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Choose a hair straightener (hair straightener)

Hair is one part of the human body, which, like everything else, needs care and care. But very often, in pursuit of beauty, a person does even more harm to his hair than environmental factors such as ultraviolet, cold air and wind do. And one of such harmful effects can be called frequent heat treatment through the use of various devices for drying, straightening or curling. Therefore, deciding to buy and use a straightener, first of all, you need to find out how to choose the right hair straightener, and only after that proceed to search for the right model. Also worth paying attention to hair straightener (hair straightener) 2 in 1.

How to choose a hair straightener?

What is a hair straightener?

A straightener is a device that, when exposed to elevated temperature, relieves hair from excess moisture, so that they stop fluffing and curling. After using it, they become absolutely smooth, which in itself looks beautiful, and is also convenient for more complex styling. To some models irons attached nozzles for a variety of hair styling. In addition, the mechanical effect on the hair rods helps to close its scales, which ensures their glossy appearance. That is why such stylers are now used everywhere, both in beauty salons and at home. They help in a short period of time to give the hair a more neat and tidy appearance.

Using an iron can positively affect only the appearance of the hairstyle, while the constant use of this device, especially if it is not selected in accordance with the type of hair and in a poor quality version, can lead to drying out, brittleness and split ends. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to give preference only to proven brands with good technical characteristics, and when installing, use special means with thermal protection. Only in this way can you achieve a beautiful appearance of hair after using a straightener and not harm them.

How to choose a rectifier?

The main parameters that you need to pay attention to when answering the question of how to choose a rectifier are:

  • plate coating;
  • the ability to adjust the temperature;
  • time of complete heating of the device;
  • plate size;
  • fastening and shape of the plates;
  • the presence of a gap between the plates.

Plate coating

There are currently several options. iron plate coverings, each of which has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. The main ones include:

  • metal coating, which is the cheapest option, but also the most dangerous. This is due to the fact that the metal is heated unevenly, while part of the hair does not receive the required effect for full straightening, and the other, on the contrary, overheats, leading to structural disruption, which leads to increased fragility;

    The metal coating of the plates is the most unsafe for hair

  • ceramic coating, which is one of the most acceptable and popular today, since a device with such plates has an affordable price, and at the same time does much less damage to hair than metal ones.The temperature rise of plates coated with ceramics is performed more evenly, and at the same time, it is constantly maintained at a given level. When gliding in strips, it does not cling to the hair and does not burn them. In addition, some models of flat irons with such a coating on the plates have a complex of vitamin, conditioning and moisturizing components in it, which provides hair with the necessary care. The only drawback of ceramics can be called the fact that when used during styling of various cosmetics, it contributes to their strong adhesion to the surface of the plates. But this disadvantage is simply eliminated by wiping the iron with a damp cloth after each use;
  • Teflon coating has all the same advantages that are inherent to ceramic, but at the same time when using cosmetics for styling it does not cause them to stick to the surface, and the strands still glide freely on it. Bad influence when using such models of irons is minimized, which means that you can use it as often as required. The disadvantage of this option is the possibility of erasing the coating from the plates, which cannot be detected in any way and cannot be corrected in the same way. An iron with a worn Teflon coating can cause significant damage to the hair, so it is not recommended to use it. And since the cost of such models cannot be called small, the financial side of the issue very often confuses buyers who turned their attention to them;
  • tourmaline coating of the plates is one of the most modern and safe for hair. In the process of heating the plates tourmaline coating. Being a natural material, it begins to release negative ions, which not only contribute to the removal of static electricity, but also contribute to the preservation of moisture in the hair structure.

We also recommend reading how to choose ceramic coated iron.

Temperature controller

Due to the fact that each person has his own specific structure, exposure to high temperatures affects their condition and appearance in different ways. For some, they are very thick and fat, for someone, on the contrary, they are dry and thin. In order for everyone to be able to choose a hair straightener that works in the right mode, it must have a temperature controller.

Most straighteners operate at temperatures from 100 to 230 degrees, while the most optimal of them in accordance with the type of hair can be called:

  • 150 0C - for thin, split or dyed hair;
  • 180 0C - for colored hard or normal unpainted hair;
  • 200 0C - for unpainted hard hair.

In the latter case, the owner of thick and non-dyed curls can also choose an iron for straightening hair, in which there is no temperature regulator. This will not cause any negative consequences and will not affect the condition of the strands, but at the same time, given the lower cost of such models, it will save significantly. The owner of thin and brittle hair will not be able to do this, since the influence of too high temperatures on them will lead to burning, even more drying and brittleness, and subsequently to fracture of the rods and unkempt appearance of the hairstyle. Repair damaged hair will help infrared ultrasonic iron.

The regulator located on the handle allows you to select the desired temperature

The temperature value controller is located on the handle of the iron, and it is quite simple to operate. Cheaper models of rectifiers allow you to choose the temperature from three or four possible. More expensive stylers make it possible to adjust the temperature with an accuracy of every degree, but the necessary settings will need to be done before each application.

Full heat up time

At present, this characteristic of rectifiers can vary in value from a minute to an almost instantaneous set of the required temperature. The exact value must always be indicated in the operating instructions. Nothing depends on how long the iron will heat up except convenience.

So with frequent occurrence of the need to quickly style your hair, it is best that the straightener heats up as quickly as possible. If such situations do not arise, then waiting for heating for a minute will not bring inconvenience. Therefore, in this case, the choice depends only on the desires and needs of the user of the device.

Plate size

The optimal width of the plates must be selected in accordance with the thickness and length of the hair. The longer and thicker the hair, the wider the width of the rectifier plates. This will not only affect the quality of the result, but also help to significantly reduce installation time. So the optimal value of the width of the plates for a particular type of hair can be considered:

  • 1.5-2.0 cm for short or not thick hair with a maximum length to the shoulder blades;
  • 2.0-2.5 cm with shoulder length and medium density;
  • 2.5-3.0 cm with hair length to the shoulder blades and medium density;
  • 3.0-4.0 cm with a length of thick hair to the shoulder blades.

The choice of plate width depends on the thickness and length of the hair

If the styler is chosen by the owner of long thick curls, then the width of the plates can reach 7.0-8.0 cm. But it must be borne in mind that you can’t straighten the bang with such a device, and in order to do this, you need an ironing with narrower plates. Also, the minimum size is very convenient not only for straightening strands, but also for creating curls. Therefore, deciding what is best for the acquisition curling iron, then we can say that the second option is a more universal device, and it is preferable to have it often if necessary at home.

Also cost consider a mini iron (straightener).

The iron - the universal styler allowing to straighten and curl hair

Mounting and plate shape

The most common type of fastening of rectifier plates is hard, while they are directly integrated into the housing. At the same time, the stronger the pressure on the handles of the device, the greater the thermal effect will be exerted on the hair and the result will be better. The disadvantage of this type of fastening is the need to select the pressure force on the handles. You can learn to choose it correctly at a particular temperature, but only after using the device for a certain time.

Deprived of this lack of ironing, in which the plates are fixed to the housing by means of springs or rubber bands. This type of mount is called floating. In the process of using it, when sliding through the hair, the plates will independently rise and fall, which will ensure that it is impossible to damage the hair structure. But there are very few models of such devices in the consumer market, and it is very difficult to find them.

The shape of the plate can be with straight or rounded edges. If during the application the iron will be used only to give the strands smoothness, then best option there will be plates with right angles. If, in addition to straightening, ironing is needed to create curls, then the rounded edges of the plates will be more appropriate.

The rounded edges of the rectifier plates will allow you to create curls

The gap between the plates

Regarding rectifier models, there is no complete gap. This has a good effect on styling, since with tightly pressed plates the heat is distributed evenly, and the result will be obtained after one “pass” along the strand. If there is a gap, then the hair that gets into it will not receive the heat required for straightening and will have to be processed again.This can not only negatively affect the condition of hair that has already been straightened, since they are exposed to heat again, but also increase the time spent on styling.

If the device you like for all other characteristics still has a certain gap between the plates, then it should not exceed a certain value, namely:

  • 1 mm - with rigidly fixed plates;
  • 2 mm - with floating plates.

In this case, both in the first and in the second version, with strong compression of the handles, it should completely disappear.

The gap between the plates should not be more than 1-2 mm

Professional or household straightener for home use?

Choosing between a professional and a household iron for straightening hair, then with the financial possibilities available for this, of course, you need to choose the first option. Such devices are much more expensive, but they are many times more powerful and safe. Devices that are used in hairdressing and beauty salons for keratin hair straightening or just for styling, practically do not need time to warm up, the coating of their plates cannot be just metal, and the device must have a mode regulator where the maximum possible temperatures can be more than 230 degrees . The cord of such irons is long enough, which makes it possible to carry out styling with great convenience. In addition, its fixation to the device is performed with the possibility of rotation around its axis, which does not allow it to wrap around the device and the hands of a person during installation.

Rotating cord more convenient to use

Answering the question of how to choose an iron, the main answer will be - no need to save, as this can affect not only the life of the device, but also the health of the hair. Learn from what kind of iron is keratin straightening done hair. You can in our article. High-quality coating of rectifier plates, as well as the presence of temperature control, makes its use safer. The presence of additional ionization will also have a beneficial effect on the hair, and the thermal cover included in the kit will allow you to remove the device immediately after use. And when determining which company is better to acquire hair straightener, it is better to give preference to well-known brands such as Philips, Bosh, Rowenta, as they are of high quality, reliability and will last as long as possible.

About the features of the anodized coating of the rectifier read here.

A thermal case complete with a rectifier will allow you to remove it immediately after use

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