home-For kitchen-Kitchen stove-How and how to wash the induction cooker from carbon deposits

How and how to wash the induction cooker from carbon deposits

Induction cookers They have an elegant design and perfectly complement the modern kitchen interiors. Caring for this technique is not difficult, but you need to know about some of the nuances so as not to damage the glass-ceramic surface when cleaning.

Induction Cooker Care Tips

Before you learn how to clean induction hob, it is worth paying attention to several recommendations:

  1. You can start cleaning the plate only when the surface has completely cooled, otherwise traces of soapy water may remain on the glass ceramic.
  2. Before starting cooking, it is necessary to completely clear the glass panel from soot and greasy traces, otherwise the dirt will stick to the surface even more, and getting rid of them will be more difficult in the future.
  3. If during cooking sugar, jam, a piece of polyethylene, etc. fell on the stove, you must immediately turn off the device and remove the contamination with a soft cloth. This is done to avoid damage to the surface when trying to clean the caked mass.
  4. Only soft rags and sponges are suitable for care. Rigid metal scrapers and sponges can scratch the stove.

Metal sponge - the enemy of glass ceramics

Daily cleaning

The induction hob is recommended to be cleaned daily to prevent dirt from sticking to the surface. To care for the glass-ceramic surface, you will need such tools:

  • Soft sponge and soft cloth;
  • Cotton napkins or paper towels;
  • Special silicone scraper for induction cookers.

For glass ceramics, use only sponges with a soft surface

As a detergent, you can use a dishwashing detergent or a special composition for caring for ceramic glass hobs.

To clean the stove, do the following:

  1. Wait for the surface to cool, wet the sponge in a soapy solution and wipe the glass-ceramic surface.
  2. Thoroughly rinse the soap off the stove and wipe it dry with a soft cloth.
  3. The final touch is polishing with paper towels or cotton.

Microfiber cloth is suitable for cleaning the induction hob.

For a perfect shine, polish the glass panel with a cotton cloth

If you do not neglect this daily procedure, the stove will always shine with cleanliness.

General cleaning

Not everyone can take care of the stove daily, as a result, the surface requires cleaning with more serious methods. To get rid of burnt particles of food, they must first be soaked. To do this, moisten soft rags in a solution of detergent and put them on all problem areas. After a few minutes, the pollution softens, and you can easily clean it with a scraper (you must hold the scraper at an angle of 45 degrees to the surface). At the end, do the second and third steps from the previous section.

Induction range scraper equipped with interchangeable nozzle

If after such manipulations white spots remain on the glass panel, remove them with table vinegar. Wet a soft cloth in it, wring it out and go through the whitewashed areas.

In a situation where the baked soot does not want to be cleaned, sometimes you just want to use an aggressive detergent for plumbing or tiles. This can never be done! Exposure to caustic chemicals can cause permanent damage to the surface of the stove.To remove “stubborn” dirt, re-place a cloth with cleaning solution on them, but hold it a little longer, and then repeat the treatment with a scraper.

The use of abrasive products can lead to this result.

How to clean the induction cooker in folk ways

If there was no special detergent composition at hand, then folk methods will help to cope with soot. One of the simplest means is baking soda, which copes well even with persistent pollution. You can use it like this:

  1. Mix soda powder with water until a paste is obtained.
  2. Apply to contaminated areas and wait about 5 minutes.
  3. Gently start cleaning the paste with a damp soft cloth.
  4. If you see that not everything has been cleaned, then pour a little vinegar on the soda mass - this will help remove persistent soot.
  5. Wipe the stove several times with a clean cloth, periodically rinsing it with water and wringing.

Soda - an environmentally friendly detergent


Effectively acts in cases when it is necessary to remove stains from escaped milk from the glass panel. 1 part of the alcohol should be diluted in 5 parts of water, pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray onto the glass surface. After 10 minutes, wiping the stove with a soft cloth, you will see a clean, shiny surface.

For even distribution of the cleaning solution, pour it into the spray gun


Any vegetable oil is a wonderful tool for cleaning glass ceramics. Put it on a soft cloth and apply to the dirt, and after half an hour, wash the surface with detergent. Wipe the stove with a clean, damp sponge.

Vegetable oil helps save detergent

The oil can be used not only for cleaning, but also to prevent further pollution. After cleaning the stove, wipe it with a cloth slightly moistened with oil. A protective film forms on the surface, which will allow you to remove any stains with a damp cloth without detergent.

Additional recommendations for induction cookers

In order for the electric stove to please its ideal appearance for a long time, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Use only cookware for cookers of this type, which has a perfectly flat bottom.
  2. Do not move pots and pans over the stove: this may result in micro-scratches on the glass that cannot be removed with detergent.
  3. Before you put the dishes on the surface, make sure that its bottom is completely dry.
  4. If vegetables are peeled near the hob, particles of earth that have fallen on the glass may cause micro-scratches. Therefore, it is better to wash the potatoes and peel the carrots away from the stove.
  5. It is advisable not to use powder detergents to clean the device: sometimes the powder does not dissolve completely, and solid particles can damage the hob.

Look for a special designation on the dishes

Cleaning the stove, working by the principle of induction, is not particularly difficult, given some nuances. In order for the equipment to serve for a long time and delight with its impeccable appearance, use only soft rags and a special silicone scraper to care for it.

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