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Why the refrigerator does not turn on - possible causes and troubleshooting

A working refrigerator in the house is a means of basic necessity. And if the equipment for some reason stops working, a lot of problems arise. One of the most common malfunctions - a household appliance does not want to turn on. In this article, we will consider why this happens.

Why the refrigerator does not turn on - possible causes and troubleshooting

The refrigerator is an indispensable attribute of everyday life.

Note that the trouble is not always associated with damage. The reasons for this phenomenon may not be connected at all with the malfunction of equipment, but with insufficient voltage in the household network. However, this does not reduce the severity of the problem: with insufficient voltage in the outlet, the compressor cannot start, and if voltage surges occur, the internal components of the device may burn out. To prevent this from happening, connect the equipment through a voltage regulator.

Also, it will not be superfluous to inspect the outlet itself and the power cord. Are there any darkened spots and other characteristic damage? If so, be sure to replace it.

If the light is on, but the refrigerator does not turn on

If the compressor does not turn on when the lamp is on, the reason is not in the outlet, but in a more serious breakdown. When your refrigerator Atlant, Indesit, Nord or Beco - no matter what brand and model - stopped turning on, check the installation. In the devices of the latest ready-made release, manufacturers implement modern security functions. In particular, with a loose fit of the door, the “smart” technique refuses to work.

Some models tell what exactly was the reason for the failure of work, highlighting the corresponding error code on the electronic display. A loose fit of the door may be due to improper installation. That is why, when installing the device, experts recommend using a level. Also, the door may not fit snugly for other reasons: for example, the closure of the door is prevented by food or dishes, or due to long-term use, the rubber seal was worn or damaged.

Why the refrigerator does not turn on - possible causes and troubleshooting

The electronic display of the refrigerator issued an error code in the form of a red exclamation mark

If everything is in order with the installation, most likely you are faced with more serious malfunctions.

Compressor problems

The motor compressor in domestic refrigerators is designed to compress and pump freon vapor. In modern cooling technology, piston type compressors are most often installed. In the refrigerator there can be not only 1, but also 2 compressors. In the latter case, one motor is responsible for cooling the refrigerated chest, and the other for the freezer.

The compressor works in cyclic mode: it turns on, it works for a certain time, and then it turns off. But sometimes, for various reasons, this node fails. Naturally, if the compressor of the refrigerator does not turn on at all or turns on, and immediately turns off, the device cannot perform its functions.

Clicking the start relay may indicate a node failure, but the engine itself will not start. In other cases, the motor turns on, and immediately turns off after a few seconds. The causes of these conditions are interturn circuit in the motor winding or short circuit.In the latter case, the body of the unit is heated, but the motor does not work.

Another reason is jamming of the compressor. This can be determined by the following criterion: when the refrigerator is turned on, the compressor is very humming, but it does not start, after which the thermal protection is triggered. In this case, when measuring the resistance of the compressor windings, anomalies are not detected. However, the refrigerator can buzz for other reasons, so you can’t do without diagnostics in any case.

Why the refrigerator does not turn on - possible causes and troubleshooting

Refrigerator compressor

Out of Refrigerant

If there is no refrigerant in the system, the refrigerator will not turn on either. Note that the problem does not arise out of nowhere. At the initial stage of freon bleeding, insufficient cooling is observed in the refrigerator chambers, the problem is further aggravated - the compressor starts working without stopping, and only at the last stage, when the refrigerant is no longer left, the compressor does not start.

Refrigerant leakage most often occurs in lockings, on a crying evaporator, or in a freezer in a heating circuit. In modern models, an alarm or an error code will report a temperature increase in the chambers (the first sign). The problem is solved by refueling with freon and eliminating the leak.

Why the refrigerator does not turn on - possible causes and troubleshooting

Filling the refrigerator with freon

The temperature sensor has broken

Temperature sensors are an integral part of the design of the refrigerator, regardless of its brand and model. His tasks include measuring the temperature in the chamber and transmitting the received data to the control module. But if the temperature sensor is broken, the signal that the temperature in the cameras is critical and needs to be turned on is not transmitted to the module. That, in turn, does not give a command to the compressor.

In the event of a breakdown, the temperature regulator should be replaced by a new one, the original one, and then it will serve for a long time properly.

Why the refrigerator does not turn on - possible causes and troubleshooting

Fridge temperature sensor

Start-up relay failure

This part controls the compressor and at the same time serves as a safety lock. Naturally, if it fails, the compressor cannot turn on. Not always the relay burns out. Possible oxidation of its contacts. In this case, it is enough to clean up the contacts, and then everything will work. If the starter relay burns out, it is replaced with a new part.

Why the refrigerator does not turn on - possible causes and troubleshooting

Start-up relay of the compressor of the refrigerator

Malfunctions in the control unit

The electronic control unit is the “brain” of the entire refrigerator. His task is to collect information from all sensors, process the received data and supply control signals to actuators. If the control unit is faulty, the refrigerator can behave differently: not turn off or on, give different sounds, error notifications, alarms. Moreover, the temperature in the chambers can jump over a wide range.

The causes of the malfunction may be due to a software malfunction or physical damage. In the first case, a "reboot" sometimes helps. You need to turn off the refrigerator for a few minutes from the outlet, and then turn it on, in more difficult situations a flashing is required.

Hardware failures most often occur when water gets on the board or during power surges.

Why the refrigerator does not turn on - possible causes and troubleshooting

Fridge electronic control module

Why does the refrigerator malfunction after defrosting?

Sometimes a problem is observed after a specific action. For example, before this, the refrigerator worked fine, “there was no sign of trouble,” but after you unfreezed it, it stopped working as it should or does not turn on at all. With what it can be connected?

Usually, ice in the freezer thaws for a long time. For ordinary devices, it may take several hours to fully defrost. For refrigerators with a self-defrosting system - a day.

Why the refrigerator does not turn on - possible causes and troubleshooting

Such a refrigerator urgently needs defrosting

When you turn on, you noticed that one of the cameras or two at once does not get cold. In addition, in modern models with a display and error codes, the Alarm lamp or exclamation mark lights up.Sometimes, instead, the appliance starts loud and demanding beeping. What does it mean? With these signals, the equipment notifies the owners that there is an increased temperature inside the chamber.

This is not a sign of damage. Therefore, the call to the service center can be postponed! The refrigerator simply picks up the desired temperature. And if you also immediately loaded it to the eyeballs of food - this will happen even longer. We'll have to wait until the equipment enters the operating mode.

If it has been already a day, but nothing has changed - it’s time to panic. Perhaps the problem is with a refrigerant leak or with the electronic unit. Another possible reason is the intense heat in the street. In this case, in order to maintain the desired temperature, the refrigerator can also work almost without shutdowns.

How to turn off the sound notification in the refrigerator?

The constant squeak of an alarm about an open door causes a lot of trouble and causes discomfort. Therefore, many models of refrigerators provide the ability to independently turn off the alarm. Most often, the alarm button on the display turns off this squeak, just click on it. If you cannot turn off the sound in this way, refer to the instructions. Manufacturers usually indicate in the manual how to turn off the sound.

After defrosting, the device does not want to turn on at all

If after defrosting refrigerator It doesn’t turn on at all, there may be a malfunction in the control board. As mentioned above, the control board may fail after power surges and due to water ingress. But if we talk about the problem that arose after defrosting, and before that, the refrigerator worked fine, and nothing of the kind occurred - most likely, this is not a matter of power surges, but the effect of moisture. A large evaporation of water from the refrigerator chambers after defrosting and switching on settles on the contacts.

If, after you unfreeze the refrigerator, you are negligent without wiping all the shelves inside dry, a short circuit may occur. Do not allow this. After defrosting, always wipe dry all shelves.

It is advisable not to turn on the device immediately, but to wait for a while (so that everything inside is probably dry), and only then turn it on. After that, let the refrigerator run for a while without wasting food. This is necessary in order for the device to gain the desired temperature faster.

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