home-For kitchen-Kitchen stove-Induction hob or glass ceramic - which is better for the home

Induction hob or glass ceramic - which is better for the home

More recently, a cooker has helped to cook a variety of dishes for every housewife. They were installed everywhere and did not differ from each other. But technology does not stand still. Today, each manufacturer produces new and modern models that have a variety of functions that facilitate the process of preparing and cleaning equipment. The most interesting and demanded today are induction and glass-ceramic hobs. Each of them has its own strengths and weaknesses, which must be studied before buying household appliances in the kitchen.

Modern kitchen equipment

Advantages and disadvantages of induction hob

The main difference between this technique and other types of cooking surfaces is the principle of its operation. The heating of dishes and, accordingly, the entire contents in it occurs due to the influence of induction current. The peculiarity of this stove is that the surface of the equipment itself remains cold, that is, does not heat up.

Induction Cooker Operation

Proper operation of the induction cooker is possible only if only special utensils are used for cooking. It should be metal with a built-in magnetic bottom.

Magnetic bottom cookware

The principle of operation of this technique is that it can recognize objects on its surface. Usually, if their diameter is less than 8-12 cm, then the equipment simply will not turn on, and heating will not occur. This metric may vary by model and manufacturer. Thanks to this feature, increased safety is provided for all family members from possible injuries and burns.

Induction cooker is a modern equipment that has high-tech qualities. This gives the technique a number of important characteristics. Advantages of equipment:

  • Safety. All modern models have a very convenient option that will not allow a fire in the apartment or house. It consists in the principle of the panel: when the dishes are removed from its surface, it automatically turns off. Also, during cooking, induction is heated directly under the area of ​​the pan or pan, which eliminates the possibility of a burn;


  • convenience. It manifests itself not only in the process of preparing various dishes, but also in the cleaning and cleaning of equipment. It will not be necessary to diligently remove food debris or burnt fat from the equipment surface. That is, the panel can be wiped immediately after dirt has formed. For example, if milk escapes from a saucepan, you can not wait for the cooking process to finish and when the panel has cooled. Immediately after this little trouble has happened, you can just pick up the dishes and wipe the stain;

    Easy to clean

  • profitability. Modern equipment in its operation consumes little electricity. For example, water is heated almost 3 times faster than in old gas stoves. Thanks to this quality, cooking time is significantly reduced, which is very important for people who care about every minute.

Important: in addition to the positive qualities, it is also necessary to consider all the negative features, choosing induction hob. Even in the most high-tech equipment, they are present, since there is nothing perfect.

Among the weaknesses are:

  1. Buying special dishes. Modern technology will not work if you put on its surface an ordinary aluminum pan or other material that does not contain metal. Some housewives used metal pots or a kettle before buying an induction cooker. The problem usually occurs during frying, as finding such a pan is very problematic. Most manufacturers, knowing this, began to produce and sell induction cookers with a special magnet, which will help to check the dishes before using them on the surface of the induction cooker.
  2. The burners will have to be changed regularly. Due to the constant exposure to high temperatures, the heating discs begin to deform over time and become unsuitable for proper operation. Therefore, experts recommend changing them from time to time with new ones in order to prevent a more serious breakdown of equipment. This entails not only an additional expenditure of personal time, but also certain monetary amounts.

Important: besides this, it is worth remembering that some models simply will not work if objects with a diameter of less than 8-12 cm are placed on their surface.

This negative quality of technology will be especially noticeable for people who are used to drinking fresh coffee brewed in Turk in the morning. But manufacturers of modern technology have found a way out of this situation. Now you can buy special adapters in stores that allow you to heat any cookware you need.


Strengths and weaknesses of ceramic hob surfaces

This household appliance can heat up to 600 degrees, while it does not get damaged or fail. The principle of operation of the equipment is that it emits heat only vertically. At the same time, it recognizes the size of the dishes that are on the burner. That is, heating occurs only under the occupied area, while the empty surface remains cold.

In order to understand that the electric stove can be started to operate, you need to pay attention to the special indicator, which is located on the burner. The higher the heating temperature, the redder it becomes. As the surface cools, the indicator will return to its original state.

The advantages that consumers rely on when installing a glass-ceramic hob include:

  1. Safety. The main feature of the stove is heating only in the place where the dishes are. That is, if a person accidentally touches the surface of the panel next to it, then he will not receive any injuries or burns.


  2. Convenience. Special indicators are installed on the burners, which inform the person about the temperature of the device at the moment. As soon as they cease to be red, it means that the burner has cooled down, and you can begin the procedure for cleaning the surface, without being afraid to get burned.

    Special indicators

  3. Universality. For cooking, there is no need to specially select, and even more so buy, dishes. The equipment copes with its task with any kind of dishes.
  4. Profitability. All modern models are aimed at saving money, so consumers try to minimize the time for cooking, spending less energy. Glass ceramics also have an interesting feature: it heats up for a short period of time, while cooling down, on the contrary, for a long time, which will allow to complete the cooking process with residual heat.
  5. Design. Glass-ceramic surface is considered one of the most stylish, bright and beautiful, and also fits perfectly into any kitchen interior.

Unique design

Important: this household appliance can also withstand heavy loads.For example, if you put several rather heavy pots on it, then the surface does not deform, but remains in its original form.

In addition to the positive qualities, it is also worth paying attention to the weaknesses of kitchen appliances. It is bought for a long time, so consumers should know what difficulties and difficulties they may encounter. The negative qualities of glass ceramics include:

  • The fragility of the equipment. The technique can carry large static loads that are placed on it, but it is absolutely unable to withstand the fall of heavy or sharp objects. As a result of this, chips or cracks form on the surface, which cannot guarantee the serviceability of the equipment;

    Surface chipping

  • the panel is impractical in leaving. The surface should only be cleaned with special cleaning agents and sponges. Otherwise, various scratches may remain, resulting in an unaesthetic appearance. In addition, all dirt, residues of fat and food must be removed immediately, as they appeared. The older the pollution, the more difficult and problematic it is to remove it from the surface of the plate.

Important: only after weighing all the pros and cons, you can make the final choice in favor of a particular model of the hob for the kitchen.

What is the difference between a glass-ceramic surface and an induction cooker?

In order to determine for yourself a good and optimal option, you should conduct a comparative analysis of modern equipment and find out what the difference is between them. It will help to make the right choice, thereby ensuring a comfortable cooking process.

Key analysis parametersInduction hobGlass-ceramic panel
How many minutes will 1 liter of water boil?2-3 minutes5-7 minutes
How does the surface heat up?Only dishes are heated, while the panel remains coldFirst, the surface heats up, and then the dishes
Safety indicators
  1. The risk of getting a burn is minimal, since the panel itself does not heat up.
  2. There is an automatic switch on and off the plate, which depends on the dishes placed on the surface.
  1. Hot plates are heated to a high temperature, so you need to work with them very carefully.
  2. After the food is cooked, the pan or pans must be removed from the surface on their own to prevent burning of the food.
What is the danger to the surface?Using the wrong utensils. It should be equipped with a special magnetic bottom. Without this, the stove will not work, that is, the cooking process will become impossible
  • Sugar, salt, as well as similar objects, the crystals of which can leave behind scratches;
  • falling to the surface of heavy or sharp objects;
  • frequent heating without cleaning the surface.

In addition to a comparative analysis that will help determine which modern hob is better - induction or glass ceramics, based on the main parameters, it is worth paying attention to the cost of equipment.

Based on this criterion, glass ceramics will be much cheaper than an induction surface. If you choose it, you can save on the purchase of new dishes. This difference may be the main criterion for choice for most consumers.

But the induction panel will be distinguished by increased safety qualities, which should also be considered when making the final choice.

Comments (1)
  1. Anastasia:

    I'm already used to glass ceramics. And for no reason I want to change it on it to cook perfectly. No gas stove in my opinion can not be compared with it.