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Microwave cleaning with lemon - action and warning algorithm

Almost everyone in the kitchen has a microwave. It is often installed in offices or production bases. Employees during the lunch break warm food in it and get a hot lunch.

The more often the equipment is used, the faster it gets dirty: the remains of food, droplets of fat and other traces remain on the walls. It is best to get rid of various contaminants immediately. If this is not possible, then today's material will tell you how to quickly and efficiently clean the microwave with lemon at home.

How to clean a microwave with lemon

Microwaves pollution inside

Initial stage of cleaning

When starting cleaning, follow a few simple rules:

  1. Unplug the equipment. That is, just unplug the plug.
  2. Do not use metal washcloths and brushes to clean the equipment from the inside. They may scratch the surface, resulting in improper functioning of the microwave.
  3. During cleaning, you can not use a large amount of water, so as not to accidentally fill in important elements of the technique that will affect its future work.
  4. Do not use aggressive detergents or household cleaning products.

If dirt gets inside the microwave oven, do not try to disassemble it yourself. This can lead to serious damage, as a result of which the appliance cannot be used for cooking.

How to clean the microwave with lemon?

After the microwave has been used to heat food, traces of food or fat remain on its walls, as well as an extremely unpleasant odor. Therefore, when cleaning it is necessary to use such tools that will help to cope with all the troubles in one fell swoop. Such a tool is a regular lemon or a solution with it in the composition.

How to clean a microwave with lemon

Lemon for cleaning household appliances

If the microwave inside has an enameled surface, then you should not use lemon too often so as not to damage the material.

In order to quickly and correctly clean household appliances, it is necessary to prepare the following ingredients:

  • A small container for water;
  • 400-500 ml. water;
  • 1 tbsp. l citric acid or 4 tbsp. l lemon juice.
How to clean a microwave with lemon

Solution Components

After all the components have been prepared, you must clearly follow the instructions below to help you quickly and efficiently. clean microwave bake without damaging it. These include:

  • Fill the container with water.
  • Add lemon juice to water or dilute with citric acid. For maximum effect, you can put the fruits themselves into the container, from which juice was squeezed.
  • Put the finished container in the microwave.
How to clean a microwave with lemon

Capacity with lemon solution

  • Turn on the equipment from 2 to 5 minutes, depending on the nature of the pollution. In this case, the maximum power must be set on the display. Thanks to this, the steam will be able to concentrate as much as possible on the walls of the equipment, as well as its upper part.
  • At the end of the operating time, do not immediately open the door. It is best to wait another 5-15 minutes for the dirt to completely lag behind the walls.
  • Remove the dishes with citric acid or lemon juice, and then wipe all the walls with an ordinary dishwashing sponge or a soft cloth.
How to clean a microwave with lemon

Wall cleaning

If the whole sequence of actions is correctly performed, then the pollution will be washed off without additional zeal. In addition, the kitchen will smell fresh and clean with citrus notes.

A few tips to keep your microwave clean

It is very important not only to properly clean household appliances for the kitchen, but also to maintain it in perfect condition for as long as possible. This will help to extend its service life and maintain a neat appearance without unpleasant odors.

Using lemon to clean your microwave has several very important benefits. Among them:

  • Steam, in which this component is present, quickly copes with dried food;
  • the cleaning process is accompanied by a pleasant smell that stays in the kitchen and appliances for a long time;
  • the remnants of lemon solution can also clean the refrigerator.
How to clean a microwave with lemon

Lemon solution

Before proceeding with the final cleaning of household appliances, it is better to get a pan on which dishes with food for heating are placed. It can be washed separately with a simple dishwashing detergent. In addition, removing the pan can carefully remove all dirt under it. It is installed in its place only in a dry state.

Safety Precautions When Cleaning the Microwave Oven

In order not to receive various injuries and not damage household appliances, it is very important to observe some sulfur precautions:

  1. The container with water and lemon should be removed very carefully, as it can become very hot. In order not to get burned, after the time runs out, open the microwave door and wait a few minutes. You can also use special kitchen gloves.
  2. It is better not to put a sealed plastic container with liquid in the microwave oven. It can explode under pressure.
  3. It is worth monitoring the level of liquid in a plastic container. You can not let it boil completely, as this deforms the container, which will cause injury or burns.
  4. Handle the sliced ​​lemon carefully. In some representatives of this fruit, the pH may be equal to 2.3, which can be compared with indicators for vinegar. Therefore, in case of contact with eyes, rinse them quickly with clean running water to prevent the development of adverse health effects.

Before you clean the microwave with lemon, you should make sure that there is no allergy to this fruit. If it is, then using this method is strictly prohibited, so as not to provoke more serious health consequences.

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