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Foil in the microwave - is it possible to cook food in foil in the microwave

Every microwave owner knows that for food warming not all dishes fit in it. The use of products made of metal, or having metal parts, leads to sparks and noise from the microwave oven and can cause its breakdown. But how dangerous is the foil, which is a thin aluminum film, to the microwave?

Is it possible to use foil in a microwave and what are the features of using foil paper

Foil container

Features of the use of foil

The traditional materials used to heat food in a microwave oven are ceramics, glass and plastic. The fact that the microwave and aluminum foil are incompatible has been known for a long time, since manufacturers of household appliances themselves warn against using this type of packaging product. But in recent years, many semi-finished products have appeared in foil trays, on which there is a mark that this product is suitable for microwave cooking. Does this mean that using any other aluminum products will be just as safe?

The technology for the production of microwave ovens does not stand still, and if metal could not be put in the early models under any conditions, then since 1980 this type of household appliances has received a number of modifications that allow the use of more materials. Nevertheless, even in modern models, metal-coated plates emit a characteristic crackle, accompanied by the appearance of sparks. This is due to the fact that there is a small distance between the particles on the surface of the dishes, which leads to the appearance of an electric discharge. Such a discharge is detrimental to technology and can cause its breakdown.

Is it possible to use foil in a microwave and what are the features of using foil paper

Metal-coated cookware

Under what conditions can you put the foil in the microwave

Unlike spraying, foil is a continuous layer of metal, but then why does it also lead to sparks? The answer to this question, first of all, lies in the differences between ordinary and special foil. In appearance, they practically do not differ, but the latter is characterized by a greater thickness, heat resistance and the presence of openings for the exit of hot steam.

Is it possible to use foil in a microwave and what are the features of using foil paper

Special foil

Another secret to the safe use of aluminum film is strict adherence to a number of rules:

  1. Foil dishes must be installed strictly in the center of the rotating pan, while the distance from its edge to the inside walls of the device should not exceed 2 centimeters. Installing more than one container on one pallet is not permitted.
  2. Preheated semi-finished product should not fill the entire volume of the form, leaving 5-10% of free space.
  3. The container must have an international microwave friendly mark. As a rule, such containers have a characteristic shape, sides not more than 2-2.5 cm high and a perforated surface.
  4. Reuse of aluminum films and molds is not permitted.
  5. Under certain conditions, ordinary foil can also be used to heat food (for example, wrapping chicken legs or wings), making holes with a sharp object and placing the dish in a heat-resistant glass pan.
Is it possible to use foil in a microwave and what are the features of using foil paper

Foil Application

Opinion of manufacturers and experts

In 2006, the European Foil Manufacturers Association (EAFA) officially approved the use of this material in microwave devices. An expert opinion was formed on the basis of numerous experiments that showed that products made of thin aluminum films pose no danger either to the ovens themselves or to the heated food.Studies have also shown that the use of this material for the preparation of certain dishes gives some advantages.

If, despite all the recommendations, there are doubts about the suitability of special types of dishes or materials for heating in the microwave, experts recommend a simple experiment. To do this, you need to place the item in the microwave, observing safety rules, put a glass cup filled with water next to it, and then turn on the device for 60 seconds. If in a minute the water in the glass becomes warmer and the object remains cold, then you can safely warm the food in it.

What to do in case of spark

Non-observance of safety rules and the installation of metal objects in a working microwave oven can cause sparks or even a powerful electric arc. If this happened, first of all, you must immediately turn off the power to the outlet by opening the switch at the entrance to the apartment, and only after that you can turn off the device itself. In this case, it is not advisable to immediately open the door. It will be possible to turn on the appliance only after it has been thoroughly examined by the service center master and eliminated the malfunction. In some cases, the cost of repair may be comparable to the cost of new equipment.

Is it possible to use foil in a microwave and what are the features of using foil paper

Microwave sparks

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