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Microwave coating: which is better and how it affects food

Typically, the choice of a microwave oven includes the evaluation and analysis of various characteristics and qualities of the product. It is from this in the future that its effectiveness and durability will depend. One of these important characteristics is the interior of the microwave, the role and variations of which will be discussed in this article.

The role of interior decoration

In order to determine what kind of internal coating of a microwave oven it is better to get acquainted with all its functions and varieties.

The internal coating in the microwave oven performs several functions at once. The main task of the decoration is to prevent leakage of electromagnetic waves and reduce their negative impact on products. Thanks to it, the waves are held inside the microwave, thus, without harming health and reducing excess energy consumption.

Which Microwave Oven Coating Is Better and the Role of Coating in Cooking

Exposure to electromagnetic waves

The level of thermal conductivity of the interior decoration is also responsible for the energy consumption. The higher it is, the faster dishes will be prepared and, accordingly, the less energy consumption will be.

Equally important is the quality of the inner decoration, because it directly depends on what the prepared dish will be. Some materials may contain harmful substances that, when heated, are released and absorbed into products, giving them a specific aftertaste and smell.

Affects the interior design and the duration of the device. The stronger the material, the less it will undergo mechanical changes (dents, scratches, chips) and, accordingly, will last longer.

Which Microwave Oven Coating Is Better and the Role of Coating in Cooking

Different types of microwave ovens

Types of Coatings

Depending on the type of material used, there are 4 main types of finishing of the internal coating:

  • Enameled;
  • Stainless steel;
  • Ceramics:
  • Acrylic.

All of them have different properties, their positive and negative qualities.

Enamel coating

Such coatings include heat-resistant enamel and enameled steel. This material is used mainly in budget versions of microwaves.

The positive qualities of models with enamel finish include accessibility and a wide range. Also, such furnaces are resistant to sudden changes in temperature, easy to operate and with proper care are quite practical.

However, microwave ovens with enameled coating also have their drawbacks. Firstly, they are highly susceptible to mechanical damage. Secondly, they cannot withstand high temperatures for a long time. Thirdly, with severe contamination, enamel is quite difficult to clean with gentle detergents, and the use of abrasive materials is strongly discouraged.

Which Microwave Oven Coating Is Better and the Role of Coating in Cooking

Enamel coating

Stainless steel coating

The main distinguishing feature of such a coating is durability. This heat-resistant surface is able to withstand high temperatures for as long as possible and is extremely resistant to sharp changes. In addition, the stainless coating has high strength and is not afraid of mechanical damage, due to which it can last for many years. The advantages of such a surface include high thermal conductivity, which in turn can reduce the cost of electricity.

Which Microwave Oven Coating Is Better and the Role of Coating in Cooking

Stainless steel microwave

As for the disadvantages of stainless steel, here it is worth noting some difficulties in operation. The fact is that fat accumulates on a metal surface very quickly, which is quite difficult to clean.As a rule, for this you have to resort to the use of various detergents, the prolonged use of which over time spoils the surface. It is scratched and rubbed, thereby losing its appearance.

In addition, stainless steel microwaves cannot boast a wide range. To date, in stores you can find only a few models of this type.

Which Microwave Oven Coating Is Better and the Role of Coating in Cooking

Metal coating


A microwave with such a coating is rightfully considered the best. They have significantly more advantages compared to their enameled, metal and acrylic analogues.

The ceramic surface is very even and smooth, due to which fat is not collected on it. It is easy to clean. In this case, there is no need to put enormous effort or use special detergents.

Which Microwave Oven Coating Is Better and the Role of Coating in Cooking

Ceramic coating

Ceramics are environmentally friendly material. Due to this, the products during cooking are not susceptible to harmful substances and do not absorb odors. It is also believed that dishes cooked in such a microwave oven retain their beneficial qualities better, in particular without losing vitamins E and C.

Ceramic microwaves and good thermal conductivity are distinguished. The food in them quickly cooks and warms up, but it does not burn. Pleases in such a microwave and a long period of continuous operation.

Other advantages of ceramic-coated microwave ovens include durability, attractive appearance, and antibacterial properties.

Against the background of all the positive qualities of this coating, its inherent disadvantages seem insignificant. However, when buying such a furnace, it is still necessary to take into account the fact that excessive mechanical stress can lead to a crack or chips on the interior finish.

The disadvantages of ceramics include the high cost. However, today in stores there are more and more new models whose price is not much different from the same enameled counterparts.

Which Microwave Oven Coating Is Better and the Role of Coating in Cooking

Ceramic coating


Acrylic coated microwaves are considered a kind of know-how in their field. They appeared not so long ago and have not yet gained much popularity.

It is worthwhile to opt for such a microwave only if you do not plan to cook anything at high temperatures. The maximum possible power of such microwaves is up to 1400 watts. They are suitable for defrosting food, heating and cooking at low temperatures.

The positive qualities of acrylic include:

  • ease of maintenance
  • aesthetic appearance
  • long lines of operation (5-7 years),
  • low cost.
  • The disadvantages of such models are:
  • instability to high temperatures,
  • fragility of the finishing material,
  • the impossibility of continuous continuous use.
Which Microwave Oven Coating Is Better and the Role of Coating in Cooking

Acrylic coating

Summarizing all of the above, it is impossible to say exactly with what kind of internal coating it is better to choose a microwave oven. Each of them has its pros and cons.

Products with a ceramic coating are most likely to be preferred by those for whom the decisive factor is the maximum level of security and long service lines.

If the priority is cooking speed and low energy consumption, then a better option than microwave with a metal coating can not be found.

Models with acrylic and enameled inner surfaces are among the budget options. They are very relevant if the oven will be used only for the simplest functions (defrosting, heating).

Among other things, when choosing a microwave, you should also pay attention to the presence of additional modes, functions and accessories. In this case, the manufacturer is also important.

Which Microwave Oven Coating Is Better and the Role of Coating in Cooking

Assortment of microwaves

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