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If the refrigerator freezes hard - what to do

Why does freezing sometimes occur in the refrigerator? Of course, this is not the norm, the equipment should work stably. In the case when the refrigerator is extremely cold, the reason can be elementary. Do not rush to contact the service center, it may be possible to figure it out on your own.

Reasons for increased cold formation

Some malfunctions in the refrigerator can be eliminated on their own, but in difficult situations you will have to pay the master for the diagnosis and repair of the equipment. Often the source of the problem is the following faults:

  • freon leak or thrombus in capillary tubes;
  • deterioration of sealing rubber;
  • blockage of the drainage system;
  • breakdown of the thermostat or air sensor;
  • sticking of the valve in a single compressor unit.
Why the refrigerator is very cold and what to do - common causes and ways to fix breakdowns

Snow coat on the back wall

Where to look if the refrigerator has become too cold

Before looking for the cause of the malfunction, look at the temperature regulator: it could accidentally be transferred to low temperature mode. For the refrigerator, the average position of the handle pointer is optimal, which corresponds to +4 ° C ... + 6 ° C. Try to turn the thermostat knob, it suddenly just jammed the spring.

Some modern refrigerators of the Bosch, Atlant, Indesit brands have an additional item in the menu of electronic programs: superfreezing or supercooling. When this function is activated, the temperature drops by several degrees. These modes are designed for quick cooling of added products so that increased heat transfer does not enhance the compressor. Pay attention to the way to turn off the freezing mode: if it is not on the machine, it must be manually stopped.

Why the refrigerator is very cold and what to do - common causes and ways to fix breakdowns

Condensation in the fresh zone

How to fix a refrigerator that freezes a lot

Suppose that the temperature control did not lead to the desired result, and the unit is too cold, then you should continue the external examination.

It is impossible to leave the equipment in a malfunctioning state, since increased load on the compressor can lead to an emergency shutdown.

Seal wear

Due to the drying of the rubber, the appearance of cracks and breaks on it, the refrigerator door does not close tightly, warm air constantly enters the chambers. With this damage, the back wall is covered with snow, there is water in the drainage system, not having time to evaporate. The compressor does not stop trying to maintain the set temperature, and freezes food beyond necessity. Food in the back of the compartment freezes. You can correct the situation, for this you will have to change the old seal.

Why the refrigerator is very cold and what to do - common causes and ways to fix breakdowns

Seal replacement

No Frost system crash

An imbalance occurs during the thawing of one of the chambers of the No Frost refrigerator: the freezer seeks to raise the temperature to remove ice, and lower the adjacent compartment. Normally, they should work in concert. This can happen when the capillary system becomes clogged, when a blood clot forms in a thin tube, and the motor is unable to pump freon. And what to do with refrigerant leakage through damaged structural elements? With this type of breakdown, cleaning and refueling will be required.

Drainage blockage

In the refrigerator there is icy air, in the freshness zone there is a puddle of water with a crust of ice, condensation flows down the back wall. Obviously, moisture is not removed outside the refrigerator compartment, and a clogged drain pipe may be the cause.Clearing and flushing the hole for the drain of water will save the situation. Using a thin flexible wire, carefully push the cork of the garbage, and then with a warm water through a syringe or syringe, pour the outlet channel several times under pressure.

Cleaning operations should be performed only after disconnecting the refrigerator from the mains.

Broken thermostat or air sensor

Electromechanical refrigerators are equipped with a manual thermostat, which is usually located under the freezer. When it fails, outwardly it is imperceptible, only a household appliance freezes or completely stops cooling. The thermostat needs to ring a tester, and the problem can be solved on the spot. Otherwise, you can not do without calling a specialist.

In models with an electronic climate control unit, a sensor is involved. It’s better not to penetrate the digital “brain” of a modern refrigerator on your own, but to entrust the matter to a professional.

Why the refrigerator is very cold and what to do - common causes and ways to fix breakdowns

Thermostat check

Valve malfunction

A refrigerator with one compressor sometimes cools the food in the main compartment too much, and the temperature in the freezer is higher than the set value. This is due to the fault of the electromagnetic switch at the junction of the circuits, which should alternate cooling modes, but for some reason sticks. A new workpiece is required.

The listed causes of malfunction are inherent in products of different manufacturers: Atlant and Indesit, Bosch and Samsung. An unexplained change in temperature in the refrigerator should alert you. It is always easier to fix something not very significant than to pay for an expensive repair or buy a new unit.

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