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How a capsule coffee machine works - features and principle of the device

A huge assortment of coffee makers on store shelves gives coffee lovers the opportunity to choose the most appropriate way to prepare an invigorating drink. But at the same time that such devices quickly and tasty make coffee, they need appropriate care, which consists in timely cleaning, replacing filters and much more. If such a “concern” is a limiting factor for the purchase of a special device, then using a capsule-type coffee machine is the solution to this issue. Such devices will not only brew a delicious and invigorating drink, but will not require special conditions for normal operation.

Capsule Type Coffee Maker

What is a capsule type coffee machine?

Capsule-type coffee makers or coffee machines are modern appliances designed to make coffee using special capsules. The capsule is a small sealed container in which ground roasted coffee is tightly packed. In addition, the packaging of each capsule involves filling it with an inert gas, in some cases even under a certain pressure, so that the contents are not oxidized during storage. Thus, coffee retains all its taste and aromatic properties for 9 to 16 months, which depends on the material of the container and the method of packaging.

Coffee capsule

Currently, there are three main types of capsules that differ from each other in the material of manufacture, namely: polymer, aluminum and combined. Combined capsules in addition to aluminum and polymers include pressed paper. In order to prevent capsule coffee makers from using and replacing filters, they are built into the capsule in the form of dietary polymer fiber or fluff pulp.

The amount of powder in the capsule, which can be from 6 to 9 grams, and its grinding are carefully selected to achieve the optimal taste of a particular type of coffee drink.

In addition to coffee, the capsule may contain dry cream, milk or other additives that are required to achieve the drink with certain taste and aromatic properties.

You can also purchase capsules for these coffee machines, in which cocoa powder or tea is used instead of coffee. In this case, the output will be the drink of the same name, which greatly increases the functionality of this device.

To answer the question of what a capsule coffee machine is and how it works, you need to understand how it works.

So, the main structural elements of such a device are a water tank, a heating element, a pump that provides high pressure, and a compartment for the capsule.

After the water tank is filled with liquid and the capsule is inserted into the appropriate compartment, the device is turned on using a special button. The heating element begins to increase the temperature of the water to about 90 degrees, after which it begins to pass under pressure through the holes in the capsule made by the device from above and below. Next, the resulting coffee will be poured into a mug or any other container.

Advantages and disadvantages of capsule coffee machines

The main advantages of any capsule-type coffee maker are:

  • ease of use, which consists in pouring water into the tank and inserting the capsule into the appropriate compartment. No further action is required;
  • simplicity in leaving. The only thing a person should do when using a device of this type is to occasionally wipe it from dust and throw away used capsules. But it’s worth remembering that it is best to use well-purified or boiled water in this device;
  • rich taste of the drink, which is achieved by preparing coffee under pressure. It is also worth noting that ground coffee in capsules can consist of several varieties, which leads to a truly individual and unique taste, which is impossible to achieve on your own;
  • small sizes. So, compared with coffee machines that allow you to make coffee according to various recipes, capsule coffee maker is much smaller in size;
  • efficiency in work, thanks to which one minute after inserting the capsule into the device, you can enjoy a delicious and invigorating drink;
  • cost, which is several times less than the cost of even the most inexpensive coffee machine.

Capsule coffee machine will quickly and deliciously prepare an invigorating drink

The disadvantages of this device are much smaller, but they are very significant.

The cost of coffee prepared using a capsule machine is approximately 50 rubles, while preparing a drink in a Turk or an ordinary coffee machine is about 10 rubles. In addition, no other coffee is suitable for use in the device except for special capsules, which for each manufacturer are designed only for certain models of devices.

Key Features of Capsule Coffee Makers

The main parameters when choosing a capsule coffee machine for the home can be called:

  • power. The quantitative value of this characteristic determines the speed of preparation of the drink, namely, the speed of heating water to a given temperature. For domestic use, the optimal power value can be called a value of at least 1200 W;
  • tank volume for water. If the capsule coffee machine is selected for use by one or two people, then a half-liter tank will be quite enough. If the coffee machine is used by a large number of people, the volume of the tank should be at least a liter. It is strictly forbidden to turn on the coffee maker without water in the tank;
  • pressure. This parameter must be at least 15 bar, otherwise the pressure to supply water through the capsule will simply not be enough;
  • dimensions. The more a coffee machine is designed for more servings, the larger its dimensions. Therefore, if the size of the device is the main parameter when choosing, it is better to pay attention to those models that will allow you to prepare no more than 1 cup of coffee at a time;
  • noise level. In most cases, capsule-type coffee makers make a lot of noise during work, but due to the fact that they make coffee very quickly, this drawback is almost imperceptible, especially if one person uses the coffee maker;
  • additional functions. The presence of additional functions will greatly simplify the use of the coffee maker, but at the same time affect its cost. The most common additional functions include the possibility of adjusting the height of the pan, the presence of an indicator of the fill level of the water tank and a backlit display that displays the parameters of the mode.

Adjusting the height of the pallet allows you to use different dishes

Also, when choosing a capsule coffee maker, you must consider the possibility of using purified or boiled water. Otherwise, the scale will accumulate in the device, which will negatively affect its performance. Therefore, if it is impossible to use the right water, it is best to give preference to those models in which there is a built-in filter for cleaning or an appropriate self-cleaning program.

The main manufacturers and the best models of capsule coffee makers and capsules for them

The selection of capsule coffee makers is not as wide as other coffee machines.Most often, the manufacturers themselves are engaged in the manufacture of coffee capsules, which are suitable only for the coffee makers they produce, but there are exceptions to this rule.

The main number of manufacturers of capsule coffee makers include Bosch, Delonghi, Dolce Gusto, Zepter, Krups, Lavazza, and the best models among their assortment are:

  • Bosch TAS 3202 Suny - capsule coffee maker with a stylish design and an acceptable cost of approximately equal to 4000 rubles. In this case, Tassimo capsules are suitable for preparing drinks, which can be filled not only with coffee, but also with cocoa, black tea or hot chocolate. The power of the device is 1300 W, the volume of the water tank is 0.8 l, the pressure is 3.3 bar. The latter indicator is very small, which is one of the most significant drawbacks of these models. The advantages of Bosch capsule coffee makers include the fact that the setting of the beverage preparation mode is automatic, due to the device reading the bar code that is available on each capsule. In addition, you can change the strength of the drink and its quantity through the use of manual adjustment. After each use of the device, it is automatically cleaned with steam, and a special service T-disk is included in the kit for descaling. It is possible to adjust the pallet in height, which makes it possible to use any dishes;



Bosch TAS 3202 Suny

Tassimo capsules for Bosch coffee machines

  • Krups Melody III KP220510 is a capsule coffee machine worth about 7,000 rubles, designed for use with Nescafe Dolce Gusto capsules. The power of the device is 1500 W, the volume of the water tank is 1.3 l, the pressure is 15 bar. Of the advantages, one can note the adjustment of the height of the pallet and automatic disconnection from the network 20 minutes after the last use;

Krups Melody III KP220510

Nescafe Dolce Gusto Capsules for Krups Coffee Machine

  • Delonghi EN 110 GY is a fully automatic capsule coffee machine that is easy to use and works only with Nespresso capsules. The power of the device is 1260 W, the volume of the water tank is 1.0 l, the pressure is 19 bar. The device has a special compartment for used capsules, the time for complete heating of the water does not exceed 25 seconds, and 9 minutes after the last use it goes into standby mode, which does not require electricity consumption.

Delonghi EN 110 GY

Nespresso Capsules for Delonghi Coffee Machines

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