home-For kitchen-Kitchen stove-Determination of the fire temperature of a gas stove

Determination of the fire temperature of a gas stove

Natural gas as a fuel for home equipment is used quite often. During its combustion, heat is generated that perfectly copes with the task of cooking. It is also used for space heating in the absence of central heating or for burner operation. In this case, the level of maximum combustion temperature may vary depending on the quality of the impurities used.

What fuel is used to operate the gas stove?

When constructing multi-storey residential buildings, designers must take into account how highways will be laid along which gas will flow into the apartments of residents. In most cases, it is 97% methane. In the remaining 3% there is a slight content:

  • sulfur impurities;
  • nitrogen;
  • carbon dioxide.

Natural gas

At the moment of ignition of such a mixture and its subsequent combustion, the flame temperature in the burner can reach 645-700 degrees Celsius. At the same time, the equipment itself in the form of a gas stove will heat up to 800-900 degrees.

Important: therefore, when preparing food, it is necessary to observe safety rules, since getting a burn will not be difficult. In no case should you leave children unattended near a gas stove.

In addition, in the case of improper or careless handling of the stove, various emergencies occur that can threaten the life and health of a person in the room, as well as to neighbors. The most common cases are the ignition of a gas stove and its subsequent explosion.

If natural fuel is used not in a high-rise building, but in a private house, then extreme caution must be exercised when connecting a gas cylinder to a stove. There is gas in a liquefied form. The mixture can be prepared in 2 types:

  1. 65% butane and 35% propane.
  2. 85% butane and 15% propane.

Each of these mixtures forms a flame that corresponds to a temperature of 1000 degrees.

Burning burner

Flame temperature in a gas stove

Reserves of natural gas are quite large, therefore, equipment that runs on blue fuel is one of the most common. It is much more economical than electric stoves or other modern household appliances for the kitchen.

How high the temperature will be in the flame of a gas stove directly depends on what quality the mixture is used to operate the device. There are several varieties of fossil fuels. Among them:

  1. Natural gas stove. Usually they are installed in multi-story ladies. The gas that is supplied to each apartment consists of 97% methane. The remaining volume contains a small amount of sulfur impurities, as well as carbon dioxide and nitrogen. Thanks to the use of this mixture, the combustion temperature of natural gas in a conventional stove varies between 645-700 degrees, while the maximum heat production reaches 2043 degrees. Natural gas is odorless, but in order for a person to feel its leak, emillercaptan is added to the mixture. This substance has a rather pungent and unpleasant odor.
  2. Liquefied gas. It necessarily consists of butane and propane in a different ratio. Typically, the proportion is as follows: 65-85% and 35-15%, respectively. The higher the pressure, the faster the mixture liquefies, while its volume decreases by almost 250 times. All components in this case become much heavier than air.Thanks to this, cylinders or other special containers are filled with liquefied gas and transported over long distances. The flame that is formed as a result of the combustion of this mixture has a temperature of not more than 1000 degrees.

Important: before buying a gas stove, it is necessary to check its configuration, and also whether there are special jets that can ensure the correct operation of the nozzle in the desired mode.

Details for adaptation

In addition, it is also worth checking what gas the operation of household appliances is focused on:

  • natural;
  • liquefied.

If the equipment was bought initially for one type of gas, but it must be changed during operation, then you need to check whether there are additional parts in the kit that will help to correctly install the equipment. Violations during installation of even the smallest and at first glance insignificant details can lead to improper operation of the gas stove. For example, it will begin to smoke heavily, or the fire will constantly go out.

How to determine the flame temperature?

First of all, these parameters can be found in the instructions for the gas stove. If the equipment was purchased for a long time, then the documentation could not be preserved, and it is necessary to know the basic parameters of the equipment. There is a list of averages that are found in most models. For example, the operation of a gas oven is evaluated by the following parameters:

  1. The maximum temperature is 280 degrees.
  2. With average heating, a temperature of about 220 degrees is obtained.
  3. With a minimum gas supply of 160 degrees.

In order to verify exactly what temperature a gas stove is working with, basic physics knowledge is needed. That is, information that relates to the boiling of various liquids. The main parameters include:

  • plain pure water will begin to boil at 100 degrees;

    Boiling water

  • for boiling olive oil you need 250 degrees, sunflower oil - 200;
  • soybean oil and corn boils at 150 degrees.

Modern technology

This method of determining the combustion temperature of a flame in a gas stove is suitable only for older models. Since the new and modern technology is equipped with ultra-sensitive thermometers and special sensors that measure temperature as accurately as possible.

Important: thanks to measurements, you can adjust and adjust the operation of household equipment for the kitchen, setting optimal values ​​to achieve the perfect taste of dishes.

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