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Descaling the machine with citric acid and decalcification

The coffee machine is a convenient device that allows you to prepare a fragrant and invigorating drink. However, it is worth remembering that devices of this type are quickly contaminated, over time scale forms in them, which can lead to soon wear of important parts.

To prevent this, the necessary care measures must be taken. Decalcification of a coffee machine will help to quickly remove large layers of scale, and will also bring the device into full order. The main thing is to study what this procedure is.

Scale deposits

What is decalcification of a coffee machine

Decalcification is the process of cleaning devices from scale and other foreign contaminants. During this process, deposits are softened by special means, which leads to a rapid discharge of scale.

Mechanical methods for removing the crust cannot be used, because they can cause serious harm to the device, damage important parts of the device, which will ultimately render the coffee machine unusable.

For this reason, the process of decalcification is carried out using special means that enter into a chemical reaction with calcium salts. Their effect leads to softening of the crust, then it crumbles and crumbles. Many manufacturers of detergents produce solutions, powders that can be used to clean the scale of different types of coffee makers.

What is decalcification for?

Scale deposits have a detrimental effect on a person’s state of health, and they quickly disable many coffee-making equipment. Limescale in a coffee machine can cause many unpleasant problems, we highlight the most common:

  • large layers of deposits provoke the development of malfunctions in the working process of the device;
  • it causes serious damage to the state of the heating element;
  • scale deposits form around the heating element in the form of a sleeve, which ultimately leads to a decrease in heat transfer;
  • with large accumulations, overheating of the heating element can occur, and it can quickly burn out due to excess heat;
  • insufficient heating of water for coffee. This leads to the fact that the drink is cloudy, weak, sour;
  • scale leads to blockage of the channel for the passage of water in the system;
  • it provokes a blockage of the tap through which the coffee drink enters the cup.

Scaling on important elements of the coffee maker

If you do not start timely descaling, then its deposits can quickly spread to important elements of the device. There are cases when, due to calcareous formations, not only heating elements suffered, but also the entire coffeemaker body. After a certain period, lime destroys the connecting and fastening elements.

When cleaning is required

This procedure is required regularly, because it can protect the device device from many problems.

Experts advise to perform decalcification every month, but provided that hard water is used to prepare the drink. If the water is soft, then it can be done less frequently. Typically, descaling the coffee machine and its components is done after 200 servings of the prepared beverage.

Decalcification required for cleaning heating elements

The main reasons for decalcifying coffee machines include:

  • change in the taste of the coffee drink, the appearance of bitterness, white precipitate;
  • lengthening the process of making coffee;
  • pouring a drink is carried out in a thin stream;
  • the appearance of noise during the working process of the device.

Types of specialized means for decalcification

How to clean scale in a coffee maker? To do this, use special tools that can be purchased in many stores. They are specifically designed for decalcifying coffee machines. Usually they are available in the form of liquids and tablets.

Liquid products

Liquid products are effective descalers. They are available in finished form, they can be used to remove deposits inside the containers of devices. Typically, a solution contains the following components:

  • baking soda;
  • benzotriazole;
  • some types of acids - sulfamic and maleic.

It is worth considering the choice of chemical liquid for descaling depends on the specific brand of the coffee maker. For example, if the decalcification process of a coffee machine by Philips Saeco, Krups, Scarlett is carried out, then the product must be exactly the same company.

Fluid for Philips Saeco

Manufacturers of many liquid descaler for coffee makers prescribe the correct use, as well as the entire process of removing deposits. They are designed for 1-2 uses.

Mortar for DeLonghi

On sale you can find multi-brand liquids with universal application. Popular brands include Top House or Filtero. They contain the same active substances. For this reason, they can be safely used to decalcify the coffee maker at home.

In pill form

Tablets, which are designed to clean devices from scale deposits, have the same composition as liquid. They contain the same chemical acids and additives. Usually on the packaging of tablets there is an inscription "for decalcification", it means that this tool is suitable for descaling inside the hydraulic system of coffee makers.

Decalcification Tablets

Unlike liquid cleaners, tablets have a high concentration of active substances, so they almost completely remove the thick crust from lime deposits from the first time. For complete cleansing, 1-2 tablets are enough.

How is manual cleansing performed?

How to descale a coffee maker manually? Everything is quite simple, the main thing is to study all the actions that need to be performed during this process. If everything is done correctly, then all the important elements (capsules, horn, container) will be completely cleaned of lime scab.

Purification begins by pouring water into a water tank

Consider the step-by-step descaling process from the coffee machine:

  • First you need to pick up a descaler for the coffee machine. Previously it is worth studying its properties, composition, features of use. The instructions indicate the rules of use, which must be followed;
  • remove the water filter;
  • pour 1-1.5 liters of clean water into the water tank;
  • then a special cleaner is added, while its required dosage is necessarily observed;
  • the device must be turned on, 100-150 ml of liquid is necessarily drained;
  • the device should work in cooking mode for 5 minutes. The machine turns off, up to half a liter of water with a purifier is drained from it;
  • then the device turns on again. All the same actions are repeated until all the liquid has been drained;
  • pure water is poured into the apparatus. The whole same dream procedure is repeated once;
  • thoroughly rinse the water tank. At this stage, it is important to completely remove all scale;
  • the water filter is washed with detergent, rinsed and replaced;
  • then you can begin to prepare a delicious and aromatic coffee drink.

Features of automatic cleansing

Many models of coffee machines have the additional function “Auto-cleaning”.Its presence greatly facilitates the process of decalcification of the device, but it is important to know the features of its implementation. Typically, an instruction is additionally attached to the device, in which the entire process of cleaning from scale deposits is completely described.

Below are recommendations to help you properly descale automatically:

  • clean water must be poured into the capacity of the water purifier;
  • tablets are laid out in the purifier compartment or cleaning fluid is poured;
  • auto-cleaning mode is activated, and the device is left for a while;
  • after about 10 minutes, the scale will completely depart. The device turns off, everything merges with it;
  • Further it is required to remove the remnants of the cleaning fluid or tablets. To do this, boil clean water 2-3 times;
  • after brewing coffee three times, but it should not be drunk.

Washing the coffee maker

Cleaning in automatic mode is not performed too often, once a month is enough. During this process, you also need to rinse the case, the cappuccino machine, the drip tray, and the waste container.

How to clean the coffee machine from limescale with citric acid

You can have a coffee machine at home clean limescale deposits with citric acid. The whole process is short-lived, only half an hour, and consists of three stages. The first stage consists in the complete cleansing of the calcareous crust, and in the next two rinses are performed.

Features of the process of cleaning the coffee machine from scale with citric acid:

  • first you need to turn on the coffee machine;
  • the water tank is removed and thoroughly washed;
  • pour water into the container and add citric acid (3-4 tablespoons);
  • you need to wait until the acid is completely dissolved in water;
  • then the capacity is installed in place in the device of the coffee maker;
  • if the device has "auto-cleaning", then configure it and leave to clean yourself;
  • if there is no automatic cleaning, then this process will have to be done manually;
  • it takes 15 minutes to let the acid begin to act;
  • then the coffee brewing mode is activated. This process is performed until all the liquid in the tank has run out;
  • then turn off the device, remove the container and rinse with water.

After this, two rinsing steps are required:

  • water is poured into the tank and installed in place in the coffee machine;
  • then the coffee brewing cycle is started and left for 3-5 minutes;
  • the container is washed again and installed in the coffee maker;
  • pour water, start the device and carry out this process until all the liquid is over.

Using the same principle, the coffee machine is cleaned of lime deposits with vinegar. It corrodes the scale and causes its discharge. Acid and vinegar are budget cleaners that are sure to be found at home.

Vinegar Cleansing

Descaling the coffee machine is considered a complex process that must be performed correctly. Decalcification can be carried out using special means - liquids, tablets, improvised cleaners. It is enough to carry out this procedure once a month. It will allow to keep the device in good condition and extend its service life.

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