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Which is better - gas or electric oven

Ovens, regardless of whether they are with or without a hob, built-in or free-standing, are divided into two types:

  • Gas.
  • Electric.

This is the main difference, which should be taken into account when choosing an oven for the home.

Which is better to choose an oven - gas or electric?

As a rule, electric ovens are sold in much larger volumes, and manufacturers upgrade them much more actively, unlike gas ones. Is this due to the fact that the electric ovens really beat the gas ones in many respects, or is this just a fashion influence? To understand which oven is better to choose - gas or electric, you need to familiarize yourself with each type in more detail.

The principle of the device electric and gas oven

Almost every day, people use ovens without thinking about how they are arranged. Despite the fact that modern models have a much larger number of functions, the basic principle of their work has not changed.

Any oven is a metal box, with holes for ventilation. Inside the box is an oven, between it and the frame is a heat-insulating material. Insulation is needed so that heat does not escape into the environment. Thanks to this, modern furnaces are more economical.

The product is heated according to the same principle: heat is distributed from the heating part throughout the oven chamber, reaching a temperature of 40 to 250, and sometimes more than degrees. In an electric furnace, a heater is used as a heater; in a gas furnace, food is heated by fire.

The oven, powered by the mains, allows you to evenly heat the dish.

Heaters are placed only at the bottom or at the top of the chamber, or both there and there. In some furnaces there are three heaters at all, the third is placed on the rear panel, together with the convector.

The gas oven allows you to adjust the flame level in the burner. Modern ovens are equipped with a safe function of built-in ignition, that is, to light a flame in the oven, just press the button and turn the knob to the desired level.

Modern gas oven models are safer than before

Recommendations for use

Which oven to install is not decided by the user, but by his capabilities. If there is no gas main in the housing, it makes no sense to consider the advantages of gas appliances. Installation of the furnace from a gas cylinder will not be considered, since this is not the most economical and safe option. It is best used where there is no other solution, for example, in the country.

But with electric furnaces, not everything is so smooth. There are limitations too. It is necessary to take into account the power of electricity at the outlet from the outlet, and the amount of energy consumed by the oven. Therefore, you should be prepared for the fact that in an old house or apartment, local wiring may not overpower such a powerful structure.

Before deciding on a choice, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the technical capabilities of your home and only after that choose one or another type of household appliance.

Modes of heating gas and electric ovens

It is no secret that for the preparation of different dishes requires different times and temperature conditions.Also, the speed with which the camera heats up plays an important role in creating a culinary masterpiece. It follows: the more varied cooking modes, the greater the volume of dishes this oven allows you to cook.

Electric furnaces with heaters at the top and bottom of the oven allow you to turn them on both simultaneously and separately. Often in ovens with a heating element in the upper part installed additional equipment for the grill.

Grill oven chamber

More expensive furnaces are equipped with another additional function of convection heating. This method of baking works under the influence of a fan, which evenly distributes hot air through the oven. Convection allows you to achieve uniform baking of food, the hostess will forget what a burnt crust is, and at the same time, the dish is raw inside.

Schematic example of air distribution inside a chamber using convection

Inexpensive gas ovens are limited by the direction of the heat. Heat spreads only from below, coming from a gas burner. However, the heating rate is much higher than that of the electronic counterpart.

Gas oven, despite the limited distribution of heat, heats the chamber much faster, which means that dishes will cook faster

Gas-fired ovens can also be equipped with a grill, both gas and electric. In the latter case, it will not be a gas furnace, but a gas-electric one, that is, a hybrid of both types of ovens.

Gas oven with electric grill and built-in convector function. Despite the fact that the gas-operated grill is more complicated, it gives the dish a richer flavor than the electric

Also, in many models of gas ovens there is a built-in convector. It allows you to distribute the heat from the burner evenly throughout the oven, which greatly improves the quality of the cooked food.

Electric ovens are equipped with a large number of operating modes, however, this does not prevent gas stoves from competing with them

Variety of cooking features

If we talk about culinary functions, then of the two types, the electric oven wins. Unlike a gas furnace, in addition to the basic functions, an electric furnace has additional modes, for example:

  • Defrosting.
  • A function that does not allow the dish to cool and maintains it at the right temperature.
  • Languor.

In addition, modern manufacturers equipped their electric furnaces with steaming and quick heating modes.

In more expensive models, a timer is built in, which can be programmed not only to turn off, but to turn on at the right time. Also, the oven itself will notify about the readiness of the contents, thanks to a special probe. There are automatic modes that can independently bring to readiness a certain dish. Both an inexperienced housewife and a child can cope with such a furnace.

From this we can conclude that the electric furnace provides more opportunities for culinary creativity, therefore, often where there is gas, many choose an oven that works on the mains.

In the functional set of gas ovens, almost nothing has changed over the years, this option is for lovers of a more classic kitchen, not waiting for something special from a household appliance.

Ease of use

If we talk about convenience, then we need to proceed from individual preferences. Gas oven has a simpler control device. There is nothing complicated in it, just a few levers. The main change that the gas furnace has undergone over the years, except for the design, is the ignition of the nozzle, it has become not only more convenient, but also much safer.

Gas control levers

The electric oven can be equipped with electromechanical or fully electronic control.

Electromechanical adjustment

Electromechanics is simpler in design, but electrical control offers more control over the cooking process.

Electronically controlled oven

The choice of control method depends on the individuality and needs of each.

Oven cleaning features

It doesn’t matter which oven is selected, in any case it will have to be washed. It is better to carry out this procedure immediately after cooking. Firstly, this way the pollution goes better, and secondly, a dirty oven is an ideal environment for the propagation of harmful bacteria, and it’s unlikely that anyone with a burning taste from a past dish will bring pleasure.

Inexpensive models will have to be washed independently. The hostess was lucky if she became the owner of an oven with a bioceramic coating, to which fat almost does not stick, which means it will be much easier to wash such a cabinet.

In ovens whose price category is slightly higher, an automatic cleaning function is provided. There are two types of self-cleaning:

  • Catalytic purification. The oven chamber is cleaned already during cooking due to the start of a chemical reaction accelerating the process. The dirt and fat released from the dish is broken into small atoms and sent to the filter using a special fan. This system starts automatically and is absolutely harmless to human health. It is installed in both types of ovens.
  • Pyrolysis. Cleaning is carried out under the influence of very high temperatures, about 500 degrees. Such a method takes place only in electric ovens, because it is very problematic to reach such a temperature with a gas burner. It is considered the most effective method, but ovens with such a function have a high cost.

Economic aspect

The main disadvantage of using electric ovens is the high energy consumption. Gas stoves consume much less energy, which can save a lot of money. But despite this, a large number of consumers living in a house with main gas prefer a gas electric furnace. Perhaps this is because people are not ready to sacrifice amenities for the sake of saving, given that about 200 rubles will be saved.

Safety operation

No gastronomic masterpiece will bring joy if there is a constant feeling that something is wrong with the oven. It is worth figuring out which oven is better from a safety point of view.

Often, the mere mention of gas allows us to draw a parallel with the threat to life. Of course, a gas leak can provoke very sad consequences - from poisoning to fire. To exclude the possibility of suffering from a gas leak, you need to choose an oven with leak control. In the event of an accidentally extinguished flame, the gas flow will shut off. In other ovens, when the fire goes out, automatic ignition is activated. In both cases, the risk of leakage is minimized. In addition to the device of the oven, the correct connection is important, only a specialist needs to trust this work. During combustion, the gas is converted to carbon monoxide, so it is recommended to purchase an extractor hood together with an oven.

This does not mean that electric ovens are absolutely safe. There is always a risk of overheating, therefore, a fire, as well as a faulty stove can cause harm to people with electricity. There is also the possibility of fire next to furniture. To prevent such moments, a thermometer is installed on the furnace body. If the norm is exceeded, the oven must be turned off. More expensive ovens are specially equipped with an external wall cooling system.

Nevertheless, experts say that gas ovens are more dangerous. However, when installing any type of household appliance, all rules must be strictly observed.

Popular oven models

The most popular brands care about the comfort of their customers, so they make both types of equipment. Below are the manufacturers, whose models are the most popular:

  • Bosch holds a leading position justifiably. Over the years, the brand has established itself as a reliable and high-quality manufacturer. The company also pays great attention to the safety of use.Price is above average.
  • Electrolux is the oven that combines price and quality. A favorite brand of practical people who do not have the ability or desire to spend extra functions.
  • Hotpoint-Ariston is about the same as Electrolux, but if we talk about the design, then the solutions are much more interesting.

In any case, when buying an oven, it is important to make a balanced, independent decision, based on the knowledge and personal preferences.

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