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The multicooker bowl burns - what to do: proven recommendations

The variety of household appliances that makes life easier for many people is amazing. Such a device as a crock-pot is located in almost every kitchen, because the dishes from it turn out to be tasty and healthy. But sometimes there are misses with her in the form of burnt food. Why can a bowl burn in a slow cooker and how to deal with it?

The multicooker bowl burns - what to do: proven recommendations

Bowl crock-pot after burning porridge

Eliminate the factor of choosing the wrong multicooker mode

How often does a multicooker start working? They bring her home, quickly look through the instructions and immediately begin to cook. Choosing dishes is more complicated, and then you have to say goodbye to a burnt dish and all the curses fly to the device.

But in each model the functions, power and various programs are different. Therefore, before doing something and turning it on, you should carefully read the instructions, including all the tips and tricks. For the first time, it is better to choose the simplest dishes. You need to feel and understand how the cartoon works, then to correctly select the correct program and temperature.

Important! While cooking, you should monitor the process and stir occasionally.

In modern multicookers, bowls with a protective coating, although 100% relying on it, will not work. If all the recommendations and advice are followed, and even the simplest food burns out, then it is better to contact the service center. The problem may lie in a faulty temperature sensor.

Proper loading of ingredients into the multicooker is the key to success

If the dishes are burnt, you should make sure that all actions are correct. The most common causes are:

  • Wrong function selection. If you want to cook porridge, then you need to choose the mode Porridge or Krupa. If the automatic program is not in your model, then you need to follow the instructions and set the time and temperature correctly. Indeed, when ironing silk do not turn on the iron at maximum temperature. The same principle is in the multicooker, each dish has its own program. In milk porridges, the constant heating of milk is calculated, without bringing it to a boil, so that the foam does not run away. If you cook it in the LARGE mode, even though it is with rice, for example, then the porridge will not work.
  • Wrong proportions. If there are more dry components than liquid ones, for example, in the preparation of porridge, it is important to ensure that the liquid does not evaporate before the cereals are cooked, otherwise burning cannot be avoided. Do not neglect the correct sequence of bookmarking products. To clarify, almost every multicooker has a special booklet with recipes and recommendations.

Important! It should be borne in mind that the recipe does not always indicate which products should be taken for cooking. So some rice varieties cook longer than others.

  • The presence of scratches and damage to the bowl. They have a special non-stick coating and if it is damaged, you will have to tinker. To eliminate this reason, it is better to look for a new bowl. And henceforth, one should be more careful and use only wooden or plastic shovels.
The multicooker bowl burns - what to do: proven recommendations

Scratches on the bowl appear after using metal spatulas and spoons.

  • Lack of stirring. A slow cooker, of course, simplifies life, but a person must control the cooking process. So that all the ingredients are cooked at the same time and do not burn, especially when it comes to frying, you should periodically mix all the components of the dish.
The multicooker bowl burns - what to do: proven recommendations

Stir frequently while cooking.

  • The bowl is made of low-quality material. Before purchasing a multicooker, it is advisable to read reviews about it. Perhaps this is a standard problem for this model and it is better to opt for another manufacturer. It is recommended to buy crock-pots in which the bowl has a ceramic or teflon coating. They are considered more durable and convenient to use.

All these reasons are quite easy to eliminate, the main thing is to carefully read the instructions and responsibly approach the choice of a kitchen assistant.

Baking in a slow cooker. Advice for avoiding burning

If everything is more or less clear with stewing and cooking, then things are more complicated with baking. If all of the above reasons are eliminated, and the biscuit still burns, you should think about the correctness of the recipes. Indeed, even in the oven, fresh and unsweetened pastries do not brown for a long time. Conversely, if it contains too much fat or sugar, it quickly brownes and burns, not having time to bake properly. If the baking sheet is not covered with paper or poorly greased, it also sticks.

The multicooker bowl burns - what to do: proven recommendations

Burning becomes a “headache” when baking in a slow cooker

Important! To lower a little temperature inside the multicooker, you can open the special valve on the cover. Steam will escape, the temperature will drop slightly and boiling will be less active.

By the same principle bake multicooker. To avoid common problems you should not forget:

  1. Lubricate the surface of the bowl with butter or sunflower oil.
  2. Pour sugar exactly as much as is written in the recipe, do not overdo it. Otherwise, the baking will be too ruddy or burn out altogether.
  3. Different pressure cookers indicate their time for the baking mode. In practical ways, by experimenting, you can derive the optimal time for your device.
  4. It is important to be able to determine if a biscuit is ready. Appearance is deceiving and the top of the cake, even if its bottom is already burning, looks pale. You can use a toothpick or a wooden skewer in the old way, pierce the cake and, if there is no dough or adhering crumbs on it, you can remove it. Many housewives are a little tricky and set the baking time 5 minutes less than indicated in the recipe, but after baking is over, leave the cake or biscuit for another 15 minutes in the HEATING position. So the biscuit is baked and does not have time to burn.
The multicooker bowl burns - what to do: proven recommendations

A proven way to check baking readiness with a sweep

So, so that the food in the multicooker does not burn, you need to learn how to set the temperature and time, use the amount of ingredients that is indicated in the instructions and do not stretch the cooking time if you are not sure.

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