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Do it yourself hair iron

A hair straightener is a reliable friend that allows you to style quickly and conveniently. But over time, it gets dirty, becomes unattractive in appearance. The device starts to work worse, giving uneven heating, and can even cause split ends. To prevent this from happening - we clean the hair iron with our own hands.

Do I need a cleaning?

Hair styling with the use of ironing involves frequent contact of hair with heating surfaces. At the same time, particles of caring and styling hair products remain on the plates.

When the device cools, the particles of the agent stick to the surface, forming carbon deposits. The smooth surface of the heating plates can even acquire an unusual roughness, which will make it difficult to style and injure the hair structure.

Note! Even thermal protection products remain on the surface of the plates.

Step-by-step cleansing process

Regardless of whether a hair styling device is often or rarely used, it must be cleaned periodically. How to clean your hair iron so that it does not suffer?

Good to know: how to disassemble the iron do it yourself.

Only a clean iron will do the job well.

The simplest cleaning is as follows:

  1. The device is heated so that the surfaces of the working plates of the iron become warm.
  2. Unplug the power cord from the outlet.
  3. A terry towel or napkin is moistened in warm water, squeezed.
  4. Gently, slightly pressing on the towel, clean the places of contamination on the plates. Attention should also be paid to the ends of the heating elements.
  5. The purification continues. In the process, you should turn the towel over to use only its fresh side.
  6. After putting the plates in order, one should proceed to cleaning the case itself, which is also exposed to contamination during operation. Particularly important is cleaning the outer part in cases where the device is used not only to straighten the strands, but also for curling hair.

Advice! For hard-to-reach spots you can use a cotton swab or sponge.

Immediately after cleaning, the styling device should not be used - it takes time for the plates to dry well. You can speed up the drying process with a large towel, which should wipe the surface.

Persistent pollution

Washing with warm water using a terry cloth is the most gentle way that eliminates the risk of surface damage. But how to clean when the use of water does not help? To do this, you can use a solution of alcohol in water, a mild soap solution or an alcohol-containing liquid to clean the glasses.

The cleaning process should be the same as in the previous case. Only after removing the contaminants, it is necessary to walk along the treated area with a damp towel soaked simply in clean, warm water to remove the remaining alcohol.

Advice! Persistent plaque on the device itself can be removed with a cloth moistened with alcohol.

How often do you need cleaning?

The answer to this question depends on the frequency of use of the tool.

No. p / pFrequency of useApplication FeatureRecommended cleaning frequency
1.DailyOn a clean head1 time in 7 days
2.1-2 times a week1 time in 60 days
3.2 timesUsing gloss polish for stylingAfter 2 uses

Note! If traces of dirt become visible on the plates, cleaning is necessary immediately. No matter how long they have been used.

For clean and dry strands

Additional recommendations

In order for the device to serve for a long time, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • do not clean with harsh chemicals;
  • do not use sponges and brushes with abrasive surfaces;
  • It is not recommended to rub with the application of effort;
  • if you lay only clean curls, on which no additional funds have been applied, the device will remain clean longer;
  • Do not operate the wet device;
  • the use of ironing only at low temperatures will not help to avoid the formation of carbon deposits, since in this case the device passes through the strands more often and holds it longer for longer;
  • the process of using the iron can be violated not only due to contamination, but also due to improper use (for example, the strands have not been combed beforehand);
  • it is not advisable to use tools intended for other household appliances to clean the iron, for example, tidying up soles of ordinary iron;
  • If the fouling of the plates is so persistent that it could not be cleaned, you can ask for help from professional hairdressers who use special tools for cleaning.

Important! Clean the appliance away from children, observing all safety precautions.

Carrying out regular cleaning can not only extend the life of the device, but also make the styling process easy and convenient.

Read also: choose a keratin straightener.

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