home-For kitchen-Kitchen stove-Hob or gas stove - which is better to use

Hob or gas stove - which is better to use

The acquisition of a new stove is a difficult task, because the cooking speed depends on the quality and functionality of this device. When buying, you should give preference to a comfortable, functional, stylish, suitable model for the interior of the kitchen. With the advent of built-in panels, many housewives prefer this particular kitchen technique. However, to make a balanced choice, you should consider what is best to buy - a hob or a gas stove, focusing on such parameters as cost, functionality, appearance, efficiency, practicality.

Comparison of different types of kitchen appliances

Features of various types of kitchen appliances

New modern devices are constantly appearing on the kitchen appliances market. Despite this, most people prefer to install traditional gas or electric stove. It is easier to install and has several other benefits.

Classic gas stove

A model in a special cabinet is a convenient built-in option, however, additional costs may be required for its installation. However, this technique does not have a case, so its cost is lower. It includes two parts - an oven and a hob. Two components of the structure are interconnected using wires, which allows the use of a single control mechanism. Such a device fits perfectly into the interior of any style and decorates the kitchen.

Embedded Model

The growing popularity of a separate panel. In addition to it, you can purchase an oven, but in this case it will be two independent devices. Such a device is compact, functional, stylish in appearance, and in terms of parameters it is not inferior to stand-alone and built-in models.

Contemporary hob

Thus, in order to determine which device is best to purchase - a gas and electric stove or hob, you should consider the basic criteria of various types of equipment.

Criterias of choice

To make the right choice and acquire convenient and functional appliances for the kitchen, it is necessary to consider different types based on certain criteria. These include:

  1. Dimensions An extremely important indicator when buying. In the end, it will not be so important what functions the device has if it cannot be installed in a small kitchen. If the size of the room allows, then the dimensions are not such an important parameter.
  2. Cost. When buying kitchen appliances, each buyer seeks to purchase high-quality and functional appliances at the best price, therefore this selection criterion is also important.
  3. External qualities. The times when the same gas models were installed in every kitchen have long passed. Now it is not only functional, but also stylish elements of a kitchen set. Recently, the appearance of the device has been receiving increasing attention.
  4. Energy consumption. With an increase in the cost of electricity, this indicator should be taken into account.
  5. Technical capabilities. A modern cooker has a number of functions that speed up and simplify the cooking process.
  6. Easy installation.This indicator also follows when buying, especially if the installation is planned on its own or the equipment is bought as a replacement for the existing one, and not during the repair work.

These criteria are mandatory when choosing between different kitchen appliances. Moreover, the list can be supplemented with its specific requirements.

Features of hobs and gas stoves according to the main selection criteria

Most often, for cooking in a modern kitchen, a gas stove or an electric surface is used. Each of these devices has a number of advantages and disadvantages, so it is recommended to buy them based on the above criteria and personal preferences.


An important criterion when choosing a device for cooking. This is especially true for small kitchens. In this case, it is better to give preference to the built-in panel. However, in this case you will have to buy a separate oven, which can be placed under the hob.

The gas stove is large in weight and size, so it is suitable for a spacious kitchen. However, for a large family and for lovers to cook a lot, often using the oven, this option is optimal. In addition, the gas stove is able to withstand heavy loads on the burners.


If earlier the plates had a standard design, then the modern market offers a wide range of models in various styles. The appearance of the plate is of great importance.

Modern gas stove looks stylish and neat

Hobs look harmonious and elegant, therefore, to design a kitchen in a modern style, this option of kitchen equipment is most often chosen. However, if you plan to install the oven, it may be difficult to select and integrate the best option for the appearance of the surface.

The stove is a free-standing piece of furniture with an oven. Manufacturers offer a wide range of colors, materials and designs, so choosing the best option for any interior will not be difficult.


This selection criterion at a glance is simple and straightforward. However, here one should take into account various nuances. Buying only the hob separately can save a lot. But if you plan to buy separately and an oven, then the cost will be higher than when buying a whole stove. However, the cost of equipment primarily depends not on its configuration, but on the manufacturer and functionality. Therefore, when buying, you should look at the prices of models that are similar in their functions.


Both the gas stove and the hob require compliance with certain installation rules. However, mounting the hob is not possible without specialists. This technique is built into the furniture, so calculations, special cutouts and preparation of the installation site are required.

Preparing special cutouts for mounting the hob - a complex and responsible process

To install the stove, a little intervention from the gasman will be required. And for mounting an electric stove, just plug the device into a power outlet. Thus, it is much simpler to install a stationary device, in addition, you will not need to perform additional steps to prepare the installation site.


Modern manufacturers offer functional and convenient kitchen appliances. Therefore, it is impossible to give an exact answer to the question of which is better - a hob or a gas stove. First of all, you should pay attention to those functions that interest a particular user.

The electric hob has a high level of safety

The hob is not only functional, but also a safe device. The power of equipment depends on the material from which it is made.Stationary models are ideal for those who like to cook a lot. At the same time, an electric stove is a more functional device, and a gas stove allows you to cook food in a more natural environment, and makes it much faster.


Gas equipment is cheaper to use than electrical. Therefore, for this indicator, it is worth choosing a gas stove instead of a hob. However, modern manufacturers offer unique technologies that guarantee high energy efficiency of various types of equipment.

Hob or gas stove - which is better to use

Most housewives prefer to use ordinary gas stoves for cooking. The reason for this is the convenience and ease of installation, resistance to mechanical stress and includes the oven. At the same time, modern models are distinguished by a stylish and sophisticated design.

For those who do not want to buy a hob, there is a great option - a built-in stove. Such a device consists of two separate parts without a housing. Their advantage is the ability to easily fit into any interior, and it does not require the purchase of an additional oven.

Oven - an optional, but very useful element of kitchen appliances

The advantages of the hob include a stylish and sophisticated appearance. Such a device for a long time retains a presentable appearance due to the simplicity of surface care. Most often, these panels are made of tempered glass, glass ceramics and stainless steel.

Vitroceramic hob

The stove loses its appeal over time. It is more difficult to wash it than a glass or glass-ceramic surface, so a layer of dirt and grease gradually accumulates on it. In addition, it takes up much more space. The considerable weight of the device does not allow it to be removed during cleaning in order to wash the floors behind it. In addition, if an oven is not required, it is recommended install hoband instead of an oven, install a dishwasher or washing machine, cupboard or minibar.

The main criterion for choosing kitchen appliances is ease of use

It is quite difficult to accurately answer the question of which device is optimal for cooking. When choosing, you should primarily consider the size of the room, personal preferences and ease of use.

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