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At what temperature is the furnace and how to find out the temperature in the furnace

Each modern furnace model, such as Indesit or Bosch, has special thermometers that indicate the temperature inside the equipment. They are in electric and gas appliances. Thanks to this important function, it became much easier for housewives to cook.

But what if the kitchen is still equipped with an old stove? From a technical point of view, it is in excellent condition, so it makes no sense to buy new equipment because of a single sensor. You just need to adapt to the old equipment, as well as know how to determine the temperature of the old oven by numbers or other popular methods. Moreover, this is useful for a large number of different recipes, in which it is imperative to clearly follow the instructions.

Old oven

At what temperature can I bake in the oven?

Each dish requires special attention, which primarily consists in the correctness of its preparation. You cannot cook croutons at the same temperature and bake meat. In order for food to always be tasty and appetizing, rather than dry and burnt, you need to know what temperature the stove is set during the cooking process.

Oven in the oven

Each equipment has its own minimum and maximum temperature. Usually the upper limit cannot exceed the 360 ​​degree mark. It is indicated in the instructions that came with the product. All furnaces that were produced in the Soviet Union or the neighboring countries had a special graduation with division. Depending on the model, 4, 8 or even 15 segments could be found. Through simple mathematical calculations, the housewives had to make their own calculations, on the basis of which they calculated how much the oven warmed up. To do this, it was necessary to divide 360 ​​degrees by the number of segments. The main problem was that the data were only approximate.

Oven temperature control lever

In those days, women adhered to these rules:

  1. The number 1 on the thermometer indicated a temperature of 150 degrees.
  2. To dry berries and fruits, it is necessary to set the oven at 70 degrees, that is, exactly halfway between levels 0 and 1.

    Mushroom drying

  3. To prepare biscuits, you need to set the toggle switch to mark 3.
  4. Baking is baked at level 4 or 5.

    Bakery products

  5. The meat is also baked with a mark of 4-5 or at the maximum mark, but at the end of the program you need to transfer the thermometer to 2.

It is much easier to handle a gas stove. There you can cook, focusing on the flame, if necessary, you can always adjust it. The temperature in such an oven is usually lower than in an electric stove.

How to find out the temperature in the oven by labels?

Cooking with appliances that are not equipped with a thermometer is not as scary as it might seem at first glance. The main thing here is to understand the choice of temperature at the very beginning, and then only one thing remains - to prepare new culinary masterpieces.


Electric and gas ovens have special knobs with which you can adjust the temperature inside the equipment. In order not to do calculations every time, you can write all the data in a table, which will be easier to guide during cooking. The calculations depend on each specific model, but for example, you can take a stove, the maximum temperature of which is 280 degrees, and the modes are 8 or 9.

DivisionsTemperature in degrees Celsius at 9 segmentsTemperature in degrees Celsius with 8 segments

But there is also a home appliance in which, according to the instructions, the upper limit is at the level of 250 degrees.The segments in it can be 7 or 8, depending on the model of equipment.

Divisions8 segments7 segments

In each oven, only approximate calculations can be made. During cooking, watch how dishes are obtained at a certain temperature, and then make the next time certain adjustments to the selected temperature.

How to determine the temperature in the oven without a thermometer?

There are several good and proven ways to help you do this safely and quickly. These include:

  1. Thermometer. There is nothing easier than buying a new removable thermometer. It is sold in almost all hardware stores. This method is the most accurate and simple to implement.

    New thermometer

  2. Refined A piece of sugar is a budgetary method that almost every housewife has in the kitchen. Of course, this product will never show the exact figure, but the approximate temperature can be easily found with it. To determine, you need to take a blank sheet of white paper and put it on the grate in the oven, on it - refined. It is best to take several pieces at once. Turn on household appliances and gradually begin to switch the regulator toggle switch, increasing the temperature. Sugar will begin to melt at 180 degrees. That is, as soon as the refinery flows, this will be a signal that the oven has warmed up to 180. With this figure, a large number of different confectionery products are baked.


  3. Flour. Take a baking sheet and pour 1 tablespoon of flour on it. Put in the oven and start observing for 30 seconds. When the flour begins to turn yellow, this will be a signal that the equipment is warmed up to 200 degrees. If there was a sharp yellowing with subsequent darkening, then this indicates that there are now about 250 degrees inside. Flour will turn black at 280.

    Flour on a baking sheet

  4. A sheet of white paper. Thanks to this method, you can check how accurate the data on the scale of the oven with the actual temperature inside the equipment. To conduct the check, you need to take a sheet of white paper and put it on the grate. After that, you can start turning the toggle switch, which is responsible for raising the temperature. At this point, it is very important to keep track of how the paper is changing. 10 minutes after the start of the experiment, it should begin to turn yellow. This suggests that the inside temperature is not more than 125 degrees. This is very important, because, for example, when making a pie, it will remain raw inside. When the paper becomes a light brown in color, this indicates that the temperature in the oven has already reached 180 degrees. This is the best value for baking, simple dishes from vegetables and fish. After the sheet of paper turns brown, this already indicates that the oven has warmed up to 225 degrees. Dishes prepared at this temperature will have a juicy appearance and a delicious crust. When the paper turns dark, the temperature has already reached the level of 275 degrees, and the cooked food will most likely just burn, before it has time to bake from the inside.

Paper testing

Each of these methods has its positive and negative sides, but only one thing unites them - the impossibility of obtaining a 100% result.

That is, the data that will be obtained as a result of these studies are only approximate and cannot accurately determine the temperature in the oven. If you need to know for sure, it is better to think about buying a new kitchen appliance that has this option.

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