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How to clean the thermal sweat at home?

The use of boiling tap water or from other sources in which it has not passed the stage of cleaning and softening will inevitably lead to the appearance of a known plaque on all elements in contact with the liquid. Such a formation will negatively affect not only the taste of water, but also the technical characteristics of the heating device. That is why the owners of multifunctional devices combining the function of a kettle and a thermos, under such conditions, the question very quickly arises of how to clean the thermal sweat from scale.

What is scale and how is it formed?

Limescale is called the deposition of chemical elements on the heating elements and the inner surface of the device in which water is boiled. Its formation mainly comes from crystals of magnesium carbonate, calcium and their bicarbonates. At the beginning of this process, bicarbonates under the influence of elevated temperature turn into carbonates, which have less solubility and subsequently are compressed on the heating element and the inner walls of the container.

The higher the degree of water hardness, the more scale will form. That is why, using water that has not previously been “softened,” when boiling, there will always be an increased formation of calcareous sediment. Its harmfulness when it enters the human body is not precisely defined, therefore it is impossible to say that drinking such water is dangerous.

But the fact that too hard water negatively affects all electrical appliances whose work is closely related to the use of water is an irrefutable conclusion. In addition, the hardness of water affects its taste both boiled and raw is not for the better.

In addition, the existing hard coating on the heating element causes:

  • decrease in water heating rate;
  • increase in electricity costs;
  • increasing the noise level of the device during its operation.

That is why it is simply necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the technique used to boil water. Thus, it is possible not only to prevent a decrease in the taste characteristics of the liquid, but also to significantly reduce costs and extend the operational period of the device. And since the thermal sweat is one of the household appliances for boiling water, it is also necessary to monitor its cleanliness.

Limescale affects the taste of water and reduces the technical characteristics of the device

How can I remove scale from a thermal sweat?

You can remove scale in a thermal sweat by the same principle and using the same means as for removing limescale in an electric kettle. To do this, you can use a special anti-scale product, which is sold in stores, but you must remember that after such a procedure you need to rinse the device very thoroughly, since residual chemicals with water can penetrate the human body and have a completely negative effect on it . Therefore, if you have vinegar, citric acid and soda at hand, it is better to use them.


If, nevertheless, one of the goods for this purpose is selected as the substance for cleaning the thermal sweat from scale, then during the procedure it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for use, otherwise the device can be brought to complete failure. If such a situation arises, the best option would be to contact the technical center, where the cause of the breakdown will be identified and, if possible, eliminated.

Traditional methods of cleaning the thermal sweat

Descaling the thermal sweat can be done using ordinary citric acid. To do this, for every liter of the volume of the inner flask, it is necessary to dissolve 1-2 tablespoons of dry powder. The exact amount of citric acid is selected based on the degree of contamination. It is better to prepare the cleaning solution not in the flask itself, but in a different container, in order to avoid scratches during the mechanical action of citric acid crystals on the metal or ceramic surface of the flask. After this composition has been poured into the flask, it is necessary to let the water in the thermopot boil, and then disconnect it from the network for a while, so that the water with citric acid just stays inside the device. Then, if necessary, the solution can be boiled again, poured from the flask and wiped the inner surface with a soft cloth or dishwashing sponge so that the remaining softened dirt is completely removed.

Citric acid is a cheap but effective descaler

If citric acid from the scum has not completely coped, then baking soda can be used. To do this, you must follow the same steps. Soda solution is prepared based on the calculation of 1 tablespoon per liter of water. After it is boiled and poured out of a thermal sweat, it is possible to pour in a composition of citric acid with subsequent boiling.

Using baking soda will also help deal with scale.

Instead of citric acid to get rid of scale in Thermal sweat can be used tableware 9 percent vinegar. To do this, you need to take it at the rate of 50 ml for each liter of water. Having boiled the mixture, it is necessary to let it stand inside the device for at least 2 hours, and then pour and wipe the flask with a cloth or sponge. The disadvantage of this method is the obvious smell of vinegar, even after the inner surface of the flask is washed under running water. In order to remove the smell of vinegar from the heatpot after cleaning it, it is necessary to boil it several times with ordinary water without closing the lid. After that, using special detergents, rinse the device with a soft cloth or sponge.

9 percent vinegar is a safe, yet highly smelling descaler

The use of such modern carbonated drinks as Sprite or Kola is also suitable for descaling the thermal sweat. Due to the fact that the first option is colorless and does not contain any dyes, it is best to use it. The disadvantage of this method is the significant cost of such cleaning, since it may be necessary to pour 2 or 3 bottles of soda into the thermal sweat.

Modern carbonated drinks will help cope with the scum

Recommendations for preventing scale formation

In order that after buying a new household appliance, there is no quick question about how to clean the thermal sweat from scale, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules from the beginning of its use.

First of all, you need to understand that it is better to use filtered water for boiling in the device. To get it at home, you can use any type of filter, including a jug or one that is mounted under the sink with access to a separate faucet. As soon as scale begins to appear on the walls and the heating element, it is necessary to replace the filter cartridges. If this is not possible, then you can buy bottled water for boiling, which is already completely purified and suitable for drinking even in raw form.

Water filter jug ​​filter

Flow filter

Bottled purified water

If the heating device is very often used in conditions where there is no filtered or bottled water, then it is necessary to clean it from scale using any available means as often as possible. If this is not done, then the device will inevitably fail, since the scale layer will grow with each subsequent use.And at the same time, one must not forget that there is nothing useful in using water with particles of limescale.

If you have an iron in scale and you don’t know how to get rid of it - read our article.

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