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How to sterilize multicooker bottles correctly

With the birth of a child in every family, there is a need for sterilization of baby bottles. This procedure is mandatory, since the child only forms immunity in the first year of life, and the entry of harmful bacteria into the intestine is undesirable. There are many ways to sterilize, and with the release of new kitchen appliances, their number is only increasing.

Relatively recently, many have become interested in the question of how to sterilize bottles in an ordinary multicooker or double boiler. After all, almost every modern housewife has this household appliances in the kitchen, and, according to most, such devices are convenient and easy to operate.

Multicooker is suitable for sterilizing children's dishes

Sterilization methods

In modern conditions, various options for sterilizing children's dishes are available. For a long time, the usual way has faded into the background - boiling bottles. This is not to say that it is uncomfortable or has many negative aspects. But with the advent of modern technology, many housewives try to get around it, replacing others with more convenient and improved techniques. Even though special sterilizers for children's dishes are available on the market.

The most common ways:

  1. Sterilization in a double boiler is a fairly quick and convenient option. To do this, pour water into an appropriate container, as written in the instructions, and place the children's dishes in the upper compartment with the neck down. Turn on the device literally for 10-15 minutes. Then remove the clean dishes.
  2. In the microwave, sterilization is somewhat more complicated. To do this, you need to prepare special dishes that can withstand high temperatures, in addition, it must be clean. To sterilize dishes, they put it in a container or in bags, fill it with water and cover it. The time that the dishes should be inside depends on the quality and power of the device. On average, it is 5-7 minutes.

    How to sterilize in the microwave

  3. In a slow cooker - this process is not only faster, but also better. To do this, you can use a special program that allows you to well sterilize not only glass, but also plastic bottles.

    Multicook sterilization process

  4. In special sterilizers, this process is of high quality. The market offers a huge variety of such devices. All of them have a main positive and negative point. The plus is that children's dishes that undergo such processing will be sterile for several hours. The downside is the high cost of the devices.

But despite such a variety of sterilization methods, many prefer processing in a multicooker. This device is in almost every kitchen, in addition, it will conduct this process with high quality.

Multicook Sterilization: Features

Many manufacturers of multicookers began to make models with a special function - sterilization. It can be both steam and water. But regardless of the selected method, the process runs very quickly and efficiently. The dishes are clean, there are no residues from water, various streaks and stains on it, which suggests that the method is very good. But even if there is an old-style multicooker in the kitchen, sterilization can be carried out without any effort and the purchase of additional equipment.

Processing bottles in a multicooker

So, there are two options for how to sterilize banks in a conventional slow cooker, in which there is no special function. This will require:

  • a special bowl is an essential component of any model;
  • device for cooking products for a couple.

So, the bowl is set in which the food is prepared. The container must be thoroughly washed from food debris. It is better to use a special detergent that allows you to wash children's dishes. About one liter of ordinary water is poured into the bowl, it can be warm or even hot - so the device will quickly reach the desired temperature, which, accordingly, will save electricity. A liter of liquid will be enough to create good steam. So that there are no stains from water, it is better to use purified water. It can be a purchased liquid or one that has gone through the cleaning process at home with a filter. Then a steam boiler is installed on top, and jars and lids are placed on it with the neck down. The lid with a pacifier can also be placed next to it. And a special program is included, which is used, for example, for cooking cutlets for a couple.

Multicook Sterilization

Features: some crock-pots have a very shallow double boiler, and some baby bottles may prevent the lid from closing. In this case, they can be put. The quality of sterilization will not change from this, but the process will be much faster. As the water boils, the steam will begin to rise up, filling the bottles and caps. The process lasts approximately 15-20 minutes from the moment of inclusion.

Another method of sterilization in a multicooker is somewhat similar to the old method: you also need to thoroughly wash the container and pour purified water into it, and then put the bottles there. Any program that provides heating to 100 degrees is installed. Bottles boil for about 15-20 minutes, but usually no longer than half an hour, depending on the power of the multicooker.

This method is convenient in that you can put a larger number of bottles and nipples than in the first embodiment. However, the second option is longer.

Children's dishware

Features of sterilization depending on the material of children's dishes

Despite the fact that all modern cleaning methods are quite gentle, the choice of one or another sterilization method completely depends on the material from which the bottles are made. The boiling method, although it does not require unnecessary expenses, is only suitable for bottles made of glass, since during processing the plastic can be deformed, which will lead to spoilage. However, several modern brands that specialize in the production of children's dishes, have begun to manufacture plastic bottles that can withstand boiling. Information about this should be in the instructions.

Which sterilization method to choose?

All other methods make it possible to qualitatively sterilize almost any type of children's dishes. But still, many prefer steaming. As a result of such manipulation, not only there are no spots and sagging, but also the bottles are better treated from harmful bacteria.

Features of the dishes: pros and cons:

Glass Bottles:

  • environmentally friendly material; it lends itself well to processing;
  • high quality glass allows you to use various methods for its processing;
  • regardless of the operating time, the bottle does not change color, does not deform;
  • baby food in such a capacity remains warm for a long time;
  • as a result of falling, the bottle may break;
  • relatively high cost of dishes.

Plastic bottles:

  • low cost;
  • when falling does not break;
  • it is easier for the child to hold the bottle, since it has a small weight compared to a glass;
  • over time, the plastic may darken;
  • the products in such dishes cool quickly.

The steam sterilization method in a multicooker is suitable for both glass and plastic dishes. Therefore, it is the most common and safe. In addition, the function of a double boiler is in almost all models, regardless of their cost.

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