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Why the oven does not work in the electric stove and what to do

For cooking, not only a gas burner can be used, but also an electric version of the oven. The main advantage of electric heaters is their relative safety and the absence of harmful combustion products. The positive qualities of the devices can also be considered the possibility of self-repair.

Electric stove with oven

If the electric stove is equipped with an oven, then in case of a malfunction of this part of the device, it is possible to restore operability on its own. We will tell you what to do if the built-in oven in the electric stove does not work.

Why the oven does not work in the electric stove and what to do

Correctly diagnosing the cause of the failure of this household appliance can be difficult. Before proceeding with active steps to determine the malfunction, you should know about the main causes of failure. The most likely oven malfunctions are as follows:

  1. Malfunction of the internal wiring of the device. The presence of this malfunction can be determined visually when inspecting the distribution panel of the device, as well as by the multimeter dialing method.

    Internal wiring

  2. Blown heating element of the oven. TENs can burn very often when buying a low-quality device. This problem is identified by dialing the device with a high resistance tester or multimeter.
  3. Faulty timer. Some models can be equipped with a timer, in the event of a malfunction of which the oven will also be inoperative. With a mechanical device, this breakdown is very easy to diagnose by the absence of a characteristic ticking sound. In the event of a malfunction, it is necessary to purchase an original timer for a specific model of the electric oven and install it instead of the malfunctioning part.
  4. Faulty thermal relay. This failure can occur in two modes. If the relay is fixed in closed mode, the electric oven will work in constantly on mode, which will inevitably lead to overheating. With constantly open contacts, the electric heater will not radiate heat. If any of the listed fault conditions occurs, the thermostat should be replaced with a known-good mechanism.
  5. Defective oven toggle switch.

Toggle Switch Replacement

If the switch of the operating modes of the electrical appliance is faulty, the oven does not heat. A possible malfunction of the device can be determined using a tester or a multimeter.

After the cause of the malfunction is discovered, you can proceed to repair the oven yourself.

Internal wiring repair

A fault in the wiring is eliminated by restoring the integrity of the contacts. Before proceeding with this type of work, be sure to disconnect the device from the electrical network.

Sometimes the lack of normal electrical conductivity in the internal wiring of the device is caused by poorly tightened threaded connections on the toggle switch of operating modes or at the junction of the wires with the thermostat.

To eliminate such a malfunction, just screw the electrical terminal screw tightly with a screwdriver. If at the junction of the wire threaded there is a metal reflow, then first you need to unscrew the screw and clean the contact area with sandpaper.

In some cases, the contact wire may completely burn out.This malfunction is eliminated very simply: it is enough to strip the wire at a distance of about 5 mm from the end, insert it into the terminal and tighten the screw with a screwdriver.

If the length of the wire turns out to be less than necessary, or if the wire takes a rectilinear, tensioned position, it is recommended to completely replace the contact wire.

After repair, the integrity of the contact is checked with a multimeter. If the test is successful, the oven is going in the reverse order of removal.

TENA troubleshooting


If during the diagnosis a malfunction of the heating element was detected, then this part must be replaced with a new one. Typically, an electric stove uses 2 heating elements. One is located at the bottom of the device, the other at the top.

If the heater burned out after a long period of operation, then to ensure the smooth operation of the device, it is necessary to replace both heating elements. Despite the fact that in this case, the repair of the device will cost 2 times more expensive, in the future it will not be necessary to be distracted by replacing the second element, the life of which is also coming to an end.

This type of repair is quite expensive, for example, the cost of one element of the Veko electric stove will be 1250 rubles, respectively, the total cost of restoring the device’s performance will be about 2500 rubles. Replacing the heating elements of the Hansa stove will cost a little more.

Plate Switch Repair

In cases where the cause of the malfunction is the electric toggle switch, this element is also replaced with a working one. A switch is an expensive part. For example, the cost of the toggle switch for the Zanussi stove will be about 1300 rubles, but, unlike the replacement of the heater, it is enough to purchase one part for repair. You can replace the switch yourself, for this you need:

  • Remove the hob.

Removing the hob

  • Detach switch knob.
  • With a wrench or pliers, open the nut that holds the switch on the device.
  • Disconnect wires from switch.
  • Install a new toggle switch and assemble the stove.

Electric oven switch

In order not to mix up wires at this stage, the insulation of which, as a rule, is monotonous, it is recommended to alternate the wires from one part to another.

Thermal relay repair

Thermal relay

The thermal relay must also be replaced in case of failure. In most models, this operation is performed in the following sequence:

  • The oven door is removed.

    Remove the oven door

  • The oven is freed from the shelves.

    Delete shelves

  • In the upper rear part of the camera is a thermostat sensor, which must be carefully removed from its holding mechanism.
  • Remove the oven from the electric stove by first unscrewing the screws holding it.
  • Remove the back and top cover of the device.
  • Disconnect the thermostat knob, which is located on the front control panel of the device.

    Thermostat knob

  • Remove the thermostat mounting screws.
  • Disconnect the wires from the thermostat, having previously marked each of them.
  • Remove the thermostat with capillary probe.
  • Install new part in reverse order.

When carrying out installation work, care should be taken not to damage the fragile sensor, which is a hollow tube.


We figured out why the electric oven does not work and how such a malfunction is eliminated. All of the above work is not at all difficult to perform on your own, subject to the mandatory observance of safety regulations.

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