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Gas or electric stove - which stove is better

Choosing a stove is an important task, because the convenience and efficiency of cooking will depend on the quality and functionality of the device. A wide selection of models and functions can perplex every person. However, before proceeding to the choice of design and additional functions, it should be decided which stoves are better and more economical - electric or gas. Despite the fact that the purpose of these types of plates is the same, the design, functions and features of the application are very different. Therefore, before buying, you should find out which device is more profitable, more convenient and more functional.

Choosing a cooking device is a difficult and demanding task.

Selection principles

The choice should be based not only on personal preferences, visual qualities and cost, but also take into account other important criteria. These include:

  • safety of use;
  • price;
  • speed and ease of cooking;
  • external qualities and design;
  • features of the oven;
  • functionality.

A wide range of models can baffle everyone

The external qualities of any modern models are at a high level. Manufacturers strive to make products in a modern style, to present a wide range of shades and styles, which will allow everyone to choose the best option. Therefore, in the first place, you should pay attention to the functionality of the models and the convenience of their application.

Features of gas models

Such plates are more popular, understandable in use and common. In addition, they have a number of significant advantages:

Contemporary hob

  1. Low cost. With the same functions, manufacturers and external qualities, gas stoves are on average 15-20% cheaper.
  2. Ease of use. Using such devices is somewhat more convenient even for those people who have rich experience in cooking with such devices. They allow you to easily adjust the temperature of cooking.

    Gas cooking is incredibly easy

  3. High speed cooking. Cooking on gas takes less time. This is due to the fact that the temperature of the heating element cannot be higher than the temperature of an open flame.

Despite the obvious advantages of using, these models have a number of important disadvantages:

  1. Low security. Open fire in itself is dangerous. Therefore, if there are small children in the house who will use the stove on their own, it is better to give preference to the electric model. In addition, a gas leak can lead to disastrous consequences and even tragedy.
  2. The difficulty of using the oven. Gas ovens do not maintain the set temperature well, so it is difficult to cook pastries and other dishes in them. In this case, the purchase of a combined gas stove with an electric stove can solve the problem.
  3. Sootiness. When using gas on the furniture, walls and ceiling, a specific greasy coating forms, which is difficult to remove. This is due to the presence of additives in the gas. Even the use of a powerful hood with special filters can not completely protect against the formation of plaque.

When buying gas models, their disadvantages must be taken into account. This will allow you to make the right choice in favor of a model that will fully suit and is characterized by ease of use.

Features of electric stoves

If earlier such stoves were installed only in high-rise buildings for safety reasons, now their popularity has increased, and many people give them preference even if they can install a gas model. This is due to a number of significant advantages of their use:

Electric cookers are distinguished by a stylish and modern design.

  1. Safety. The main and very important plus is the installation of such devices. The only condition for the complete safety of using such models is their proper connection. After that, you don’t have to worry about the safety of using such plates. In addition, the lack of open fire reduces the likelihood of burns from inaccurate use.
  2. Functionality. They are more functional, so the cooking process becomes easier and more interesting.

    High functionality of the models will make the cooking process as simple as possible.

  3. Convenient oven. Modern ovens are an independent and functional appliance that allows almost completely automating the cooking process. At the same time, such an oven easily copes with the function of maintaining a certain temperature.

    High quality and comfortable oven

  4. Less pollution. There is no plaque on the surfaces, which is formed during the combustion of gas. Therefore, when using electrical appliances, such a powerful hood is not required, and the filters in it can be changed less often.

Despite the advantages, electric models differ in a number of significant disadvantages:

  1. High price. With the same parameters, manufacturers and classes, the cost of such models is higher.
  2. The inconvenience of using a hob. The temperature control of electric stoves with cast-iron burners is less flexible than gas models. At the same time, for electric models that work on the basis of induction, this problem is absent. Unlike stainless steel or cast iron hob, glass-ceramic models allow for more flexible temperature control. But at the same time, adjusting the gas burner is intuitively simple, and you need to get used to the electric burners.
  3. Dependence on electricity. Gas outages are a rare occurrence, but power outages are more common, especially in rural areas.

The disadvantages of electric stoves must be taken into account when choosing them. In some cases, you can choose models whose disadvantages are insignificant, for example, with a glass-ceramic surface and at an affordable cost.

Combined Models

Given the advantages and disadvantages of the two types, it is easier to decide which stoves are better - gas or electric. Regardless of the choice, you have to put up with the disadvantages of devices. In this case, the combined options will help to solve the problem of choice. This is a unique opportunity to purchase a model that will combine only the advantages of gas and electric stoves.

Most often, these types of combined plates are produced:

  • gas hob combined with electric oven;
  • three gas and one electric burner with an electric oven;
  • two gas and electric hobs and an electric oven.

Combined model

Less often, stoves are produced in which the oven is connected to the gas main, and the burners work from the electric network.

Gas or electric - which stove is better

There is no single answer to the question which plate is better. However, you can be based on indicators of which model is more economical, more functional or cheaper. Therefore, it is possible to evaluate electric and gas appliances according to various characteristics:

  1. The dependence of the device on external factors. When choosing a cooking appliance, consider where it will be installed.If you need a device for installation in a summer cottage, which is located far from the city, and where there are often problems with electricity, it is better to give preference to gas appliances. Strong wind and snow can cause wire breakage, which can take several days to repair. Even if there is no gas in the village, you can buy an adapter and connect the stove to the cylinder.
  2. Cost. In general, electrical devices with the same characteristics will cost more, but you can find quite good models at an affordable cost.
  3. Features of the connection. For electric stoves, there must be special wiring, and for gas devices - a gas main. In some cases, it’s easier to buy a stove of a certain type than to connect communications.
  4. Safety. By this parameter, electric stoves are favorites. A gas leak can cause an explosion and human casualties. A properly connected electric stove threatens the safety of residents no more than any appliance in the house.
  5. Convenience. Cooking on an open fire is much simpler than using an electric heater. First of all, this concerns the ease of adjusting the temperature of cooking.
  6. Oven. According to this parameter, electric ovens win. They provide uniform heating and easy temperature control. Therefore, when buying a gas hob, it is recommended to give preference to electric oven.

    Types of Oven

  7. Purity. When gas is burned, a greasy coating forms on the surfaces that resembles wax. Removing it is very difficult even with aggressive detergents. When installing an electric stove, monitoring the cleanliness of the kitchen is much easier.

Buying a quality stove will simplify cooking

Thus, it is very difficult to give an unambiguous answer to the question of which plate is better. You can buy a high-quality and convenient device only on the basis of personal preferences, so that cooking brings only pleasure.

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