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Waxing or epilator - which is better?

Hair removal at home can be performed in various ways, the use of wax and epilator. The purpose of these procedures is one and the same, namely the removal of hairs with a root. To understand what is still better - the use of waxing or epilator, you need to find out the essence of these methods, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as possible disadvantages after application.

The use of epilator and wax - effective methods to combat unwanted hair

The use of the epilator, advantages, disadvantages and contraindications

An epilator is a small-sized device that removes hairs together with the root, pulling them out with tweezers or discs located on a rotating working head. The advantages of this method include the efficiency of the procedure, as well as a rather long-lasting effect: the smoothness of the skin can last from two to four weeks. Of the obvious shortcomings, significant skin irritation can be noted, especially if the procedure is performed for the first time, and the possibility of hair growth.

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Using an epilator is one of the fastest ways to deal with unwanted hair.

The main contraindications for using the epilator include:

  • oncological diseases. The use of an epilator in this case is unacceptable, since the removal of unwanted vegetation will inevitably lead to disruption of cell metabolism and the possible occurrence of inflammatory processes, which it will be very difficult to cope with a weakened body;
  • diabetes mellitus, the course of which is characterized by the replenishment of cellular balance, which inevitably occurs when hair is removed. As a result, the likelihood of acute inflammatory processes on the skin increases;
  • varicose veins;
  • ischemic and hypertension, in this case, the occurrence of pain shock, which can lead to a stroke, is unacceptable;
  • exacerbations of herpes disease;
  • keloid disease (tendency to scarring);
  • various skin diseases such as psoriasis or eczema.

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Varicose veins are a contraindication for hair removal

Waxing, advantages, disadvantages and contraindications

Waxing refers to the application of a special composition to the surface of the skin, which grabs the hair for further removal. Waxing can be performed in several ways: using special disposable strips, a warming composition and cold wax. The advantages of this type of hair removal include the safety of the components of the composition for the skin and the entire human body, as well as the long-lasting effect, which can last up to four weeks. The disadvantages are the possibility of an allergic reaction to one of the components of the wax.

Compare different models the best female epilators, looking at their rating.

Smooth code after waxing can last up to four weeks

Contraindications to this procedure are the same as when using an epilator.The consequences also coincide: the appearance of irritation and ingrown hairs is possible. To avoid them, it is necessary to care for the skin both before and after the procedure.

Find out also which is better - depilation cream or razor.

Differences between wax and epilator

To understand which is better - wax or epilator, you need to compare them by the most basic parameters, namely:

  • cost and effectiveness;
  • possible negative consequences;
  • duration, convenience and frequency of use;
  • the occurrence of pain.

Cost and Efficiency

Modern epilators with various nozzles, as well as the possibility of autonomous operation in wet conditions, have a very significant cost. But buying an epilator, you can forget about the additional financial costs, which can not be said about wax. A set of disposable wax strips is enough to perform only one procedure, and a set of equipment for heating wax, like the wax itself and other consumables, is also not cheap. At the same time, you will have to buy them constantly. As a result, at first glance, the great financial benefits of waxing will ultimately lead to its higher cost.

The effectiveness of both procedures is comparable, because both of these methods are based on tearing out the hairs with the root. The only drawback of wax can be called the fact that with improper and inept application it very often remains a lot of unexploded and torn hairs. You can use tweezers to remove them, but you will have to do this very often. The epilator, in particular, if the backlight is used during operation, you can pull out absolutely all the hairs, and if necessary, quickly process those areas where they were missed. From this point of view, the use of an epilator is much more effective.

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Possibility of negative consequences

Any existing methods of getting rid of hair, involving tearing hairs from the root, inevitably lead to skin irritation, manifested in the form of red dots. In addition, these points are the places of hair growth, until bristles appear on the surface of the skin, they can become clogged with sebum and keratinized particles, which will lead to the inability of the hair shaft to exit, which means that it will begin to grow sideways rather than upward. This will lead to ingrown hair, which will cause an inflammatory process. To prevent this, before using the epilator, it is necessary to peel the skin with a scrub or a very hard washcloth several days before the procedure. The use of wax does not require such preparation, since at the same time as pulling out the hair, it removes all dead cells from the skin, after which it becomes softer and more elastic.

Using a stiff brush will reduce the likelihood of ingrown hair after using an epilator

Duration, usability and frequency of use

The duration and ease of use of both procedures are entirely dependent on their skills. Use epilator, especially if it supports the function of autonomous operation, it is possible in any conditions, including in the absence of water and a current source. The surface of the skin after hair removal with wax remains a little sticky, the composition must be washed off with any oil at hand, and then with water.

Read also: electric thread epilator - recommendations for use.

Waxing requires some experience

Since pulling out the hair with the root guarantees the appearance of bristles no earlier than in two to four weeks, the frequency of use of wax and epilator coincide and depend on the individual characteristics of the body. But the epilator is more convenient, since the device allows you to cope with unwanted vegetation even when its length has reached 0.2 millimeters. To use wax, you need to wait until the hair grows to 0.5 millimeters or more.

Check out the article: choosing the best photoepilator for home.


Since the use of wax involves instantly tearing off the strip with hairs, the pain will be more intense, but less prolonged. Using an epilatoron the contrary, it causes less pain with a longer duration. Complete with a good device, there are always nozzles to reduce pain, and this is its undoubted advantage, which will be significantly noticeable when the bikini or armpit zone is processed. But both in the first and in the second case, the more times the hair removal is performed, the hairs will become thinner and softer, and tearing them will be easier and less painful.

Armpit zone epilation causes the most severe pain

Recommendations for hair removal and skin care after the procedure

The main recommendations for preparing the skin for hair removal and caring for it after may include:

  • steaming the skin immediately before the procedure to fully open the pores;

    Before hair removal, you need to take a shower or bath to fully open the pores.

  • to remove hairs both in the first and in the second case it is necessary against their growth;

    Tearing out hairs against their growth is a prerequisite, both when using wax and an epilator

  • after hair removal in case of injuries and the appearance of irritation, you need to properly treat the skin with a lotion or antiseptic, and then apply a soothing wound healing composition;

Helpful information: what is the difference between an epilator and a depilator?

  • Applying a soothing cream is mandatory after hair removal

  • in between hair removal, you need to use a scrub or a hard washcloth.

Thus, choosing what is still better - waxing or using an epilator, we can conclude that the first option is less traumatic for the skin, and the second is more convenient to use. In addition, cost also often plays an important role, and the use of an epilator is several times cheaper. Therefore, it is possible to understand what is better - wax or epilator, taking into account individual characteristics and possibilities.

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