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Proper installation of a built-in and free-standing refrigerator

Buying a home appliance, such as a refrigerator, is only half the story. The following is the choice of the right place for its installation, the installation of the refrigerator itself and its proper connection.

Many do not like to independently understand all the nuances of the installation and prefer to contact knowledgeable people or specialists with a certain qualification. In fact, the procedure is not so complicated. You need to know only the basic rules.

Installing a refrigeration unit at home

How to install the refrigerator correctly

Before starting the installation, first of all, refer to the manual. All instructions, recommendations and advice on his work can be found there. Correct installation is a grant of its long-term work without failures.

Some manufacturers may have special installation requirements. This is especially true for special equipment. However, there are general requirements that should always be followed:

  • Do not place refrigeration equipment near or under windows. This is due to the formation of condensate on the walls of the working parts, which can lead to a short circuit and a quick failure of refrigeration equipment. In this place the sun will be exposed to it. They adversely affect the operation of important parts and lead to their damage, thereby preventing the equipment from working with effective power. This applies to places with direct sunlight.
  • The rules do not provide for the installation of refrigerants near heating devices. These include stoves, heating radiators or appliances and other devices that can radiate heat. The reason for complying with such requirements is similar to the reason for sun exposure. Means of cooling freezers will heat up or even overheat, which in general will adversely affect the operation of the refrigeration product itself, and can lead to its rapid failure. The distance from the heating devices should be more than half a meter. If it is not possible to maintain such a distance, for example, due to the small dimensions of the kitchen or other room, then the side exposed to the heat waves should be glued with foil material or a partition should be added to reflect them. This will reduce their negative impact.

Insulation of the refrigerator from heating means

  • The installation surface must be flat. This will save the owner from unpleasant noises during his work and ensure his smooth operation. An uneven installation also contributes to the spontaneous opening of its doors and the maintenance of a given temperature regime.
  • The distance to the wall should not be too close. The distance should be at least 10 cm. This will ensure good ventilation and stable operation.

Equipment installation diagram for ventilation of the rear wall with devices

  • Connect it to a power outlet that is necessarily grounded. For networks with differences, it is necessary to stock up in advance with stabilizing means.

DIY integrated refrigerator installation

Compact refrigerators have gained the greatest popularity in recent years. This is primarily due to the saving of space. Their benefit is obvious: there is not much noise or not at all, they can be hidden and not violate the overall design of the room.

This technique has its own characteristics, therefore, during the installation of any built-in refrigerator, the following requirements must be observed:

  • The front legs of the built-in unit must be untwisted. This will provide a slight slope (of the order of 2 degrees) and allow tightly closing the door.
  • If there is a stove or other cooking equipment nearby, the distance between them should be maintained at least 7 cm. They adversely affect the full functioning of the cooling compressor.
  • The installation site must be flat, without inclines. This will eliminate the problems with compressor humming during operation.
  • The niche in which the device is supposed to be installed should ensure good air circulation. The distance between the walls of the refrigerator and the niche should be at least 1 cm. This will prevent its further overheating.
  • The cord should not hang. You can fix it at the rear wall of the refrigerator. This will exclude its further bends and fractures during operation.
  • Preferably, the niche does not have rear walls.

Placing a compact refrigerator inside the headset

How to set the refrigerator properly

If the place is ready, then you can begin to work. The place should ensure its stable position. Therefore, it should be given the correct horizontal position. To do this, use the level for construction.

Any installation of the refrigerator is carried out according to the level. There should not be any tilts to the side, but a tilt back should be mandatory. This allows the doors to slam on their own under their own weight and not to open spontaneously in the future. The back angle should be set in accordance with the instructions. Each manufacturer has their own installation requirements, for example, for Atlant and Bosch refrigerators, the angle should not exceed 15 degrees. This is done by adjusting its front legs. If everything is done correctly, then in the end result it will have a strictly horizontal and vertical position with a slight slope back.

Correct leveling of the refrigerator

Incorrect leveling of the refrigerator is the main reason for the noisy operation of the refrigerator. Therefore, manufacturers and craftsmen strongly recommend using the level during installation of the unit. This ensures correct and reliable operation of the device.

Preparatory work. The main part of the installation

Before starting installation, you should always familiarize yourself with the instructions from the manufacturer and find out about the installation requirements for it. Some models of modern production require special conditions and additional installation requirements. This category may include, for example, smart refrigerators. They need conditions that are not presented to conventional units.

After delivery, the refrigerator should not immediately let go of the seller’s representatives, but unpack and inspect it for damage in their presence. Inspect the refrigerator body: it should not be dented or scratched. The power cord should be carefully examined for scratches, kinks, or other defects from the factory. If there are problems, the refrigerator should be returned initially to avoid further power failures and breakdowns.

If there are no comments, you can proceed with the installation. The refrigerator is set in level to the place where it was originally supposed to be put. The cable should be firmly fixed to the rear wall. Plug in only after 12 hours. Time depends on the transportation method. If it is tilted, then this time increases to 24 hours. After the specified time, it remains only to plug it into a power outlet. The socket must be earthed.

Refrigerator grounding method8

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