popular models of female facial epilators.

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