home-For kitchen-Microwave-How to restore enamel inside a microwave and is it harmful to use a microwave with damage

How to restore enamel inside a microwave and is it harmful to use a microwave with damage

How to restore enamel inside a microwave and is it harmful to use a microwave with damage

Detachment of enamel inside the microwave. If the use of cleaning agents did not help maintain the integrity of the surface, there are several ways to restore it.

According to statistics, microwave ovens with enameled surfaces are the most purchased and common, due to the low cost. Compared to stainless steel, ceramic coated.

But there are pitfalls on this side, the enamel coating is quite easy to damage when careless handling or cleaning of equipment. And also, during long-term operation of the microwave oven, they lose their durable properties, the enamel exfoliation process occurs very often. In this situation, the question arises sharply: if the enamel exfoliated from the inside in the microwave, which lasted only a couple of years, is it recoverable, what should I do?

The Internet has many tips on how to wash the enameled surface, adhered food particles when heating in the microwave, to do this simply with improvised means, without harming the enamel itself.

How to restore enamel inside a microwave and is it harmful to use a microwave with damage

Microwave cleaning with lemon. One of the most effective methods is not only cleansing, but also removing unpleasant odors from the microwave.

Manufacturers' recommendations strictly prohibit the use of the device when even the smallest chips and scratches appear inside, traces of bloated enamel, rust stains, it is believed that this can cause irreparable harm to the health of consumers, create a dangerous situation in the future. A microwave oven with such “defects” will work with tangible crackling, possibly creating a spark inside the camera.

It is unfortunate to throw away a rather expensive equipment that is useful and convenient in everyday life, then the only option left is to restore the integrity and operation of the microwave oven. If everything is done in accordance with the rules, adhering to the instructions for the materials used for processing, the microwave will serve for a long time with high-quality, proper care, timely cleaning.

Is it possible to use a microwave with damaged enamel?

How to restore enamel inside a microwave and is it harmful to use a microwave with damage

Operation of a microwave oven with damaged enamel. You can use a microwave oven, but do not forget about the further destruction of the surface layer.

Partially bursting enamel surface of the microwave is not a complete rejection of its operation. The enamel coating itself is designed to protect consumers from exposure to harmful electromagnetic microwaves, which can cause damage to human health, and obviously involve a large consumption of electricity.

Through small cracks, chipped microwave waves will still not be able to leave the space of the inner chamber. But it is imperative that in the near future it is worth solving the problem, by restoring the integrity of the coating, to further prevent the increase in damaged areas. Otherwise, the microwave oven will be stopped, the household appliance can only be disposed of.

Next, we will consider methods of “reanimating” a microwave oven, at the first sign of a violation of the enamel coating, which one to choose is up to you.

How to restore enamel in the microwave - several ways

How to restore enamel inside a microwave and is it harmful to use a microwave with damage

Enamel recovery. Which paint to choose and restoration technology.

Initially, when buying new equipment, no one suggests the possibility of future repairs, major restoration of the peeled surface layer.This is a fairly common case: according to the statistics of the service center, according to requests from search engines. If the microwave oven was purchased in a specialized household appliance store, with a guarantee being provided and it has not expired, you can turn to them for help in restoration, where the device will undergo a full examination and it will be ascertained whether this is a factory defect or the use of low-quality materials from the manufacturer. It is possible that the cause may be natural wear and tear during heavy use. According to the law on consumer protection, the device must be replaced if the manufacturer’s neglect is the cause.

How to restore enamel inside a microwave and is it harmful to use a microwave with damage

The Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”. You have every right to demand a replacement of the microwave oven with bursting enamel or a refund if the microwave is under warranty.

There are many tools for gentle care, effective cleaning used in the home microwave. If all methods do not bring a positive result or the cause of delamination of the enamel is factory defects, it is necessary to do restoration.

The next method for restoring enamel is the use of effective tools, by removing rust, using a base primer, applying a new coating layer with dyes. Let us consider in more detail the second of the recovery methods.

The main questions when reconstructing the surface are: what, how to paint the microwave? You can make a simple painting with an ordinary cylinder with an acrylic primer or carry out a set of effective actions, with thorough preparation. Each consumer chooses a method at their discretion. In any case, the processing of the internal coating of the microwave oven should be carried out using only safe materials, so that in the future the process of processing the products is not exposed to harmful coloring substances.

Paint Selection Conditions

  1. It is advisable to comply with the color scheme, the shade of the paint material;
  2. Carefully familiarize yourself with the composition of the paint when selecting. The presence of harmful components in the coloring matter can be detrimental to the subsequent operation of the microwave oven, under the influence of steam, the intensity of their release occurs;
  3. Sudden changes in the temperature regime in the microwave, a large accumulation of steam adversely affect the coating of enamel, so when choosing a paint for restoration, you should consider this factor, choose with special heat-resistant properties.

Varieties of paintwork

  • Organic food colors. They use silicon, their high cost is determined by the special purpose (for household, food industry), approved for use by the Ministry of Health. The minimum content of harmful impurities in the composition, excellent coating properties: strength, resistance to mechanical damage, negative conditions inside the microwave space (high humidity, temperature changes and much more);
How to restore enamel inside a microwave and is it harmful to use a microwave with damage

Food enamel. Proven effectiveness of organosilicon paint KO-89 in the food industry.

  • Conductive paints. These paints are made on the basis of zinc compounds, the addition of shungite, silver or aluminum. This paint dries well, protects against the adverse effects of the environment, is a leader in maintaining the strong properties of enamel. It has high fire resistance, anti-corrosion properties. It is applied in a thin layer, lays well on metal, does not require a large amount of material, but the high cost makes this type of paint not the most common;
How to restore enamel inside a microwave and is it harmful to use a microwave with damage

Liquid acrylic "Shungit." Enamel paint, with the addition of shungite, will increase the strength of the coating several times.

  • Fire resistant paints. This is one of the most economical recovery methods, the predominance of increased properties of protection against high temperatures.But these types of paints and varnishes are not included in the list used in the food industry;
How to restore enamel inside a microwave and is it harmful to use a microwave with damage

Heat-resistant enamel. It can withstand temperatures up to 750 degrees.

  • Widespread, the popularity of the use of these dyes, low price and ease of use (available in the form of an aerosol can). Efficiency of use even with the largest affected areas of metal rust. Resistance to a sharp change in temperature, durability with frequent use of a microwave oven and other household appliances. Positive feedback, recommendations from many trusted service centers. The spray evenly distributes the coloring matter and dries quickly, multi-layer application of paint does not take much time, unlike other methods. A wide color variety makes it even more popular, although the most relevant color is white, its shades.
How to restore enamel inside a microwave and is it harmful to use a microwave with damage

Acrylic primer Motip. This type of body repair paint can also be used to restore the surface of microwave enamel.

Training. Primer. Coating

If, when examining the internal chamber of the microwave oven, bursting places are found that expose the metal or there is a bloating of enamel, it is necessary to sand these places without leaving roughness.

The next step in the preparation will be the degreasing of the edge of the coating and metal, using special means, for example with a solvent. It is very important to take care of the safety of the work performed by sticking a lamp that generates electromagnetic waves with a field (magnetron) with adhesive tape (scotch tape).

If you can remove the protective outer hood of the microwave oven, this will greatly accelerate the drying process, creating a more intense flow of air circulation. Do not forget about the microwave door, pasting it with protective material.

The next step in the restoration of enamel will be the application of a primer.

  1. The room where all the work will take place must be well ventilated;
  2. For safety reasons, wear protective clothing and a mask so as not to damage the airways;
  3. Next, you need to deploy the household appliance at 45 ° C, spray the primer from the bottle with a uniform first layer at a distance specified in the instructions;
  4. There will be several layers (2, 3 usually), each of the layers must go through the entire drying process, to accelerate which you can use a heat gun, hair dryer;
  5. At the end of the application of the base layer (primer), it is recommended to leave the microwave oven for 24 hours, for complete drying.

The final phase of the "restoration" of the microwave becomes coverage. Everyone chooses a paint coat on their own, based on their experience, recommendations of friends or choosing a manufacturer according to the composition. Preference is given to paints that are low in harmful substances, which are included in the list of the Ministry of Health for use in the household, food industry and manufacturing. They are in the expensive price segment and are quite rare.

You can always find an alternative to use, this paint, which we described above. They are safe to operate, do not harm human health.

After the coating has dried, microwave should be washed using laundry soap or other proven disinfectants. It is very simple to check the absence of smell, after the "repair" of the microwave oven - just put a boiling glass with liquid (water, for example).

How to restore enamel inside a microwave and is it harmful to use a microwave with damage

Checking the microwave after painting. Many manufacturers indicate this method in the instructions, boiling ordinary water will help to check whether the microwave oven is washed well enough.

Comments (1)
  1. Julia Shalaeva:

    Yeah, KO-89 enamel is toxic and fire hazard! Use on health!))