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We fix the problems: the oven is turned off or the oven in the gas stove goes out

Almost every kitchen has a stove with an oven or an oven. By design, the first option is simpler due to the smaller volume of functions. Another important difference is the separate oven connection. Both devices can suddenly shut off. It’s rarely possible to fix the problem yourself; you have to turn to specialists.

For what reasons does the gas oven turn off

All kitchen equipment of this type is divided into dependent (together with a stove) and autonomous, electric and gas.

Advantages of gas-fired equipment:

  • simplicity and low cost of operation;
  • independence from power outages;
  • the ability to connect both to the gas pipeline and to the cylinder.

There are three drawbacks: a limited set of functions, a small assortment and high cost.

Stove with gas oven

If the electric oven of the gas stove fades during operation or immediately after the handle is released, then:

  • smokes gas;
  • gas supply tap stuck;
  • the door is too tight;
  • worn solenoid valve or thermocouple;
  • the thermostat has calibrated;
  • loose connection in the gas control system;
  • the thermostat failed.

It is impossible to independently carry out diagnostics and repairs due to the lack of diagnostic equipment, components and spare parts. You need to call the service center and find out from the operator the cost of the service and the time of the wizard.

Freestanding gas oven

A self-contained gas-fired appliance most often turns off if electric ignition does not produce a spark or, conversely, constantly sparks. There are many reasons for the problem, they can be determined after disconnecting the ignition from the network and removing the electronic unit.

Most often, the ignition system fails if:

  • burned paths (soldered joints);
  • the resistor burned out (turned black);
  • one or both transformer windings burned out;
  • a capacitor (swollen) or a tourist is out of order;
  • candles are broken;
  • contacts are oxidized (due to moisture);
  • the handle is dirty (greasy);
  • nozzles clogged.

The handle is cleaned independently, only the master can eliminate the remaining reasons. This is especially important if the device is under warranty. A specialist service center will carry out diagnostics and replace spare parts for free.

For what reasons the electric oven goes out

Gas stove with electric oven

The gas-fired stove with the electric oven is universal - the burners quickly ignite, the flame is simply adjustable. If the oven does not turn on or turns off during operation, there may be several reasons:

  • the upper heater burned out (swollen, cracks appeared);
  • the bimetallic sensor is out of order (checked by a multimeter);
  • the lower heating element has failed (during operation, the element remains black);
  • malfunctioning or erroneous thermostat;
  • relay in control board burned out;
  • the board burned out (this rarely happens).

Any component can be replaced only by a specialist with diagnostic equipment and spare parts.

Electric stand-alone oven

Autonomous electric ovens are the most versatile. The fan distributes hot air, which makes it possible to bake vegetables and meat, grill and steam, bake pies.

Since there is no eternal technology, an electric oven is also capable of extinguishing. There are many reasons:

  • burned TEN;
  • malfunctioning plug or socket;
  • ignition failed;
  • malfunctioning buttons on the control unit;
  • the thermostat has broken;
  • the relay burned out;
  • mains voltage has decreased;
  • automation was cut off due to network congestion;
  • control unit out of order

If the equipment is under warranty, you can’t do anything on your own. You must contact the store or service center. If the breakdown is insignificant, the master will fix it on the spot, if the cause is not the voltage drops, improper connection, rodents or insects getting into the oven. In case of serious malfunctions, the equipment is most often replaced.

What to do if the oven stops working

The device of an electric oven

If the owner is guilty of a breakdown or the warranty has expired, there are 3 options:

  • repair the fault yourself;
  • find a private master;
  • contact a company engaged in post-warranty repair.

The choice is made after an independent examination. It happens that malfunctions in the repair do not require. The equipment may stop working due to a loose door, accidentally pulling the cord out of the socket, interruptions in power supply.

If the model has an electronic display, the cause of malfunctions may be a jammed button or a long press on it. The error is determined by the codes, they can be eliminated independently after a detailed study of the instructions.

If the heater is faulty, the food is prepared for a long time, the element is pale on one side and non-hot (it is checked after being turned off with a touch of the hand in the pot holder). Damage to the thermostat cannot be determined independently. A malfunction is indicated by an increase in cooking time at the set temperature.

If the timer fails, the electrical module burns out, the contacts are damaged, you can not do without a master. Replacing these parts is inexpensive. Block is another matter. Its cost is quite high, so its replacement is a bit cheaper than buying a new oven.

If the equipment is gas, then you can eliminate only two reasons for poor operation: contamination of the burner and replacement of the door seal. If the burner is guilty, then the fire is not evenly distributed. You need to remove the pan and clean all the holes. If the door is to blame, then the hand put to it feels heat. The sealant is inexpensive, anyone can change it.

If you have problems with gas equipment, you must remember that the gas is explosive, therefore, in case of any serious malfunction, it is better to contact specialists. The rules for the operation of this type of devices do not provide for their independent installation and repair.

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