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Safety - what will happen if you do not turn off the electric stove

Many houses are now equipped with electric stoves, the dishes on them turn out to be much healthier and tastier than on gas models. This is because during cooking no soot is formed as a result of gas burning. However, it must be remembered that the operation of the electric stove is different from the gas one: the device is under the influence of high voltage, therefore it is a source of increased danger. During operation, you must follow the safety precautions, which we will talk about in our review.

An electric stove will please you for a long time if you follow certain rules during use

Rules for the operation of electric stoves

If before the appearance of the electric stove there was experience in operating only gas equipment, it will be difficult for the mistress at first. Here the temperature is regulated a little differently, it is difficult to stop the boiling, at first everything constantly burns up, and it is completely unclear how to manage this process.

The basic rule of using an electric oven is to bake and stew foods only in two temperature modes: in the first half of the time they set the highest, in the second - the lowest, or the dish reaches the residual heat with off oven.

During operation of the electric stove, the following rules must be observed.

  1. Switch on the electric burner in advance to heat it and turn it off a few minutes before the end of cooking.
  2. In order to fry or extinguish foods without adding fat, it is necessary to cook according to the descending one: first heat the burner to the maximum, then gradually lower the temperature to the minimum mark on the switch handle.
  3. For cooking vegetables, you need to pour water 10% less than indicated in the recipe, since the liquid on the electric stove practically does not boil if the lid is closed hermetically.
  4. To boil milk, you need to turn off the burner in advance, otherwise it will quickly run away.

Before the first baking in the oven, an experiment should be carried out: lay a sheet of white paper on a baking sheet and place it in the middle of the oven, after turning it on to maximum mode. It is necessary to fix the time after which the paper becomes brown. Similar actions should be carried out on a small heat. These data will be needed when you need to heat the cabinet before baking or preparing other dishes.

The containers in the oven are located in the center of the pan in the middle of the chamber. For cooking, it is better to use the lower shelf. In a cold cabinet put dishes that require long-term stewing.

Using white parchment, you can check the heating time of the oven of the electric stove

Safety precautions

Observing the rules of operation and safety during the use of electric stoves, it is possible to significantly extend their life and to avoid electric shock. Despite the fact that manufacturers are constantly adding new security options, common errors remain the same:

  • thoroughly clean all surfaces from factory oil before first use. Then calcine the oven and burners at an average temperature of about 40 minutes. Do not turn on the heating elements at maximum power without utensils;
  • Do not put pots with a wet bottom on the burners;
  • Do not use metal objects for cleaning, you can scratch the corrosion-resistant coating;
  • cookware with a flat bottom is suitable for an electric stove, in addition, the diameter should be equal to or slightly larger than the diameter of the burner;
  • Do not throw objects to the surface, this will lead to deformation of the panel and chip enamel;
  • Do not bend the cord in the place where it connects to the plug, and also when unplugging from the outlet, pull for it, contact breakage may occur.

Regular cleaning will extend the life of the electric range.

What happens if you leave the electric stove turned on

All manufacturers in the instructions for electric stoves indicate the mandatory shutdown of electric hobs after cooking. To do this, at the end of the work, you need to put the switch handles in the "0" mode, and the temperature sensors - in the "off" mode.

Also, you can not carry out cleaning of surfaces when the modes are on. This is fraught with a short circuit. To clean the panels, disconnect the equipment from the mains, wait for the burners to cool completely, and only after that start washing. Be sure to dry all surfaces.

Modern models are supplemented with useful functionality:

  • new electric stoves are equipped with an automatic shutdown function, if after a certain time after switching on no manipulations are performed on them;
  • in many models an additional thermostat is built in, which gives a signal to turn off the heating element in case of overheating;
  • the function of detecting dishes will not allow the inclusion of an electric burner without installing a pan on it.

If you leave the pan on the stove while cooking, after a boil-off of water there is a high probability of a fire. Modern models turn off the heating elements after 5 hours from the start of cooking, however, you need to be near during this process to eliminate emergency situations if necessary.

If you leave the old stove turned on for some time without dishes, then, if you do not take into account the danger of a fire, the cost of electricity will be impressive.

In no case should you use an electric stove to heat the room.

You can set an electronic timer to automatically turn off the electric stove


Compliance with safety regulations and operating rules for household electric stoves will help to use them for a long time without breakdowns, the main reason of which is the human factor. Repair of equipment or the entire apartment after a fire will cost quite expensive, life and health of others will cost even more.

A good electric stove is the joy of any housewife

Comments (1)
  1. Marina:

    I got an electricity meter in my country house. I made a recalculation for 7 months for every day of 24 hours of continuous operation of all the rewritten electric appliances / electric stove 2 kW, water heater, electric heater, refrigerator, etc. / and this is at Energosbyt !!! And this is the norm ?? I don’t live in the country in the winter, so I didn’t immediately notice that the meter was on.