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Homemade microwave and its electrical parts

Failed household appliances can be given a second life if you use the device’s case and many internal parts for the manufacture of original products. A burnt microwave can also be adapted for other functions. It is not necessary to design anything complex and dependent on a household electrical network.

Great craft blank

The microwave enclosure can be used for food storage or as an original mini-laboratory for growing greens or seedlings.

We will tell you what crafts can still be made from a faulty microwave oven.

Homemade microwave and parts

It is often more expensive to repair a household appliance than to purchase a new one. For example, if a magnetron is found to be inoperative, it is not always possible to purchase an original spare part for a microwave oven that was released more than 10 years ago. In such cases, the housing of the device can be used for its intended purpose, and as a heater to install a conventional heater.

Before proceeding with the manufacture of any homemade products that will subsequently be connected to the mains, it is necessary to take care of the safety of such products. All internal wiring must be properly insulated, and the instrument housing must be connected to a grounding conductor.

The simplest device, in which it will be possible to easily heat products, is made in this sequence.

1. All unnecessary parts that are located inside the device must be removed.

All unnecessary parts must be removed.

To do this, remove the back cover of the device and, having previously discharged the high-voltage capacitor through a well-insulated high-resistance conductor, unscrew the transformer, magnetron and plate electric motor. All these parts can be used for the manufacture of devices useful in the household, including spot welding.

It is also necessary to dismantle the rotating plate and its drive from the microwave chamber.

2. Purchase a suitable air heater with a size of about 1 kW and install this part in the lower part of the device. The heater should be fixed in a stationary position, so before carrying out installation work, metal guides should be installed.

The heating element should be positioned so that the connected part of the part is completely removed from the heating chamber. Usually for this purpose it is enough to make 2 holes in the chamber with a drill, the diameters of which should be equal to the outer diameter of the heater.

TEN for an oven

3. Connect the heater to the wires extending from the electric filter of the microwave.

4. Place grids or baking sheets in the chamber of the microwave oven at a distance of 3-4 centimeters from the heating element.

Baking tray for a homemade oven

Strained glass

5. Connect the device to the 220 V network using wires with special high-temperature insulation.

Thus, it is possible for a short period of time to obtain a workable device that allows heating products. If you want to complicate the design for using this device for cooking, you must connect the thermal relay to the internal electrical circuit and install tempered glass in the door of the device.

In the microwave oven you can cook any dish at temperatures up to 200 degrees.

Original bread box

If microwave burned out and there is no way to fix it or remake it in the oven, then the case of the device can be used to make a roomy bread box.It is enough to transform the appearance of the device.

As in the case of manufacturing a low-power oven, it is advisable to remove all internal parts from the device to reduce weight, as well as the power cord. After that, paint the outer surface with any metal paint. You can transform the appearance of the device not only by coloring, but also by stickers.

Alternatively, you can add several LEDs to the camera as a backlight that can be activated at night. For such an alteration, it is not necessary to remove the power cord from the device, and install a miniature step-down transistor in the inside, from which the backlight will be powered.

Microwave bread box

We use electrical parts

In the manufacture of an oven or a bread box, the internal parts of the device are practically not used. Many of the removed parts from the old microwave can be sold on condition that they were not broken during dismantling.

If the desire to make something with your own hands is not limited only to the use of the microwave housing, then a second life can be given to the following parts removed from the device:

1. Fan - can be used in various devices, for example, in a home-made freezer or in an incubator.


Also, this part can be used in the summer as a stationary fan.

2. Transformer - this part can be used for various purposes, but it is most often used by home craftsmen to make a home-made welding machine.

It is not difficult to make a device: for this purpose it is enough to get rid of the secondary winding, instead of which several windings of thick copper wire should be wound.

From the transformer you can also make a powerful battery charger. For this purpose, the secondary winding is also removed and the required amount of copper wire is wound until an output voltage of 12 V. is obtained.


3. Plate engine - this part is used in home-made incubators for turning eggs.

Cymbal engine

Given the fact that this function must be activated after a certain period of time in order to provide the necessary interval, a time relay is installed in the electrical circuit.

The engine with the gearbox and the podium can also be used for various decorative crafts with backlight that can be installed on the garden.

4. Capacitor, control board and other radio components can be used for various electronic crafts.

Caution should be exercised when using microwave parts: products may contain substances hazardous to humans. In older microwave ovens, hazardous substances can also be found in high voltage capacitors.

From the microwave and its parts you can make a lot of interesting and useful things in the household, while the financial costs in many cases will be limited only to the purchase of soldering accessories.

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