home-For kitchen-Microwave-What is microwave convection and how to use it

What is microwave convection and how to use it

The microwave has long and firmly entered our lives. In terms of heating food and making popcorn, she has no equal. However, modern microwave ovens have not only a grill, but also a convector. We will understand what convection in the microwave is and how to use it.

What is convection?

Convection (from the Latin convectio - “transfer”) is a heat transfer method in which air flows move. Convection is based on the principle of natural movement of air, when the cold layer, when heated, rises, and the upper, cooling, gets heavier and falls. This process is endless.

What is microwave forced convection mode? For the process in the microwave there must be a convector (fan) and a heating element.

The heater is responsible for heat, and the convector moves it around the device. More often the convector is located on the back wall.

As a result of air circulation, the temperature in the device can reach up to 200 degrees. When the desired temperature is reached, the fan turns off. If the temperature inside drops, it turns on again.

Some microwave ovens are equipped with several convectors. Manufacturers claim that such models are even more efficient in operation.

Convection - why is it needed? This function significantly expands the possibilities of the cook and the device itself in preparing a number of dishes that were not available with a conventional microwave. The function allows you to bake meat, fish or poultry, bake pies, rolls, biscuits, meringues and pizza.

  • when defrosting frozen foods, the process runs more evenly throughout the entire area;
  • baking gets a uniform crust color and an equally baked texture;
  • cooking time is halved;
  • allows you to get a crisp and crisp;
  • in the microwave you can easily bake not only meat and fish, but also poultry.

Experienced users say a convection microwave oven can handle soups, side dishes, and pastries no worse than an electric or gas oven.

Microwave convector

How to choose the right convection microwave model

A good and high-quality microwave is an expensive thing in itself, and convection mode makes it even more expensive. Brand models with a convector cost from 20 thousand rubles.

The dimensions of such devices, as a rule, are one and a half to two times more than conventional microwave ovens, as well as weight.

Convection microwave ovens come in two forms:

  1. Standalone.
  2. Recessed.

Autonomous include those that are usually installed on the kitchen table. They are quite bulky and heavy.

Freestanding microwave

Built-in models provide the ability to install in the kitchen, they do not take up space in the kitchen.

Microwave oven

Devices with air circulation mode can be supplemented with options such as automatic cooking of various dishes, information storage mode, function double boiler And so on.

The main parameters when choosing a convection microwave oven

When choosing a convection microwave, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. Power. Typically, such devices indicate the power of the microwave mode, convection and grill. Convection mode consumes more electricity. If the microwave power is 1000 watts, the convection power will be at least 2500 watts. When acquiring such a powerful device, it is necessary to weigh the possibilities of electrical wiring.Such a device can not be included in tees and extension cords: it needs a separate outlet or an independent power source.
  2. Instrument cover. During cooking, the inside of the appliance may occasionally be covered with pieces of food. There is a need to clean it. Microwave coating is made of steel, bioceramics, acrylic, has antibacterial properties and more.
  • enamel coating is the most popular for budget models. It is easily damaged and washed quite hard. In this case, do not do without special detergents;

Enamel coating

  • stainless steel surface is stronger and more reliable, speeds up the cooking process. However, there are also disadvantages: it absorbs the smells of cooked food, after several cleanings it loses its attractive appearance and becomes covered with scratches;

Steel coating

  • the ceramic surface looks spectacular and easy to clean, sometimes it has antibacterial qualities. Of the disadvantages: cooking and heating food increases in time;

Ceramic coating

  • Acrylic coating is found in the budget segment, in models whose power does not exceed 1400 watts.

Acrylic coating

Ceramic coating is considered the most optimal option.

1. Self-cleaning function will allow the gadget to instantly remove the smells of the last dish and prepare for the next.

2. Grill needed by those who love dishes with a crispy golden crust.

3. Steamer function very popular. In a special container for water, there is a grate on which products for cooking are steamed.

4. Built-in recipe book allows you to select a recipe and indicate the weight of the product. The device will do the rest.

5. Microwave control there are three types: mechanical, touch and push-button.

  • mechanical is carried out using two handles. It is considered the most reliable, but washing the device with handles is more inconvenient;

Mechanically controlled furnace

  • Touch offers a lot of room for the culinary activities by selecting programs. The touch panel is convenient to care for, but if it is out of order (and this happens), it is easier to buy a new device;

Touchscreen Model

  • Button control is a panel with a set of buttons. As a rule, in such a model there are several different modes.

6. Volume: 12-14l is more common in microwave "solo", which are used to heat food. They have neither grill nor convection. A volume of 20-25 liters is called the Sámi optimal in terms of capacity, functionality and cost. A volume of more than 30 liters will allow you to cook pastries, bake a large piece of meat or poultry carcass.

When choosing a microwave oven, think about what it will be used for - to heat food or to fully cook various dishes.

How to use convection mode

Here are some tips for cooking with this mode.

  1. Use only special utensils designed for microwave ovens.
  2. Cook in such a volume that it does not turn out to be raw at the exit.
  3. A special stand is attached to each oven model, which allows air flows to circulate around the cooking dish.
  4. To get crisp, use convection with grill. This trick will also save not only electricity, but also your time.
  5. Before baking (bakery products, muffins, biscuits) and baking (fish, poultry or meat), preheat the oven for 10 minutes.

In conclusion, we can say that a convection microwave oven is useful in the following cases:

  • if you rent a house. If necessary, the microwave can be transported without problems from one apartment to another;
  • if the dimensions of the kitchen do not allow you to put a full oven in it;
  • if finances do not allow you to purchase a full oven;
  • if the owner is a passionate lover of crisp;
  • a convection oven is a good choice when replacing an old device with a modern one.
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