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Choosing a good turk for coffee brewing

It is no secret that the most delicious is coffee made in a Turk, and not in a coffee machine. True, the risk of spoiling the drink increases. Certain skills are required to create a fragrant drink.

To brew coffee on sale, there are a lot of cezves of different quality, made from all kinds of materials.

Before going to the store for a Turk, it will be superfluous to stock up with useful information, what exactly should you pay attention to when buying dishes for making coffee.

We will figure out which Turks for coffee are the best and why.

The best manufacturers of coffee turks - which company to choose

Before talking about manufacturers, let's distinguish between their fields of activity.

There are industrial enterprises producing dishes for the preparation of an invigorating drink. The most attractive are handmade products.

Single instances of cezv are distinguished by an exclusive ornament on the outer part of the product.

Attractive appearance, grace of forms and unique ornament - this is a handmade Turk

The cost of such products is significantly different from mass-produced products, they cost much more.

Gourmets prefer to brew a drink in handmade cezves. Most often, coffee Turks are bought from representatives of eastern companies.

Those who, due to certain circumstances, cannot afford to buy a handmade Turk, can purchase a quality product from the most popular companies, which include:

  • Vitesse;
  • Becker;
  • TimA;
  • Regent.

It is clear that this is not a complete list of manufacturers. The above enterprises in the production process use various materials of the highest quality. This allows a potential buyer to make their choice.

Selection of the Turks: Materials

The choice of material from which the Turk is made directly affects the final result - the quality of the drink. Therefore, this parameter should be approached very carefully.

The most common material for making cezves at all times was copper. It has a high thermal conductivity and in this indicator is second only to silver. In a turk made of copper, heat is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the vessel, and coffee is heated evenly, which allows you to control the brewing process from start to finish.

In this matter, it is only important to bring the drink to a boil, no more. Boiling kills coffee: so, anyway, say the French.

Forged tin-plated copper turks inside. It is in them that the aroma of the drink is fully revealed

Cezves made of copper have a drawback - when heated, the metal releases harmful substances that can get into the drink. It is important when buying to pay attention to the inner coating. It is desirable that the inside be coated with food material. As such may be:

  1. Cupronickel.
  2. Food tin.

In exclusive handmade Turks can use silver. The cost of conventional, as it seems at first glance, copper cezves is very high.

The aluminum version of the Turks

It is considered the most common aluminum turk as an alternative to expensive copper.

Such dishes do not have an external effect, but many begin their workdays with coffee made in such cezve.

A similar option could be a Turk, in the preparation of which brass was used.

Clay jazz - is that possible?

Clay Turk

There are on sale Turks from this material.Clay is porous and absorbs all odors like a sponge.

Therefore, you will always feel the aroma of the first prepared cup of coffee.

Awkward treatment of the Turk, and she crashed. So this option can be more likely attributed to decorative art, rather than to the practical daily attribute for making a drink.

Ceramic Turks can be used at home. They absorb less odors, but are also considered fragile products. Thermal conductivity is not at the highest level.

Ceramic Turk - the best choice for beginner coffee lovers

Therefore, for making coffee in such Turks, sand rather than gas would be a better option. If it is not possible to buy high-quality copper products, this option is most optimal.

If you decide to buy a Turk from stainless steel, know that this is the most undesirable option. Metal with low thermal permeability, therefore, the process of preparing an invigorating drink may be delayed.

So which Turk is best for brewing coffee? Summing up, we can confidently talk about the hegemony of the Turks, made of copper, coated inside with food tin or cupronickel.

There are glass, brass, cast iron products and the option of electric cooking. But they all do not reach the standards of copper products.

When choosing a product, it is important not only the material of the vessel, but also the handle. About it below.

Handle for cezve: what can be special here

A correctly installed handle reduces the risk of burns. It should be at an angle up. The most acceptable option for making a pen is wood.

So that it does not burn, its end, as a defense, can cover copper. Usually the upper end of the handle has a ring on which the cezve is hung. To make coffee in the sand, the handle of the cezve can be pointed straight up. This position of the handle is a necessary protection against burns.

Handles can also be made of metal or plastic. In the form of bakelite, they are used more often in glass and steel vessels than in copper products.

An important element is the mount.

Today, two types of grip are used:

  • bolts are the most reliable fastening checked by time;
  • solder - loses structures where there is a bolted connection. To avoid oxidation of the product, it is necessary to handle the fastening with a special composition.

Therefore, experts recommend giving preference to the bolted connection, as more reliable and proven.

And about the most important thing - about the vessel

Its shape should be conical with a narrow neck, in which foam is just formed. The bottom of the product should be two times larger in volume than the neck. The desired wall thickness is about one millimeter.

Coffee in a turk with a wide bottom heats up evenly, and its small particles will boil down faster when boiling.

Many manufacturers label their products, indicating at the bottom how many servings the cezve is designed for.

A classic is considered the option of 100 milliliters. Minimum servings are 1-2 cups. Maximum - for 8-10 servings.

About the cost of the Turks

In retail, products with a stainless steel or wood handle can cost from 1,000 to 2,000 rubles.

A copper product with a wooden handle - from 500 to 1000 rubles.

A metal cezva will cost a potential buyer 2,000-3,000 rubles.

Brass version - 1500-2000 rubles.

A good stainless steel or aluminum version costs 200-300 rubles.

Plastic electric cezves will cost about 1,500 rubles and above.

An electric version of metal costs an average of 3,000 rubles.

Electric ceramics - around 5000 rubles.

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