home-For kitchen-Freezer-How to outweigh a refrigerator door with your own hands

How to outweigh a refrigerator door with your own hands

A refrigerator in a modern kitchen is an indispensable element that provides optimal conditions for storing perishable products. But intensive operation sooner or later leads to the breakdown of such equipment and the manufacturer’s brand does not matter, whether it be Indesit, LG, Bosch or Samsung.

The most common problem is a door problem. But it's not a problem. If it is not possible to rearrange it properly - you can simply hang the door on the opposite side, if it is provided for by the design - such information and the corresponding manual are usually in the booklet with all the necessary instructions. Further it is worth stocking up with tools and patience or to call the master.

Tools and supplies

In general, the sequence of actions for outweighing the refrigerator door in different models is almost the same, the only thing is that the small parts in different brands of refrigeration equipment may differ.

So, we will prepare the tools we need. You will need:

  • Phillips and flat head screwdrivers;
  • Wrench (select the size depending on the brand of refrigerator);
  • Masking tape;
  • Knife or spatula - such a tool will be needed if it is necessary to pry off stubs or other decorative elements.
How to change the refrigerator door to the other side in different models - necessary tools and instructions

Tools for hanging the refrigerator door

How to outweigh the door: sequence of actions

First you need to de-energize the refrigeration equipment, for this it is enough to unplug the cord from the outlet. After that, remove all magnets and jewelry from the door, free the chambers from food and defrost the freezer, pulling out all the shelves and drawers.

Instructions for single-chamber refrigerator

After preparation, we proceed directly to the removal of the door itself. First of all, you need to fix the door so as not to damage it when removing. We do this with masking tape. Further it is necessary to unscrew bolts and caps. This removes the upper mount. On some refrigerators, to get to the bolts, you must first remove the top cover.

How to change the refrigerator door to the other side in different models - necessary tools and instructions

The photo shows the bolts on the upper loop, which we unscrew when removing the upper mount

How to change the refrigerator door to the other side in different models - necessary tools and instructions

In the photo there are bolts from the upper hinge and a cover, which happens on some models of refrigerators

Now you can remove the masking tape and remove the door. Put it on the floor, having previously laid the old blanket, a soft substrate will protect the door from damage, especially if it is made of glass.

Now is the turn of the plugs: use a screwdriver to rearrange them from one side of the case to the other, in those slots that have already been released. Pay attention to the fact that the fasteners do not change places, otherwise you will have to redo everything. After that, you can outweigh the door to the place you need and move the handle, if it is removable. Also check the tightness of the refrigerator. This can be done using a regular leaflet.
paper: squeeze it between the door and the body and try to pull it out. If the sheet could not be pulled out, then everything is done correctly. But if the gum does not fit snugly, then the refrigeration equipment will not be able to maintain the desired temperature inside.

Instruction for two-compartment refrigerator

Removing the door of a modern two-chamber refrigerator is carried out in a similar way, just the doors need to be removed from top to bottom one after the other.And we collect everything in the opposite direction. So, the first thing to do is to fix both wings again with masking tape. Then we unscrew the bolts and remove the plugs on the other side of the door. Now shoot
the door itself and gently set it aside. We put the plugs in the holes from which the bolts were unscrewed. Then we dismantle the middle mount - you need to do this carefully without damaging the lower compartment door.

The lower door can be removed in the same way - it is also laid on a soft substrate. Repeat the operation with the bolts, twisting them to the opposite place. We return the door to its place and fix it with tape. To install the upper door, you need to install the middle mount. After that, adhesive tape is used: we fix the upper door, and the upper mount also returns to its place. The openings that we have freed are covered with plugs.

Next, we check the tightness of the doors to the refrigerator - they must close tightly. Verification is carried out, as described above, using a sheet of paper. If there is a problem with tightness, the position of each door of the door of the refrigeration equipment can be adjusted by adjusting the awnings.
If there are no problems and everything works, congratulations! You did it, you can proceed to the next procedure.

How to change the refrigerator door to the other side in different models - necessary tools and instructions

The photo shows the middle loop of the refrigerator

How to change the refrigerator door to the other side in different models - necessary tools and instructions

Example of a possible display on the refrigerator door

How to connect the refrigerator function control module

If there is a built-in display, in addition to the above steps for transferring the door attachment, it will also be necessary to throw a connecting cable.
To avoid difficulties at this stage, it is worthwhile to clearly follow the specified sequence of actions:

  • We remove the upper case cover and find the wiring harness - they must be disconnected;
  • Remove the top door;
  • We unwind the loop and throw the loop to the other side.

Mounts the door and the control module on the other side of the refrigerator in the reverse order.

How to change the refrigerator door to the other side in different models - necessary tools and instructions

Procedure for moving the refrigerator door with display

Useful Tips

  1. Do not forget to change the location of the freezer in a single-chamber refrigerator.
    2. Having completed all the necessary work, it is necessary to leave the refrigerator for 8 hours alone - only after that you can plug it into the outlet.
    3. And if you still have a warranty period, then invite a good specialist - in this case, the repair will not affect the warranty period.
  2. If the thread of the bolts was broken during the dismantling of doors or installation, I advise you to replace them with similar bolts of the same size, which can be purchased at any hardware store.
  3. Sealing gums that are damaged or worn during operation should be replaced.
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