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What is harmful microwave for human health

It is difficult to imagine a modern kitchen without three things - a stove, a refrigerator and a microwave. Of these three undoubtedly useful technical devices, the microwave came after all. Convenience, time saving, simplicity are the main advantages of its use. Microwave damage - does it really exist or is there nothing to be afraid of? How safe is cooking in the microwave today? Let's try to give comprehensive answers to these questions in this article.

Microwave damage to human health - myth or reality and why microwave is harmful

The appearance of a conventional microwave

What is harmful microwave for human health

Before talking about the harm of a microwave oven to human health, we will pay attention to the principle of operation of the main components of this device, and also see when the thing necessary for every housewife was invented for the first time and for what purposes.

How is the microwave

There are two main theories of how this useful thing was invented. Some associate her appearance with the Nazis, who came up with such a tricky device for quick cooking in war. A more believable version attributes the invention of the microwave to American Percy Spencer. He conducted research on the effect of magnetic waves on the heating of certain products. The studies were successful, he immediately filed a patent for his invention and two years later the first microwave was officially released. The first microwave was used by the military to heat food.

It is correct to call a microwave oven with microwave currents. Hence, the familiar microwave reduction. These waves are emitted by the main device, which is not visible to us - the magnetron. The electromagnetic field that it creates during operation makes the magnetic waves begin to oscillate at an ultra-high frequency (about 2450 MHz), and under their influence the dipole molecules of objects that are in a given second in the device begin to oscillate, i.e. food products.

Good to know! A dipole molecule is a molecule, one side of which is positively charged and the other negative. The most common dipole molecule is the water molecule, which is abundant in products. With this super-intense vibration of water molecules, food begins to heat up. There is food in which there are few or no water molecules, in which case it will heat up slowly or not at all.

In order for the products to heat evenly, the microwave ovens are equipped with a rotating disk made of heat-resistant glass.

In many models, the magnetron is covered with a translucent plate. It freely transmits magnetic waves, however, does not allow splashes of fat to fall on the device.

How safe is this non-sparing heating of food for human health? Let's try to figure it out.

Is microwave food harmful - myths and real facts

We will analyze in detail what people who use the microwave every day may be afraid of and whether it is worth doing it.

The first myth: the radiation of magnetic waves of the microwave is the most harmful!

An ordinary WIFI router during operation is a great danger, as it emits more electromagnetic waves than a microwave. But many of us have this device located in the bedrooms! A microwave oven usually stands in the kitchen and does not work constantly.

Myth two: magnetic waves change the structure of food!

At the molecular level, no change occurs. This is a fact proven by scientific research! Burnt food is the maximum of the negative that can happen. This refers to our carelessness, but not to the operation of the furnace.

On the other hand, by heating products in the microwave, we are pursuing the goal of their accelerated structural decay. When, for example, we cook eggs on a regular stove, we hope that the egg white from a liquid state turns into a jelly-like one. Or, when we fry meat, stew vegetables, we are not afraid that something terrible happens during cooking with food.

Myth three: expensive microwaves are safer than cheap ones!

The truth is that the high price is associated with marketing chips used by manufacturers of well-known brands. These include the advanced functionality of the device, original design, unusual color and advertising costs. The principle of operation and the life of expensive and cheap stoves are the same.

Wow stove! The very first microwave weighed more than 1.5 tons and reached a height of 180 cm. It was not possible to move such a microwave to one person alone. Its cost reached 1000 dollars. Only wealthy people could afford such a luxury!

Myth four: the microwave oven has poor radiation protection!

Surely many of us saw a popular experiment, when, talking about the minuses of the microwave, a man in a white coat left a mobile phone inside the oven and turned it on. While the device was in use, the phone continued to receive a cellular signal. Voice-overs convincingly proved that once this happens, then magnetic radiation spreads around the device, harming all life that is in close proximity.

In fact, the waves at which the microwave and mobile phone operate have different frequencies, so they do not block each other. There is nothing criminal in a working telephone inside the oven at all. Another thing is a Wi Fi router. Both the magnetron and the router emit approximately the same magnetic waves. If the mobile device, tablet or computer is located close to the stove, the signal will be lost and the connection will be disconnected.

Why does an egg explode in the microwave?

It's all about the different heating rates of its components. While the yolk boils in dozens of seconds, the shell remains cold. As a result, increased pressure forms inside the egg, and it explodes.

Microwave damage to human health - myth or reality and why microwave is harmful

That's what happens if you warm a raw egg

Microwaves in the USSR

There were a lot of things in the Soviet Union, including microwave ovens. Soviet scientists conducted research on the order and in the end issued the “correct” conclusions. It was argued that microwave radiation promotes the development of cancers, molecular changes in the structure of food products lead to a decrease in immunity, children's products, the basis of which are milk, accumulate toxins and adversely affect the psyche of the teenage generation, causing its disorders, and the waves themselves remain in the food, destructively acting on the body.

Microwave damage to human health - myth or reality and why microwave is harmful

The first microwave ovens of the USSR

Despite all these officially overtaken fears, sales growth grew imperceptibly until the popularity of microwaves reached its maximum.

Why are there two opposing opinions?

As can be seen from all of the above, the disadvantages of using microwaves are greatly exaggerated.On the World Wide Web you will find dozens of articles on the same topic, “Microwave Harm: Myth or Reality,” with directly opposing views and evidence. Some are categorically against microwave ovens, others do not see anything bad in them. Do not forget that among the manufacturers of stoves, pans and microwave ovens there is an eternal struggle for the consumer. Therefore, they take turns ordering such studies for the “harmfulness” of their competitors, knowingly throwing false information.

So is there any harm from using a microwave oven for human health?

Do not forget that like any other technical device, the microwave has its own life. Manufacturers promise a minimum of 6 years of quality work. In order to prevent magnetic rays from escaping, microwave ovens are equipped with a sturdy case, thick glass and a mesh on the door. In the closed state, a working microwave oven will not miss a single radiation. And although manufacturers write in their instructions that the minimum distance a person is from the microwave should be 30 cm, you can hug her, and nothing bad will happen to your health and the health of your children.

Over time, the oven door may become deformed, scratches will appear on the wire mesh, and microwaves will penetrate outward. In order to extend the life of the oven and to avoid “leaks” of various origins, you must follow the established rules for the use and care of microwaves. Compliance with these rules will minimize the potential harm to microwave ovens.

  • Competent neighborhood. Experts do not advise putting a microwave oven near a refrigerator, washing machine, dishwasher, or heating appliance.
  • The surface on which the device will stand must be absolutely even.
  • Do not block ventilation openings.

How to check the microwave for safety?

There are several effective ways to check the stove for whether it transmits magnetic radiation.

  1. In the dark, turn off the lights in the kitchen and put a fluorescent lamp next to the microwave. If nothing happens to the lamp, then everything is in order with the stove. Bad if it starts to blink.
  2. If the door becomes very hot during operation, this will be a leak signal. Warming food in such a microwave would be harmful.
  3. If a glass of water in a new, just purchased oven boils in 3 minutes, and in yours it lengthens, then it is not in order.

Be careful! Do not open the door without waiting for the end of the warm-up time. So you voluntarily release magnetic radiation directly at yourself. Wait at least 2-3 seconds!

Microwave Recommendations

No radiation will threaten either you or your children if you adhere to certain rules of operation.

  • Do not turn on the device without food inside. A magnetron can fail, and the cost of replacing it is almost equal to the cost of the entire stove.
  • Do not reheat food in dishes that contain metal. Perhaps you will be waiting for an unpleasant surprise in the form of a fire inside the camera. What kind of cookware do experts recommend? Ideal for heating dishes - made of thick glass.
  • Elderly people with pacemakers should stay away from this technique.
  • Do not lean on the door so that it does not slip and does not allow radiation to pass through.
  • Do not heat foods that contain liquids under their shell - eggs, cucumbers, tomatoes, and any fruit. There will be a spectacular explosion and painful cleaning of the inner surface of the chamber.
  • Do not cover containers with plastic lids; they will fly off when heated.
  • If you don’t first peel the sausages or sausages, you will see something ugly at the end of the warm-up.
  • To prevent grease from splashing over the entire chamber, use plastic covers specially designed for protective purposes.
Microwave damage to human health - myth or reality and why microwave is harmful

With such a lid the oven will always be clean

  • If nevertheless the fat has already hardened, do not rush with cleaning products. There is one effective advice: put a glass of water for a couple of minutes inside the oven and turn it on. The steam will do the job, take a damp cloth and remove any loose dirt in a few movements.
Microwave damage to human health - myth or reality and why microwave is harmful

And without it it can become like that

  • Do not use abrasive sponges when washing. You will damage the walls of the chamber in this way, and the microwave can no longer be used.
Microwave damage to human health - myth or reality and why microwave is harmful

With care, the microwave will last for many years

Is microwave food harmful or not? Do not be afraid of all the horror stories you can find on the Internet. Similar articles are nothing more than a dummy. If microwave ovens were really harmful to our health, manufacturing companies would have long been mired in lawsuits and suffered multibillion-dollar losses. The magnetic radiation emitted by microwave ovens does not pose a danger when it is working properly and properly maintained on your part. You can warm products in them, as well as defrost them. They certainly will not lose their benefit. Follow the advice given in the article, and everything will be fine. Be always healthy!

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