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Review: geyser coffee machine or Turk - which is better?

In search of an answer to the question, what is still better - a Turk or geyser coffee maker, you must understand the principle of preparation of the drink in each of these devices. In addition, you need to consider which parameters are the main ones when choosing - the speed of preparation and ease of use or the taste and aroma of the resulting drink.

What is better turk or geyser coffee maker?

Turks for coffee

A turk for making coffee is called a small container of a specific shape, expanded from the bottom and tapering up. A good Turkish pen always has a considerable length and is made of a material with low thermal conductivity to hold it without the use of tacks or other elements. Most often, wood is used as the material for making such a pen.


The specific shape of the coffee brewing tank has its own rationale. So, the lower wide part of the vessel is necessary for filling the required volume of water, the middle narrow part is the neck, it is the place where coffee plugs form during the process of boiling the liquid, the expanded foam collector serves to prevent the resulting foam from “escaping” during cooking.

A cork made of coffee, which is created during brewing in the narrowest part of the Turk, simultaneously with the walls of the container, prevents the loss of aroma, and is also an obstacle for lifting small particles of coffee from the bottom - when they hit, they again fall down. Thanks to this design, coffee powder settles in the Turk much faster than when brewing a drink in any other container.

The procedure for making coffee in Turk is as follows:

  • warming up an empty container;
  • ground coffee filling;
  • warming the container with ground coffee;
  • filling sugar or other spices;
  • warming the tank along with all the contents;
  • pouring cold water;
  • heating the contents of the Turk, preventing it from boiling completely.

To make the coffee really tasty and saturated, you need to warm up the drink, without bringing it to a boil, several times. After this, wait until the coffee suspension settles. To speed up this process, you can add a small amount of cold water inside. After that, you can pour coffee into cups pre-doused with boiling water so that they are not cold.

There are many types of Turks, which differ from each other in the material of manufacture of the main tank. The most common of them can be called:

  • copper;
  • steel;
  • aluminum;
  • clay.

In the application of each of the types of Turks has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages that are associated precisely with the properties of materials.

Copper turks

We can confidently call copper Turks the standard of these products, since this material is evenly heated and allows you to brew the entire portion of coffee at the same time. Moreover, such Turks can be made of both thick and thin copper, solid, or consist of two separate parts, fastened together. To make sure of all the advantages of this product, you need to choose it only with thick walls and a molded structure.

The bottom of the copper turk must be strengthened, and the inner surface is covered with a layer of stainless steel, food tin or silver. Otherwise, the drink will be saturated with substances harmful to the human body, which are secreted by copper when heated.

The advantages of copper Turks include increased capacity strength and the ability to use on all types of stoves, as well as when making coffee on hot sand.

Before placing a copper turk on an induction-type stove, it is necessary to put a special support circle made of steel on the burner to allow heating.

The disadvantage of this option is the presence of a protective layer on the inner surface of the container, which, if improperly maintained, can be scratched, which will lead to the interaction of the internal contents and copper.

Copper Turk

Steel and aluminum Turks

Aluminum is an absolutely safe material even when it is heated. The thermal conductivity of this material is half that of copper, but even such an indicator is enough to prepare a tasty and aromatic drink. An aluminum Turk is unpretentious in maintenance, its cost is more than acceptable, but at the same time its appearance is most often not very attractive, and during operation it can oxidize quickly, which is its only drawback.

Steel Turks have increased strength and wear resistance, which is their indisputable advantage. The appearance of these products can be very interesting and even modern. The disadvantage of steel Turks is their uneven heating. The thermal conductivity of the base material is 10 times less than that of copper. The taste of coffee and its saturation for this reason are noticeably lost.

Steel Turk

Aluminum Turk

Clay Turks

Due to the fact that the baked clay has a porous structure that allows oxygen to pass through well, the taste of coffee made in Turk made from it is special. The saturation of the aroma and color increases with the duration of its intended use. The walls and bottom absorb the smell and taste of coffee and each time give it more to drink. But this is the disadvantage of this option. It will not work to prepare coffee of different varieties, as this will lead to a mixture of aromas and the intricacy of the taste of a particular drink. If nevertheless such a need arose, then before subsequent use it is necessary to thoroughly wash the container and boil it several times with plain water.

Warming up the entire surface of the clay turk is rather slow, but it slowly cools down as well. Therefore, after the coffee is brewed, you can hold it in it for a while for even more saturation. The disadvantage of this option is its fragility, so it requires careful handling.

Clay Turk

Geyser coffee maker

A geyser coffee maker is a device for making coffee, consisting of two containers, the lower of which serves to fill the water, and the top - to collect the finished drink. At the bottom of the upper tank there is a tube with a through hole, and on the outside along the entire circumference there is a sealing gasket. Separation of containers between themselves is carried out by means of a filter in the form of a funnel, into which ground coffee is poured. The principle of operation of such a device is the passage of steam generated from heated water through ground coffee and a hole in the tube, and its condensation in the upper tank. Before starting work, it is necessary to pour ground coffee into the filter, pour water into the lower container, heat it by installing it on a stove or connecting an electric device to the network.

Geyser coffee maker

Geyser coffee maker

The advantages of using a geyser type device include the absence of coffee grounds in the drink and the need for careful monitoring during the preparation process. The drink “will not run away” from such a coffee maker, and after all the water has evaporated, which will indicate the end of cooking, a slight murmur will sound.The disadvantages are the need for continuous thorough cleaning of the device, namely its filter, from coffee grounds, as well as its periodic complete replacement along with the gasket.

There are several types of geyser coffee makers that differ from each other not only by the presence of electronics in their device, but also by the material of manufacture.

So, the most popular geyser coffee makers made of steel or aluminum. Since both of these materials are comparable in their characteristics in terms of heating and temperature preservation, but aluminum can oxidize after a short use, the steel version is more acceptable. The handle of such a coffee maker should also be made of a material with low thermal conductivity, and in this case the bakelite option is the most suitable.

Electric Geyser Coffee Maker

When using a geyser coffee maker, it is necessary to fill the water tank completely.

To make the coffee delicious, the amount of ground powder must be filled in accordance with one of the selected cooking recipes, based on the amount of water. The temperature of the water being poured in this case does not matter, since for brewing a drink it still needs to be brought to a boil. The coffee itself in a geyser coffee maker does not boil.

Coffee selection

In order to make coffee prepared both in a geyser type coffee machine and in a Turk, it is necessary to follow the rules for choosing coffee. It is best for the grains to be freshly roasted and ground immediately before brewing. As for the geyser coffee machine, you can choose any variety for it, but the grinding of the beans should be medium or mixed, consisting of half of large and medium particles. If you take too fine a powder, then due to its low weight, it will rise together with the steam into the upper tank, and one of the advantages of using this device will be ineffective.

Fresh roasting and grinding immediately before cooking is the key to delicious coffee

For the preparation of the drink in Turkish, that is, using the Turks, it is best to choose Arabian varieties of Arabica coffee, which contains more oils. The grinding in this case should be as small as possible, which will provide a more saturated taste. Fans of sweet coffee should pour sugar into the Turku, and not into the prepared drink, when it is already in the cups.

Thus, choosing between a turkish or a geyser type coffee machine, it is safe to say that using the second option is more convenient. In the process of preparation, you do not need to stand near the stove and make sure that the coffee "does not run away", but care for the coffee maker is more thorough.

As for the taste and aromatic characteristics of the drink, with the experimental use of Turkish coffee, it turns out to be much tastier and more saturated than that prepared in a coffee maker. In particular, this can be said about the use of clay Turks.

In the event that there is no time to prepare the next portion of coffee in a Turk, a geyser compact coffee maker is an ideal option. At the same time, if an electric model with automatic shutdown is selected, then you don’t have to worry about something going wrong during the preparation of the drink. In addition, using such a coffee maker, you can brew tea or herbal tea, which makes this device not only convenient to use, but also multifunctional.

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