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What can you do yourself from the kettle?

Old dishes that honestly served their age can be used for various crafts. It is also possible to make various decorative and practical products from an old kettle.

We will tell you what you can do with your own hands from a teapot, which is already unsuitable for use for its intended purpose.

What can you do yourself from the kettle?

From an ordinary metal kettle, you can easily make various crafts that can be placed on the street or balcony.

Flower pot

The simplest version of the product is a hanging flower pot. In order to prevent moisture from stagnating in the container, which will come when watering the flowers, several holes are made in the bottom. For this purpose, you can use a drill with a drill for metal or a large steel nail.

If the teapot is very old, and the metal is covered with rust, then before planting flowers in it, it is recommended to thoroughly clean its surface and paint it with any metal paint.

When the drainage hole is made and the container is painted, nutritious soil is laid in a flower pot from an old kettle and any low-growing flower varieties are planted. Then a homemade pot is tied to the handle in the right place.


The kettle after the end of its service life can serve as a decorative element.

To convert an old metal product into a designer thing, you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • Kettle with a lid.
  • Medical bandage.
  • PVA glue.
  • Silver spray paint.
  • Plastic bottle.
  • Candle and matches.
  • Scissors.
  • Beads.
  • Thermal gun.
  • Tweezers.

When everything you need is cooked, the dishes are decorated in the following sequence:

  • The dishes must be thoroughly washed with a detergent and dried well.
  • The bandage should be cut into small pieces and pasted over the entire outer metal surface of the dishes.
  • From a plastic bottle, it is necessary to cut various decorative details, which will be glued to the surface of the dishes. To decorate the teapot, a win-win option would be to make plastic flowers and small oval-shaped leaves.
  • To give the flowers and leaves a natural curvature, it is recommended to hold them above the flame of the candle.

Heat treatment of decorative elements

  • Using a thermal gun, plastic decorative elements are glued to the surface of the “bandaged” teapot. In the same way, beads are fastened.
  • Paint with spray paint.

After the paint has dried, the dishes can be set in the kitchen in a prominent place as a decorative item.

Decorated teapot

Old kettle fountain

Life for old kettles can be extended by using dishes as a fountain for a summer residence. The principle of operation of such an engineering structure is very simple: the kettle is installed on a metal pipe through which water is supplied by a low-power pump.

The dishes are installed on the pipe

Water flows from the spout into a container installed below. With the proper decoration of such a fountain, it is possible to achieve a high aesthetic effect at minimal cost.

To make a homemade fountain, you will need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • Metal kettle with a lid.
  • Steel pipe.
  • Wooden barrel.
  • Pump for fountains.

The manufacture of the fountain is carried out in the following sequence:

  • A hole is made in the bottom with a drill and a core drill for metal.
  • A 1.6-meter metal pipe must be bent on one side at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • The bent pipe is installed with the flat side down in the concrete base in which the pipe extending from the pump is located.

    Fountain base

  • A support is mounted on the same base, on which the bowl will be mounted directly under the teapot.
  • The whole structure is placed in a wooden tub.


  • The barrel should be installed in the front garden or surrounded by a homemade fountain in flowerpots with bright colors.
  • Then you need to pour water into the barrel and start the fountain.

Such an affordable option to use the old product allows you to significantly transform the area adjacent to the house, while the financial costs of building structures are minimal.

Electric kettle steam generator

Often, you may encounter the problem of recycling electric kettles. Such products often fail when contacts burn out. To fix such a malfunction is very simple: just solder the power cord to the heating device.

Unfortunately, it is very inconvenient to use the product for such a purpose after such a repair, therefore, most often a household appliance is used as steam generation for a bath.

Given the high degree of humidity, it is not recommended to place the electrical appliance inside. To deliver steam to the room, it is enough to make a hole in the lid with a drill and a feather drill. After that, install a fitting for the large diameter of the silicone hose into the cover.

Silicone hose for steam generator

Then it is necessary to securely fix the kettle to any stationary object located outside the bath, in order to exclude the possibility of its displacement during boiling water. Directly into the bath, steam must be supplied through a wall-mounted pipe that connects to the silicone hose outdoors.

For convenience, when the steam generator is turned on, when necessary, it is possible to install a low-voltage switch in the room, to which electric current is supplied through a step-down transformer, and from the switch to put the current on the electronic relay, the closure of which includes an electric kettle.

When using this type of steam generator for a bath, the kettle tank should be filled no more than 2/3. You should also take care of the tightness of the cover. For this purpose, silicone automobile sealant is excellent, which should be glued to the housing around the entire perimeter.

Silicone sealant

The tank for generating steam for the bath is refilled through the spout, which must be closed, a suitable plug should be made independently from any heat-resistant material.

In the same way, you can make a steam generator from an old electric appliance for cleaning carpets, furniture or tile with the difference that the outlet pipe must be connected to a “gun”, which can be equipped with a faucet to control the strength of the steam jet.


What you can do yourself from an old teapot is described in detail in this article, but you should not limit yourself to the options presented above. Everyone can come up with interesting ideas for the use of already unused utensils and household appliances.

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