home-For kitchen-Blender-Stationary or submersible blender - which is better to choose?

Stationary or submersible blender - which is better to choose?

Modern housewife for quality and quick cooking can not do without the "kitchen helpers", which can be safely attributed blenders.

Today we have to find out whether the blender is stationary or submersible - what is better to buy and by what characteristics to choose a product.

How can a submersible device differ from a stationary blender

On sale, offers are limited to two types of products:

  1. Stationary multifunction devices.
  2. Submersible structures.

Stationary blender

Stationary technology is functional and equipped with a powerful power unit with a large number of operating modes

It is a bowl or jug, in the lower part of which knives are installed for processing workpieces. Stable design does not require constant monitoring and retention in work.

The cover that comes with the kit protects the kitchen area, preventing splashes from spreading over its area.

Using the stationary design, you can cook delicious food not only for yourself, but for the whole family. Most often, the blenders in question have high power and many control modes.

They are considered multifunctional devices capable of high-quality processing of ice, chop nuts or make perfect icing sugar. You can grind solid products or prepare one of the types of dough for a pie and so on.

The design is considered durable and reliable, but it has several disadvantages that are worth mentioning. Unfortunately, blenders of this category cannot quickly and efficiently deal with vegetables.

Due to their large size they occupy a lot of kitchen countertops. When washing the bowl, be sure to remove the knives in order to process it qualitatively.

You can organize the workflow not only in the glass bowl that comes with the blender, but also in other convenient dishes

A hand blender is an ideal option for making mashed potatoes and cocktails. If necessary, they can quickly whip the cream or process other products.

The device is an elongated handle with a nozzle at the end.

Small containers are included for convenient grinding of workpieces.

You can also process products in a large pan, but then splashes can appear in the most unexpected places in the kitchen. This is one of the disadvantages of a compact device.

Another disadvantage is rightly considered the need to control the handle and the impossibility of prolonged operation: the device quickly heats up.

He can process a small amount of food at a time. Household appliances are light and easy to use. It is convenient to wash.

It does not require a lot of storage space: you can take a place in the niche of the table. Another plus is the minimal consumption of electrical energy.

The base of the submersible blender is a working leg and knives that rotate at a certain speed.

Knives made of stainless steel or high-quality aluminum are considered the most high-quality and practical.

They are not afraid of rust and are considered very durable. There are blenders equipped with plastic nozzles. But their disadvantage is fragility, intolerance of the hot and cheap.

For dishes with high t0 ​​it is recommended to use nozzles made of heat-resistant material

We go to the store for a purchase

It is very difficult to answer the question of which blenders are better - stationary products or submersible structures. The choice depends on a number of factors.Including how often it is planned to work with the device.

An unshakable rule applies: the more often a technician will be in work, the better the product should be.

You need to understand what operations the blender is designed for, on what area it is planned to be used, and how much money you are willing to pay for a “kitchen assistant”.

Before going to the store, you should decide which submersible or stationary blender to purchase and from which parameters to proceed.

  • Powertrain

For high-quality workpiece processing, a power unit with a capacity of at least 500 watts is required.

To work with raw vegetables, meat or ice, you need a blender with a capacity of at least 500 watts.

A small-capacity device is capable of processing non-solid products, with a powerful engine it is comfortable to work with solid workpieces.

You should not forget that such a device is heavy in itself, and it is difficult to hold it in your hand for a long time.

  • As for the bowl

This attribute is not a required part of a workflow. You can also process products in other dishes that are convenient for you.

In most cases, the device comes complete with a bowl, the weight of which can range from 400 ml to 2 liters. The advantage of a glass bowl is that it shows the process of processing the product. It does not absorb extraneous odors, does not stain.

  • Speed

An important place in the operation of the device is the processing speed of the products and their adjustable amount. Devices with low power are equipped with only 2 speeds. More powerful units can be equipped with 12-15 speed modes.

Capacities made of plastic do not break, but may burst from hot contents.

By turning on high speed, you can get mashed potatoes without lumps at the exit in a matter of minutes.

Pay attention to the quality and speed of rotation of the knives. Those that spin slowly will do well with meat or grind vegetables. Knives operating at high speeds will turn the contents of the container into mashed potatoes.


Stationary devices are suitable where there is a lot of space. They are high power, suitable for many products.

Submersible type constructions are better to buy for work on a limited area. They work more efficiently if necessary, quickly prepare different sauces and mashed potatoes.

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