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A quick way to clean your microwave with proven products

It is impossible to imagine a modern, functional kitchen without a microwave oven. It allows you to quickly defrost food, heat up the cooled food, cook a lot of different goodies. But over time, the stove becomes dirty - crumbs, dried up liquid, and splashes of fat accumulate in it. How and how to clean the microwave without extra time and money, effectively, but safe?

Methods for quick microwave cleaning with proven products

In order to get rid of frozen dirt inside the microwave oven, it is not necessary to apply a lot of effort, to rub all surfaces hard with a sponge. There are ways to quickly clean the microwave, based on the principle of creating a steam bath.

Note: these methods allow you to wash the microwave oven using improvised means and household chemicals available in every home.

Steam microwave cleaning

In order to wash the microwave oven from low pollution, ordinary water is used. This liquid is filled into a vessel with a capacity of about 0.5 l, which is placed inside the microwave. After that, turn on the oven to the most powerful mode for 10-15 minutes.

Tip: you can flavor the water for steaming the microwave by blowing a few slices of lemon into it.

When after 5 minutes the water boils, steam will begin to form. During the functioning of the microwave, it will circulate inside, softening contamination. After turning off the device, wait 5 minutes, then open the door. The tank with water is removed, and softened contaminants are removed with a sponge or cloth.

After that, the stove is wiped dry and ventilated. This will avoid the ingress of water into the mechanism, its closure when turned on.

Note: to get rid of burning, a thick layer of fat, water in the microwave is heated for 2-3 hours, turning on the average power mode.

Methods for quick microwave cleaning with proven products

In the course of steaming, not only the drying of dried mud takes place, but also the destruction of microbes

How to wash the microwave with soapy water

Laundry soap, characterized by an unsightly brown color and a pungent odor, is also able to effectively eliminate various household pollution. To wash the microwave inside, use a generously soaped rag.

Foam is distributed over all surfaces of the furnace, making sure that it does not get into the holes. The product is left to act for up to 10 minutes, after which its residues, along with impurities, are removed by means of a sponge. The microwave is wiped clean with a clean damp cloth and dried.

Important: it is necessary to remove soap suds well, otherwise after switching on the appliance a burning smell may occur.

Methods for quick microwave cleaning with proven products

Laundry soap has cleaning and disinfecting properties

How to clean a microwave using table soda

Soda will cope with medium pollution. Only it should not be used as an abrasive, otherwise there is a risk of scratching, violating the integrity of the internal coating of the microwave oven.

We clean the microwave with a solution prepared from 0.5 l of water and 1 tbsp. l soda. Pour it into a bowl, place it in the chamber. We turn on the stove to the most powerful mode for 5-10 minutes.During this time, hot condensate forms on the walls, which will soften dry dirt and grease. After that, we rinse the chamber with a sponge, wetting it in a soda solution, and wipe it dry.

Methods for quick microwave cleaning with proven products

Soda not only cleans well, but also neutralizes odors.

How to clean a microwave oven with vinegar or citric acid

Not every chemical product can cope with persistent pollution, not like an improvised tool. How to quickly and efficiently clean a running microwave?

Remove stubborn dirt, burning in a few minutes will allow vinegar. For cleaning use 2 tbsp. l table solution (9%) or 1 tsp. essences (70%).

Tip: before cleaning with vinegar, you should open the window in the room, since the evaporation of acid emits a pungent odor.

Vinegar is dissolved in a vessel in 0.5 l of water and placed inside the chamber. Depending on the complexity of the pollution, start the microwave for 5-7 minutes. After this, they wait some more time for the product to dissolve the dirt inside, and proceed to washing. Dirt can easily be removed with a sponge or soft brush. Cleaning ends by washing the device with clean water, wiping it dry.

Attention: if the microwave oven has an enamelled chamber, you should not use this cleaning method too often.

Methods for quick microwave cleaning with proven products

During vinegar cleaning, a pungent odor is released, but it evaporates quickly

How to clean your microwave with orange peels

Not only can the microwave oven be cleaned of accumulated impurities, but citrus fruits will also help to refresh the air inside it in the kitchen. Orange peels contain natural acid that can break down even stubborn stains.

To clean the microwave, use a fresh or dried peel of an orange, previously pouring it with a glass of water. The capacity should be placed in the chamber and turn on the stove for 5-20 minutes, setting the maximum possible power. During this time, steam together with the acid contained in the skins will dissolve the dirt. It remains only to remove it from the walls with a soft cloth and wipe the camera dry.

Methods for quick microwave cleaning with proven products

When peeling an orange peel, the microwave will shine, and the kitchen will be filled with a fresh, pleasant citrus smell

Microwave Oven Lemon

A dirty microwave can be tidied up, a lemon will let you refresh it. It effectively eliminates pollution, soot, excess fat. For microwave cleaning lemon cut in half and pour 2 cups of water. A plate of citrus is placed in the chamber, heating at full power for 10 minutes. During this time, under the influence of the acid contained in the lemon, hot steam, the remaining fat will soften, break down - they can be easily removed with a sponge.

Recommendation: in case of severe pollution, the procedure should be repeated 2-3 times, cleaning the walls of the chamber after each steam treatment.

An alternative to lemon is its essential oil. The product is diluted with hot water and applied to contaminated surfaces using a spray gun. It acts instantly, so immediately wipe the camera clean with a sponge.

Methods for quick microwave cleaning with proven products

Lemon breaks down fat well, disinfects surfaces, aromatizes air

Liquid ammonia for microwave oven cleanliness

To clean the microwave from old, dried spots, fat will allow ammonia. It is able to penetrate deep into the contaminants, softening and eliminating them. The sponge is abundantly moistened with liquid ammonia and treated with it on all surfaces, as if it were wet dirt. It is necessary to leave the product exposed for at least 5-6 hours. After that, the dirt will easily come off - they can be removed with a rag.

Please note: this procedure is best done at night, because it requires a certain time. When applying ammonia, protective gloves must be worn.

Methods for quick microwave cleaning with proven products

Liquid ammonia is not only an effective medical but also a cleaning agent

Microwave cleaning with detergents

In addition to standard mechanical cleaning of contaminants using dishwashing detergents, steam can also be used.To do this, any liquid is taken ("Feri", "Dosya"), applied to a sponge moistened with water and foams. The sponge is placed in the chamber, turning on the heating of the furnace for 30 s. After this time, the impurities should be softened to such a state that they can be easily removed with the same sponge.

Caution: do not keep the sponge in the microwave longer, otherwise it may begin to melt.

Methods for quick microwave cleaning with proven products

Conventional liquid for dishes in combination with hot steam easily eliminates complex contaminants

An effective microwave cleaner is spray / foam for washing windows. The product is diluted with water (2: 1). In this solution, a sponge is abundantly moistened, with which they wipe the microwave chamber, plate, ring. Problem areas are re-wet with a wiper. After washing with this product, the stove is wiped with a rag soaked in clean water.

Methods for quick microwave cleaning with proven products

Window washing liquid has universal cleaning properties, it can be used to clean household appliances

There are specialized oven care products, including microwave ovens. These include ZOOM, Oven Cleaner from the American company Amway. This is a quick and effective way to get rid of stains of fat, dried / burnt food debris, soot, rust, unpleasant odor.

A complete set comes with a plastic brush, which penetrates into inaccessible places, eliminates dirt without damaging the surface of the camera. Cleaning with this substance is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Protective gloves are worn.
  2. The brush is applied to the problem areas of the microwave and left for 20 minutes. for exposure.
  3. Complex places are processed with a brush.
  4. All surfaces of the chamber are wiped with a cleaning agent.
  5. The active composition is washed off with clean warm water.
Methods for quick microwave cleaning with proven products

A specialized product that eliminates all types of contamination without any effort.

Precautionary measures

Before proceeding with cleaning the microwave oven, it must be disconnected from the mains. Other safety precautions should also be followed:

  • do not treat the surface of the chamber, glass doors with abrasive substances, do not use metal devices (brushes, sponges);
  • during washing, use as little water as possible, make sure that it does not get into the mechanism;
  • Do not disassemble the device, even if there is contamination inside it.
Methods for quick microwave cleaning with proven products

Observance of precautionary measures will avoid a threat to human health and life, the integrity of a household appliance

Microwave cleaning sequence

The microwave is tidied in the following order:

  1. Clean the camera.
    • Take out the glass stand ring. They are soaked in hot water and washed separately.
    • Wipe the upper wall of the chamber, the ventilation grid.
    • Process the sidewalls, bottom.
    • Wipe the door.
  2. Clean the stove outside.
Methods for quick microwave cleaning with proven products

The frequency of general cleaning of the microwave is 1 month

Useful Tips

Bringing the microwave in order, remember that:

  • do not abuse vinegar / citric acid, especially if the chamber of the microwave oven is enameled;
  • stains that did not appear after steaming can be removed with a rag dipped in olive oil;
  • when washing the camera, avoid getting detergent, sponge particles behind the bars - this can lead to the ignition of the device;
  • use only specialized preparations for microwave cleaning. Liquid for dishes, glasses is also suitable, but aggressive chemicals, abrasives should be discarded.

Recommendation: if during the heating up the food “exploded”, the particles spattered around the chamber, it is better to immediately remove them. When they dry, it will be problematic to do this.

How to keep the microwave clean and wash it as little as possible? To do this, use a special cap, which covers the dishes during heating / cooking. Alternatively, you can use containers with glass lids, cling film.

Methods for quick microwave cleaning with proven products

The lid will not only protect the microwave oven from contamination, it will also prevent the evaporation of moisture from food during heating

Knowing these secrets, you can even clean the microwave of persistent dirt in a few minutes. But in order to do these manipulations as rarely as possible, you must carefully use the device, monitor its hygiene. Adhering to the operating rules of the microwave oven, given the type of coating during cleaning, you can extend the service life of the equipment, while maintaining its presentable appearance.

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