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Microwave on the refrigerator - can I put it?

Owners of small-sized kitchens often have to face the problem of installing various types of household appliances in a limited area of ​​space. In such cases, you can see very original variants of the neighborhood, when one object literally stands on another. And one of the most controversial examples is the microwave in the refrigerator. But how safe is it to put a cooling and heating device so close together?

Microwave on the refrigerator - can I put it?

Installing a microwave on a refrigerator

What is the problem of installing a microwave on a refrigerator

A microwave oven, like a refrigerator or freezer, are isolated devices. This means that the cooled air produced by the refrigerator does not go beyond it, and the microwaves, in turn, are directed exclusively into the interior of the furnace. Thus, these two household appliances could theoretically work in close proximity to each other without any negative consequences.

However, the operating rules of most manufacturers of kitchen appliances, the installation of a microwave oven on the surface of the refrigerator is prohibited. This prescription can be found in the instructions for the household appliance. But owners of cramped kitchens often have no other choice, and they install appliances nearby, despite the prohibitions. In such a neighborhood, both devices can work for years without ever breaking. How can this be?

Microwave on the refrigerator - can I put it?

Safe neighborhood microwave and refrigerator

If certain conditions are met, then you can put the microwave on the freezer or refrigerator without the risk of premature failure. These conditions usually depend on the parameters of a particular microwave oven model. But there are a number of general rules regarding the basic principles of operation of these devices.

Safety clearance

The main requirement for the safe operation of the microwave oven is the presence of technical gaps necessary for the removal of hot air from its heating elements. The distance from the back, top and side walls to the nearest surfaces or objects should not be less than 10-15 centimeters. Only in this case, normal air circulation is ensured, and the microwave oven does not overheat.

In many models, heat is also removed through the bottom wall of the furnace, and the gap under it is made using legs. Such microwave ovens can also be placed on the refrigerator, but under the heavy weight of the device, the legs can push its top cover, leaving traces on it. To prevent this, you can put a thick sheet of plywood on the refrigerator, which will simultaneously serve as a stand and heat-insulating material.

Microwave on the refrigerator - can I put it?

Safe clearance between microwave and refrigerator

Set the microwave at a suitable height

Often the need to place a microwave in the refrigerator is caused by the lack of a more suitable place. But not every refrigerator can become a microwave stand, as many models have very impressive dimensions. Using a microwave oven located high enough can be not only inconvenient, but also dangerous, because during operation there is a chance to knock over hot food.

Ideal is the location of the microwave oven, in which it is 7-8 centimeters below the shoulder of the hostess. The height above the floor of 130-150 centimeters provides convenient access to the products in it and the safety of its use.However, a small refrigerator or compact freezer may also not always be convenient for installing a microwave, since this device should be at least 90 centimeters above the floor.

Microwave on the refrigerator - can I put it?

Convenient microwave access

The correct choice of modes and duration of microwave operation

Another secret of safe operation of the microwave in the refrigerator lies in its moderate operation. The more often it is turned on, the more heat it will produce and the higher the chance of its overheating. In addition, the use of cooking modes in this case will have to be abandoned, limited only to the functions of heating and defrosting. Therefore, from the same device, placed on a countertop or a special bracket, you can get much more benefit.

If these conditions are met and it was decided to install the microwave on the refrigerator, then it is necessary to consider several more important points:

  • The surface of the refrigerator should be flat and clean and free of foreign objects;
  • Vibration during its operation should be minimal;
  • It is forbidden to plug the oven into one socket with a refrigerator using tees and extension cords;
  • The microwave power cord must not come into contact with hot surfaces or overheat;
  • The energy consumption of the refrigerator may increase due to the influx of heat from the microwave to its condenser;
  • In the event of a microwave breakdown, this method of operation may cause the service center to refuse to perform warranty repairs.
Microwave on the refrigerator - can I put it?

Turn on the microwave and refrigerator

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