home-For kitchen-Refrigerator-Why is no frost forming in the no frost freezer or does water flow out of it

Why is no frost forming in the no frost freezer or does water flow out of it

If a refrigerator freezer with a drip defrost system is covered with ice, this is normal. Most likely, the manufacturer’s recommendations are simply not followed and the equipment does not defrost.

The frequency of defrosting depends on the degree of fullness of the drawers, the age of the equipment, the temperature in the room and how often the user opens / closes the door. But on average, you need to defrost at least once a quarter (or if there is a lot of ice in the chamber). Accumulated ice not only reduces useful space, but is also unsafe for the device itself. With the drip system, everything is clear, but why is the freezer freezing, does snow form, or does water flow in the Nou Frost refrigerator? Let's get it right.

Snow in the freezer with the Nou Frost system

What you need to check and do first

If the walls in the refrigerator of Samsung, Indesit or other models with the No Frost system are frozen, you must first check whether the door is closed tightly. Perhaps the camera is simply overloaded, as a result of which the door does not fit snugly. It is forbidden to overload cameras with products. This reduces the cooling efficiency and leads to increased load of the device.

At the next stage, the device settings are checked whether the super-freeze mode is on. In some models it is activated automatically, it just needs to be turned off. How to do this is described in detail in the instructions.

The correctness of the refrigerator settings is the key to success

Do not use too low a temperature for a chamber designed for low-temperature freezing. Even if it’s summer outside and the temperature outside the window reaches 30 degrees. Recommended freezer temperature - minus 18 degrees. A healthy device will support it, regardless of temperature and environmental conditions. Why is that? If the maximum freeze is set, for example, minus 24 degrees, and the user regularly opens the freezer, the heat goes inside when the door is opened. As a result of sudden changes, hoarfrost hides and flows down in the form of drops, where it freezes.

Another reason is possible. As a rule, for safety reasons, modern models do not turn on at low voltage or, perhaps, a power outage occurred, and the owner of the refrigerator did not notice this. After a downtime, the refrigerator turned on and continued to work, and the resulting puddle safely froze and turned into ice. If the network constantly sags during peak hours, it is recommended to purchase a voltage stabilizer and connect the equipment through it.

If the voltage in the household network periodically drops - you need to use a voltage stabilizer

If all of the above situations did not help to identify the cause, a malfunction in the internal nodes probably occurred. It is necessary to turn off the refrigerator, carefully examine where exactly the ice has formed (this will help in further diagnosis), defrost the device. After that, you can begin to search for the causes and eliminate them.

Why the freezer in the refrigerator Nou Frost freezes: possible malfunctions

Let's consider possible malfunctions, as a result of which freezing of ice in the refrigerator occurs.

A drain hole clogged in the freezer

This problem is characterized by accumulation of snow and ice from below. During normal operation of the Nou Frost system, chambers are cleaned of ice at least once a day. This happens as follows: in order to turn ice into water, a heater is connected. The resulting water flows down the drainage system. But if the drainage hole clogged, the water has nowhere to go. She remains under the boxes, freezing with thick blocks of ice.

To fix the problem, you need to clean the drainage. This can be done using warm water and a medical pear or a hand pump. However, unlike the refrigerator compartment, to access the drainage hole of the freezer, you will need to unscrew the back panel.

Malfunction in defrosting system

Different components can break down: fuses, heaters, timer, etc. Moreover, if something fails, the defrost cycle does not start, the refrigerator ceases to be “Know Frost”. You will need to conduct a complete diagnosis of this system, identify the malfunction and eliminate it. This work is best entrusted to specialists.

Temperature sensor malfunction

With this malfunction, the walls grow ice evenly. If we are talking about two-compressor systems, only the freezer will freeze, if we are talking about single-compressor systems, the products in the refrigerator will also be frozen.

Where is the sensor in the freezer?

The purpose of the temperature sensor is to measure the temperature in the chambers. If this item fails, the refrigerator receives incorrect data. Thus, thinking that the cells are not cold enough, the compressor works without stopping.

Worn rubber seal

Due to long-term operation or as a result of damage, the rubber band, which is located around the perimeter of the door, becomes unusable. As a result, tightness is lost and heat enters the chambers.

The seal must not be damaged.

Characteristic signs of the problem: "growths" are uneven and are deployed closer to the door. The temperature in the cells is exceeded. On models with an electronic display, the corresponding error code may be displayed. A worn seal must be replaced.

Loose fit of the door

Symptoms of malfunction are similar to those that occur with a worn seal. The reason for the phenomenon is the same: violation of the tightness of the chambers.

As you know, the door is hinged. If the loops sagged or loose, the tightness of the chambers is broken. It is necessary to adjust the position of the door.

Refrigerant leak

Finding a leak and filling with freon is a complex process that is best left to specialists.

At freon leak cold performance drops. The compressor, trying to make up for the flaw, initially works non-stop. The motor will not turn on at all after the gas has completely escaped. If refrigerant leaks, ice is usually located in the area of ​​the evaporator of the freezer.

Why does water leak from the freezer in my No Frost

In double-chamber refrigerators, the evaporator is in the freezer. Condensation settles on its tubes, and water, after thawing, leaves through the drainage.

If there is a puddle under the refrigerator, and water drips and seeps through the walls of the freezer into the door seal, or the ice block freezes, this indicates problems in the defrosting circuit. Perhaps the cause of this phenomenon was the freezing of the drainage tube.

In which case is it necessary to call an expert

Of course, it is best that professionals repair such an expensive and complex equipment like a refrigerator. But if you want, some work can be done with your own hands. For example, clean the drain hole, change the temperature sensor or replace the rubber seal.

Despite the fact that the work requires partial disassembly, they are simple, do not require the use of professional tools and equipment. However, do not forget that not all breakdowns are obvious.Perhaps the cause of the malfunction is in a completely different node. But such work as replacing freon should only be done by masters.

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