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Oven connection power what it is and how to determine it

The power of an electrical device is the amount of energy consumed per second. This unit is measured in watts and joules. The designations for power measurements directly depend on the type of furnace - electric or gas. We will talk about power consumption, which means that electric furnaces will be considered.

When choosing an oven for the home, it is necessary to take into account all aspects, including power, since this appliance is not bought for one year, which means it should be easy to use and should not cause technical problems.

Temperature and power dependent

In the device of the oven there is a complete dependence of the highest temperature value on the power of the device. That is, on how much energy it consumes. The energy class depends on these parameters.

An example of the dependence of temperature on power: if the furnace consumes 3,500 watts, then the oven can heat up to 500 degrees. Although for the oven such high rates are useless, usually food is cooked in the thermal range of 180-250 degrees. Therefore, you should choose an oven with a capacity of no more than 3 kW, where the maximum temperature will be about 250-280 degrees.

Most often, buyers prefer the following brands:

  • Bosch is in a leading position since it has long proved its quality and reliability. This device heats up to 300 degrees, and on most models it is possible to set the extremely accurate temperature.
  • Samsung warms up to 280 degrees, makes it possible to change modes while cooking.
  • Electrolux is a favorite model of those who seek the perfect combination of price and quality. The models of this brand have electric timers and temperature sensors inside.
  • Gorenje is loved for a large number of modes and perfect steam cleaning.

Safe operation and alternative solutions

For safe use of the oven, the strength of resistance must be taken into account. To do this, you need a device passport, thanks to which you can calculate the furnace power on a calculator. The amount of energy consumed must be divided by the average definition of the voltage in the outlet, that is, 220. Thus, the necessary power of electricity is calculated, at which the oven will work properly.

It is important to take into account the fact that with gas heating, it is strictly forbidden to use an oven with an energy consumption of more than 3,500 watts. Such a ban is imposed on the basis of the average wiring power in apartment buildings. The use of devices with a power higher than allowed may lead to voltage drops and to a short circuit in the network.

Combined cooker - an excellent option when it is impossible to install a more powerful device

In this case, the way out of the situation may be the installation of a gas or combination stove, which consumes much less electricity.

Energy classes

Energy consumption is directly related to the volume of the oven. How to determine the power of the furnace by the volume of the oven? To find out, you first need to find out how much the oven has. Ovens are usually divided into three types by size:

  • Oversized - in such furnaces, the chamber volume reaches 70 liters or more.
  • Medium in size - the most popular ovens on the mass market, their volume is approximately 40 liters.

    Ovens up to 40 liters are the most popular appliances on the home appliance market.

  • Small - with a capacity of 12 liters or more, they are great for a small family or small-sized kitchen.

Thus, it can be calculated that a large furnace consumes at least 1 kW / h, which means that it can be classified as C class. Accordingly, the average size of ovens belongs to the B class, while the class incorporates the smallest.

The power of the oven varies from 1 to 3.5 kW. The most popular stoves consuming 2-3 kW, which are considered simple appliances and have gained great popularity in the mass market.

Most often, devices with a power of 3 kW or more require connection to a separate electric line. And you will also need to install a separate outlet that can withstand the load.

Separate outlet - the main safety requirement for high-power appliances

Electric furnaces are a large group of devices with electronic control, a huge set of functions and software no worse than a computer. However, in appearance the same cabinets can belong to different classes of energy consumption. There are only three classes of energy consumption:

  • And up to 0.6 kW / h.
  • B - 0.8 kW / h maximum value.
  • C - up to 1 kW / h.

Schematic illustration of connecting autonomous wiring for a powerful plate and a list of necessary materials for work

Of these, class A + will save up to 25% of electricity, class A ++ and at all reaches savings of half the total value. B is considered the average value, and C is the class in which energy is consumed the most.

What affects the power of the electric oven

It is worth considering the fact that built-in appliances always consume more energy than stand-alone. The average built-in oven will consume 4000 watts, while a stand-alone oven will consume about 3000 watts.

Are these indicators so important or is their significance overrated? In fact, a lot depends on the power of the stove. For instance:

  • The amount of electricity consumed directly depends on the power: the more powerful the oven, the less electricity is consumed.
  • An oven with a higher power can cope with cooking much faster than a less powerful oven.
  • The cost of light becomes noticeably less.

Thus, knowing how much energy this or that electric oven consumes, you can choose the best option for yourself, so that the stove becomes a real helper in the kitchen, without the extra cost of electricity.

Comments (1)
  1. Ivan:

    Such subtleties are usually indicated in the instructions attached to the oven. For baking, the power of the hotpoint cabinet is enough. We can use both the hob and the oven.