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Steam oven cleaning: what is it?

Choosing an electric oven equipped with steam cleaning, any housewife makes it easy for her to care for her. However, it cannot be said that oven cleaning by means of steam, excludes human participation in this process. It is worthwhile to understand in more detail the device for cleaning the oven with steam, the principle of operation and what it is.

The steam cleaning function is a great way to save the time and effort of the hostess

How the steam self-cleaning function works

Many housewives worry that the frequent use of steam cleaning in conjunction with detergents will lead to rust inside the cabinet. These experiences are in vain, manufacturers of high-quality models have foreseen this moment and make ovens coated inside with special enamel, which easily tolerates the effects of chemicals, including those that contain acids and alkali.

How exactly the cleaning will take place depends on the model of the oven. Some of them are equipped with a special program that controls the steam supply time. Other cabinets do not use water, but special cleaning agents, which are placed in a special container, after which the heating mechanism is turned on. This method softens the greasy plaque on the walls, and it remains only to collect it with a sponge when the stove cools down. Water can be collected in a baking sheet or in a special container that comes with the kit, or a recess in the bottom of the oven, it all depends on the brand and model of the cabinet.

You cannot call the hydrolysis function completely independent, it only facilitates the work of a person, making the fatty deposits softer, so that it remains only to collect a rag

Despite the fact that steam cleaning is very common, it is far from completely independent functioning. In any case, soot and fat will have to be cleaned independently with a sponge or cloth. After the walls of the oven are brought into proper form, they need to be wiped dry and left the chamber open for ventilation.

Hydrolysis cleaning is good because it involves the use of cleaning and without the use of detergents. Using the same method, it is recommended to clean microwave ovens, you just need to place a plate of water and turn on the microwave oven for several minutes.

Features of hydrolysis cleaning

Self-disposal of burned fat is a rather laborious process. Fans often cook in the oven will have to face this problem. Fat deposits inevitably appear on the walls of the oven, and removing it is not so simple. For normal functioning and longer service life, the stove must be properly looked after, including timely cleaning of the surface.

When choosing a furnace with a built-in hydrolysis function, it is necessary to pay attention to the coating, the walls of a high-quality model are coated with special enamel that does not allow the development of corrosion

The steam cleaning function will help to avoid the unpleasant process of manual cleaning of contaminants. This is a great way to clean the oven without resorting to harsh detergents. But it is worth remembering that hydrolysis does not guarantee complete elimination of oily plaque. Stubborn stains may remain after several procedures. It is important to regularly clean with steam, because it only makes the washing process easier. That is, at high steam temperature, the coating becomes softer, and can only be washed off with soapy water or clean water.

The name of the procedure "hydrolysis" indicates the participation in the process of water.The procedure is carried out according to the following principle:

  • a special container with water is put in the oven, if there are dried grease stains, a little detergent will not hurt;
  • then the door closes and the temperature is set from 100 degrees;
  • Now you need to wait until the water begins to turn into steam;
  • particles of detergent falling on the walls of the oven will allow faster and easier to remove greasy deposits from the coating of the oven.

Also on sale are modern models with an already integrated steam cleaning function. Additional equipment of the furnace allows independent steam cleaning, which requires minimal participation from a person.

First of all, you need to get everything out of the oven, pour it into a special cavity at the bottom of the water cabinet, close the door and activate the function. The oven will beep when the process is complete, after which it is enough to wipe the cabinet walls with a cloth or sponge. The remaining liquid at the bottom can be collected with a sponge. Then leave the cabinet ajar so that the surfaces are ventilated and there is no moisture left inside.

Owners of ovens with the function of steam cleaning should follow some rules of use:

  • Open the oven very carefully, as the water and steam in it are at a high temperature, and in a hurry you can get a burn.
  • You can carry out the procedure several times in a row.
  • Also, with severe impurities, a little detergent can be added to the water.

Advantages and disadvantages of steam cleaning

Despite the fact that hydrolysis can not be attributed to a fully automatic cleaning method, it greatly facilitates the work of the hostess to care for the furnace. Using steam, you can easily remove dirt from the surface. Hydrolysis has its pros and cons compared to other purification methods.

Steam Cleaning Benefits:

  • Hydrolysis does not require expensive cleaning products and does not consume a lot of electricity, since cleaning is carried out at low temperatures.
  • Hydrolysis saves a lot of time and energy of the hostess, she can only collect the softened coating with a rag, instead of wiping the dried spots for hours.
  • Safe process. At this temperature, there is no risk of overheating the door.

The hydrolysis cleaning process is quite safe, thanks to the work at low temperatures.

The disadvantages of hydrolysis:

  • At the end of the process, some impurities may remain that require manual removal.
  • To remove dried stains, you will have to apply several cleaning procedures or wash manually. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out the procedure in a timely manner.
  • The cleaning function can only be activated after the oven has completely cooled down. This means that immediately after cooking, cleaning the oven will not work.

Do not start steam cleaning immediately after cooking; you must allow the oven to cool to room temperature

Thus, the steam cleaning method is more auxiliary than an independent process, since it does not completely eliminate all contaminants and requires manual refinement.

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