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Traditional oven cleaning: effective types and advantages-disadvantages

The oven, as an independent appliance, as well as being part of an electric or gas stove, when used in one way or another, requires periodic care, which, first of all, consists in cleaning from grease and other contaminants.

There are various methods of processing ovens, one of which is traditional. But those who have never been interested in this issue are unlikely to immediately understand what it is and how to use traditional oven cleaning. Therefore, before making this or that choice, it is necessary to find out the whole essence of the procedure.

Traditional oven cleaning - what is it?

What is traditional oven cleaning?

In fact, the traditional cleaning of the oven is a manual mechanical type of exposure, namely manual washing using all available means. All its advantages in comparison with more convenient, and at the same time, importantly, in more efficient ways, come down to saving finances not only when buying this household appliance, but also during operation, since only it does not require the use of electric energy.

But in this case, one should not forget about the need to purchase special products, which are also not cheap, which will help to achieve more or less effective cleaning and not to spoil the inside of the oven.

The disadvantages of the traditional method of processing the oven are much greater. They consist, first of all, in the fact that all cleaning must be performed manually. And choosing the composition incorrectly or not calculating the force of impact, you can simply violate the protective coating of the metal, which in the future can lead to corrosion or other negative consequences that will not only affect the use of the oven for its intended purpose, but also its cleaning.

Preparing to wash the oven

To make cleaning the oven as simple as possible, you need to prepare for it properly. In this case, you can use one of the suitable remedies, which include baking soda, citric acid or lemon juice, vinegar.

So, for example, with very dirty glass on the door, you can sprinkle baking soda on it, moisten the resulting layer with water and let it stand for several hours. After this, the grease is already partially removed by wiping with a soft cloth or sponge. But do not forget that soda should not dry out and crystallize, as this can lead to mechanical damage. It is generally not recommended to use soda on metal surfaces and it is better to use liquid products when preparing these surfaces.

In preparation for cleaning, you can use various improvised formulations and agents

Also, before the traditional processing of the oven, you need to remove from it all the trays of the lattice and the spit that are in it. These items must also be cleaned manually using available formulations, and if possible, use a dishwasher. After all the preliminary procedures are completed, you can begin to use special detergents for ovens.

Baking trays must be cleaned separately.

Characteristics of the best oven detergents

What tool to choose for cleaning the oven?

The cheapest, but at the same time unskillful means for cleaning the oven can be called laundry soap.It is best to use it after each use of the device for its intended purpose, since removing dried fat with it will be extremely problematic. Soap is simply dissolved in water to obtain a saturated soap solution, which is used to treat all contaminated surfaces of the oven with subsequent washing off.

Laundry soap

Also among the most effective and therefore the most popular detergents for the oven can be attributed:

  • Frosh is an environmentally friendly detergent with soda as its main component. The product is a blue liquid poured into a container with a spray. When applied and distributed on the surface, it foams a little, while small particles of soda are felt to the touch. Its use consists in applying to the surface and then rubbing it after a short time;


  • Amway, Oven Cleaner - gel cleaner for the oven, with good cleaning properties and applied to the surface with a special brush, included in the kit. After the surface of the oven is completely treated with the composition, for which it is imperative to use protective gloves, it is necessary to leave the oven in this condition for no more than thirty minutes. After this, it is imperative that all residues of the agent be washed off very carefully from the surface, since the main components in this case are sufficiently strong acids;

    Amway - Oven Cleaner

  • Sanita - gel cleaner for cleaning the gel. For application, you can use any improvised devices, but at the same time, all work must be done only with gloves on. The exposure time for fat breakdown is 20 minutes. Due to the softening of fatty contaminants during the exposure process, they gradually descend along the walls. After exposure for the specified time, the surface of the oven must be thoroughly washed.


The oven must be cleaned with gloves on.

How to wash the oven with a steam cleaner?

Another quite effective and at the same time harmless and convenient way to clean the oven from pollution can be called a steam cleaner. This method of cleaning the oven also refers to the traditional, but at the same time, practically no one will have a question what it is.

When using a steam cleaner, the system acts on grease and other types of pollution by steam, which is reproduced and supplied by the device under a certain pressure. Thanks to such cleaning, the surface will become not only clean, but disinfected, that is, all existing bacteria, microbes and other microorganisms will be eliminated.

Using a steam cleaner will help not only to degrease the surface, but also to decontaminate it

The advantage of this cleaning method can be called the absence of the need for the use of any chemical agents and the possibility of application, both for electric and gas ovens. The first point is especially important for people prone to allergies, and the use of household chemicals which is better to avoid. But it is worthwhile to be prepared for the fact that this method of cleaning will not allow you to remove all impurities, and ultimately it will be only a preparatory step before using special detergents to wash the oven.

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