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Dimensions of the built-in microwave and its features

The main task that arises when equipping a kitchen with household appliances is the correct and compact arrangement of all items. This process is extremely important, because all the appliances in the kitchen should be as functional as possible, without taking up much space. The ideal option in this case is the built-in technique, such as, for example, a built-in microwave oven.

What is a built-in microwave

In fact, the principle of operation of the built-in microwave is no different from a conventional microwave. However, it is equipped with a wider choice of modes compared to a stationary oven. These two devices differ in the installation method. As the name implies, this type of microwave is installed directly in the kitchen. Also feature of the built-in microwave are large sizes.

Due to its versatility, the built-in microwave oven can easily replace several household appliances at once. It combines the functions of a microwave, hob and oven at the same time.

Such furnaces operate on the principle of microwave radiation. Extended models may also have convection and grill functions.

Built-in microwave oven - dimensions and features of built-in microwave with brief characteristics

Built-in microwave

Embedded Microwave Models

Depending on the functionality and the availability of additional modes, all microwave can be divided into several types. Namely:

  • microwave solo with a minimum set of functions,
  • grill ovens
  • models with grill and convection in their configuration,
  • multifunctional models.

The first type of microwave stoves equipped with the simplest set of programs. These include heating and quick defrosting functions. In addition, in such ovens you can cook simple dishes. These models are especially relevant in families with children. With their help, even a child in a few minutes will be able to warm up his lunch, by pressing at the same time just one button.

Built-in microwave oven - dimensions and features of built-in microwave with brief characteristics

Simple microwave

There are models with extended configuration, which imply the presence of a grill. It is a metal heater, located in the upper part of the inner chamber. Dishes in this case are heated from bottom to top. Also, there are microwave ovens equipped with the so-called movable grill, which, depending on the needs, can be placed both vertically and at an angle. This function is very relevant in the preparation of some dishes. Separate microwave models can be equipped with an optional bottom grill.

Microwaves with a grill may differ depending on the type of heating element inserted into them. It can be metal, quartz or ceramic.

Built-in microwave oven - dimensions and features of built-in microwave with brief characteristics

Microwave oven with grill

In addition to grilling, ovens with extended equipment may have a convection mode. This function implies an even distribution of warm air in the interior of the microwave. Thus, dishes are prepared much faster, do not burn and do not dry. This distribution is carried out due to the operation of a special fan.

Such ovens are suitable for preparing absolutely any dishes and can easily replace a gas stove or oven.

Built-in microwave oven - dimensions and features of built-in microwave with brief characteristics

Built-in oven with grill and convection

Among the most expensive models include multifunctional furnaces. The list of their modes, along with grill and convection also includes the function of steaming.Such a model is certainly worth choosing for those who very often cook and are a supporter of proper nutrition.

Built-in microwave oven - dimensions and features of built-in microwave with brief characteristics

Steaming Microwave

Built-in microwaves and control methods may vary. It is mechanical and electronic.

The first implies the presence of two regulators that are responsible for the power and cooking time. Similar models are equipped with a minimum set of functions. They are not intended for the preparation of complex dishes, since it is almost impossible to precisely determine the cooking time.

Electronically controlled furnaces have a more advanced set of modes. Thanks to the accurate distribution of time (up to a second), such microwave ovens are perfect for preparing baby food and various baking.

Distinguish built-in microwave ovens and the type of interior decoration of the camera. It can be made of enamel, stainless steel and bioceramics.

Dimensions and volume of the internal working chamber

The overall dimensions of the built-in microwave include the width, depth and height of the device. These indicators are extremely important if the oven is located in the column of the kitchen set together with other household appliances. In this case, the width of the microwave must match the width of other devices.

The size grid of the embedded microwave is quite large. So the width of the device can vary in the aisles from 45 cm to 60 cm, the depth from 30 cm to 60 cm, and the height from 30 cm to 45 cm. The standard model has dimensions 60 x 50 x 45 cm, the mini version is 46 x 32 x 30 cm

The size of the internal chamber also directly depends on the size of the microwave. It can have a capacity of 17 to 45 liters. For an average family of 3-4 people, an oven for 20-25 liters will be quite enough. Models with a volume of more than 30 liters are relevant only if there is a need to often cook a large amount of food or at the same time heat up several dishes.

Built-in microwave oven - dimensions and features of built-in microwave with brief characteristics

40 liter model

How to choose a built-in microwave

When choosing a built-in microwave oven, several factors must be taken into account at once. The first thing you need to determine is the location of the device. This item is very important, since the built-in equipment is installed once and for all (or at least for a long time) and it will be impossible to rearrange it in the future. That is why the stove should be located in a place where it will be as functional as possible.

Built-in microwave oven - dimensions and features of built-in microwave with brief characteristics

Microwave in the interior of the kitchen

The next item is the size of the microwave. As mentioned earlier, the dimensions of the device must be such that it harmoniously fits into the overall interior of the kitchen. It is good if the width of the microwave will correspond to the parameters of other devices located in the working area.

An important factor in choosing a microwave oven is the material from which it is made. The practicality and lines of operation of the device directly depend on this. Today, the market includes models of stainless steel, ceramics and enamel.

Be sure to pay attention to power. The larger it is, the faster the dishes will be prepared. Absolutely all models are equipped with regulators, with which, if necessary, you can adjust the power. Depending on the type of microwave (small or large), the consumption can range from 500 to 1500 watts. Separate devices equipped with convection function can have a power of up to 2000 watts. There are also models with inverter control, in which the power is automatically adjusted.

Not the last role is played by the manufacturer. It is better not to opt for cheap and little-known brands. Cheap does not mean quality. It is more advisable to give preference to a proven and well-established brand. The leaders in sales today are microwave brands such as Samsung, Bosch and Siemens.

It is important to determine in advance the functionality of the device.This is necessary so that the oven just does not stand idle and at the same time so that its capabilities are sufficient to fulfill all culinary needs. Before buying, you should clearly determine the purpose of the microwave - defrosting and heating food or daily cooking. In the first case, mini-ovens with a standard set of functions are suitable. In the second, large models with high power will be relevant.

Built-in microwave oven - dimensions and features of built-in microwave with brief characteristics

Multifunction microwave oven

It is worth taking into account the principle of controlling the microwave oven. This item is important both in terms of convenience and in terms of appearance. Touch control looks more expensive and beautiful. Buttons are easier to control and easier to clean. The only drawback of this control is its instability to voltage drops. Mechanical switches in this regard are much more practical. However, they do not look fashionable at all, and it is not possible to precisely adjust the time with their help.

Built-in microwave oven - dimensions and features of built-in microwave with brief characteristics

Mechanically controlled furnace

Built-in microwave oven - dimensions and features of built-in microwave with brief characteristics

Touchscreen Model

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