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Which company’s best gas stove - features and sizes

Despite the fact that now many models of electric stoves are being actively produced and equipped with modern new buildings, gas stoves still do not lose their relevance and are considered the highest quality, reliable and economical.

On sale are models with different functionalities. The pricing policy also varies, stoves with fewer functions can be purchased at a fairly reasonable price, while professional ones are correspondingly much more expensive.

At choosing a gas stove for your kitchen do not rush and take the first one. It’s better to pre-explore the possibilities of several, evaluate them visually and look for feedback on them on the forums. This article discusses in detail the question of which company is better to choose a gas stove - features of functionality and size.

How to choose a gas stove for the kitchen: an overview of the dimensions and functions in different models

Standard gas stove

How to choose a gas stove for the kitchen?

In order for the cooking process to bring maximum pleasure and convenience, and even the most sophisticated gourmets in the kitchen should like the dishes, the most reliable and functional appliances should be tasted. In gasified houses, it is advisable to put a gas stove. It is easy to use, economical and lasts for many years without significant damage. To choose the right choice when buying new equipment, you need to study the following criteria:

  1. Dimensions.
  2. The material used to make the surface.
  3. The size and number of burners.
  4. Available oven options.
  5. Additional functionality.
  6. Study reviews of several cookers by brand and model.

How does a standard gas stove work?

Modern gas stoves include several systems that are responsible for the proper operation of a particular part or device:

  1. Gas - includes burners, burners, piping and shut-off valves.
  2. Electric - provides light and electric ignition.
  3. The supporting structure is the plate body, in the manufacture of which a stainless steel sheet coated with enamel is used.
How to choose a gas stove for the kitchen: an overview of the dimensions and functions in different models

Detailed description of all parts and parts of the plate

Standard parts are built into each gas stove. Despite the fact that their design may vary significantly, the main components are always the same.

Optimum dimensions

All people try to select equipment of such dimensions that it fits the size of the room and their needs. As for the height of gas stoves, there is a certain standard - 85 cm. However, some manufacturers are producing models in which you can adjust the legs, which makes it possible to make the equipment higher or lower than the standard size if you wish. The depth of the gas stoves is 50 or 60 cm, and the width is from 30 to 90 cm. But if you want, you can find extended models up to 1 meter. The most commonly used dimensions include the following:

  1. 50x50 - miniature models that fit perfectly into small-sized kitchens.
  2. 50x60 - sixty centimeter depth is considered standard for stoves and placed flush with a table or cabinet.
  3. 60x60 - a stove of standard dimensions, on which you can cook several dishes at once on different burners.

Size is the very first item with which the buyer must decide in advance and use it when searching for suitable functionality. Do not forget about the fact that the larger the gas stove, the greater its weight.

What materials are used for gas stove panels?

When choosing a suitable gas stove, you need to pay attention to the material that was used to make the cabinet and hob. Each type has its own characteristics in operation and maintenance. The most common materials include:

  1. Enamel is not expensive material and is known to many. For the manufacture of plates, not only white color is used, on sale there are plates with beige, black or brown enamel. This material is heat-resistant, however, it does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature, microcracks may appear, which in the future will become chipped. Care should be very careful, since you do not need to put a lot of effort into the appearance of scratches and bumps.
  2. Stainless steel is a practical coating option. It is very plastic, does not corrode, is unpretentious in leaving and has high heat resisting property. Some plates from high price categories are made of steel with a matte effect. Despite the fact that such plates look beautiful, it is much more difficult to care for them, and any smallest pollution or imprint immediately becomes very noticeable. To clean it, you need to use cleaning products that do not contain aggressive components.
  3. Glass-ceramic and glass - quite often you can find these coating materials in modern kitchens. The glass-ceramic monolith is located above the burner, which prevents fire and damage to nearby objects located near the heating zone. In addition to the fact that glass-ceramic plates look beautiful, they have a number of important advantages: high-strength, durable and do not deteriorate from high temperature. It is not difficult to care for such a coating; it is forbidden to use powder with an abrasive and a hard brush for cleaning.

Number and size of burners

How many burners should be on the stove, everyone should decide for himself, taking into account their wishes and needs. For those who rarely cook, a few are suitable, and for lovers to cook borsch and grill meat at the same time, it is better to purchase plates with a large number of rings.

How to choose a gas stove for the kitchen: an overview of the dimensions and functions in different models

Three-ring cooker

How to choose a gas stove for the kitchen: an overview of the dimensions and functions in different models

5-ring cooker

Four burners are located on a standard gas stove, but in many modern models, manufacturers increased their number to six, which differ in size and level of combustion.

The size of the burners should correspond to the size of the pots and pans (a large skillet on a small burner will fry the dish for a long time). Most often, of the four burners in gas stoves, one is small, two are medium and one with the highest power. And in some modern models, in addition to the main ones, there is another separate one with great burning and a multi-level design, on which you can cook food very quickly. With the help of multi-circuit burners, you can cook more complex dishes: smoking, long stewing, steaming, etc.

Type of oven

In a modern gas stove, a familiar gas oven or oven that works on electricity can be built in. In a gas oven, there are usually several heating modes and a convenient and efficient forced circulation of air flows, but they do not have a fan function.

While electric are made with a minimum set of functions and maximum with the presence of a fan, which contributes to the uniform distribution of hot air through the oven. They heat up from several sides: from above, from below, on the sides and on the back wall. With the help of such a kitchen appliance, you can cook many dishes by changing the heating mode and temperature.

Innovative technologies

To be competitive among other brands, many gas stove manufacturers integrate additional features into their appliances. Some are needed to ensure the safe operation of the stove, while others make their operation easier and more enjoyable.

What is the gas control function in gas stoves?

Gas control is one of the additional protective functions that increases safety during the operation of a kitchen appliance. That is, if the flame goes out for some reason, the gas supply will shut off. Gas control is a unique system that prevents gas leakage, the spread of hazardous substances and the ignition of the device. Therefore, in many models of the low and medium price range, this useful option is located in the home.

Built-in sensors help the system work. A separate burner with valve is installed for each burner. When it begins to heat from the fire, a valve opens in the valve, supplying gas. When the fire accidentally extinguishes, after a while the valve cools and closes. This mechanism is also used in ovens.

What is the convection function in the gas stove?

By convection is meant forced circulation of air in an oven or oven (air flows carry heat). That is, the principle of its work is to change the warm and cold air, the first rises to the top, and the second, on the contrary, drops. Ultimately, they mix and provide the same temperature throughout the oven. Air masses move with the built-in fan. When the oven is closed, a strong whirlwind of hot air is created from the blower, thanks to which the dish evenly warms up on each side. So the bottom does not burn, and a beautiful fried crust forms on top. Most often, manufacturers have a fan on the rear wall of the stove, you need to turn it on separately.

Functions to facilitate the operation of gas stoves

In addition to options that help protect owners of gas stoves, there are also those that facilitate and improve the cooking process. These include the following:

  1. Electric ignition - helps to light a burner without the use of matches or lighters. Ignition of gas occurs automatically. Usually, you need to turn the knob or press a special button.
  2. Timer - serves as a warning about the passage of a certain time period. Sometimes, after a specified period, he is able to turn off or turn on the stove.
  3. Grill - used for more thorough heat treatment. Thanks to the heat created by him, all levels of the oven are completely warmed up. It is located on its upper part.
  4. Backlight - used to observe while baking a dish.
  5. Thermal insulation - protects the oven door from overheating during its operation. To make the door, thick heat-resistant glass is used, which prevents the risk of burns.

Overview of famous gas stoves

To determine with the best gas stove you need to study a review of several with characteristics and a detailed description from different manufacturers.

GEFEST 6100-03 0001

How to choose a gas stove for the kitchen: an overview of the dimensions and functions in different models

GEFEST 6100-03 0001

This gas stove is made in an original design and a rare brown color that fits perfectly into any kitchen interior. Its size is 60хх60х85 cm, and the volume of the oven is 52 liters. To switch modes, a rotary mechanism is used. The front panel has a display with which to set a timer. The hob and oven are equipped with electric ignition and gas control. Its coating is enamel. There is a grill in the oven (a spit is included). Its main advantages include the following:

  1. Grill.
  2. Unique design.
  3. Cast iron grate.
  4. Metal box for storing dishes.

De Luxe 506040.03g

The De Luxe cooker 506040.03g is a multifunctional device that can cook any dish at different temperature conditions. The volume of the oven is 54 liters, and the gas-control protective option is also integrated in it.The door is hinged, and the glass is double, which makes it possible to monitor the cooking process.

How to choose a gas stove for the kitchen: an overview of the dimensions and functions in different models

De Luxe 506040.03g

Its dimensions are 50x60x85 cm, and the enamel hob includes 4 rings, one of which is the most powerful. It is controlled easily by mechanical rotation and has a separately set timer. Of the main advantages, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Change the type of gas.
  2. The presence of a glass lid for burners, durable cast iron grills.
  3. Electric ignition option.

DARINA D KM141 308 W

The manufacturer DARINA produces high-quality electronic appliances for the kitchen, which among buyers is considered one of the highest quality and most reliable. In the design of this model (60x60x85 cm) there is a hob made of stainless steel. The presence of 4 burners with cast iron grates allows you to cook dishes in dishes of different sizes.

How to choose a gas stove for the kitchen: an overview of the dimensions and functions in different models

DARINA D KM141 308 W

The volume of the oven is 50 liters, and its operating modes are 4. In addition, the stove has a number of positive aspects:

  1. There is a built-in electric grill, a spit is included.
  2. At the expiration of the period set by the timer, it is possible to automatically turn off the oven.
Comments (1)
  1. Garriet:

    Hotpoint, you can safely buy them at all. I always liked their gas stoves and hobs.