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Slow cooker: benefits and harms to human health and advantages and disadvantages

In a short time multicookers have gained incredible popularity. Such a rapid hit in the hit parade of household appliances did not go unnoticed by manufacturers, and now on the shelves of stores you can find models of this kitchen assistant for every taste. But is food cooked in a multicooker so safe? Let's see what are the advantages of the multicooker and what nutritionists say about this method of cooking.

Slow cooker: benefits and harms to human health, advantages and disadvantages

A crock-pot is a multifunctional device, and any equipment with a large number of functions has inherent advantages and, of course, disadvantages. There are pros and cons to the multicooker. Admirers of this device cook in it absolutely everything, starting from compote and pastries and ending with borsch and side dishes. But there are opponents of the device, denying its benefit. Some of them are even sure that a slow cooker is harmful to human health. Who to believe?

In the slow cooker you can cook any dish


Fans of cooking in a slow cooker are attracted by the following advantages:

  1. Time saving. In the cooking process there is no need to ensure that the dish does not burn, it does not need to stir and add water. It is enough to prepare the products, put them in the bowl and choose the desired mode, the multicooker will do the rest herself. You can safely go on business or just relax while the food is being prepared, and on holidays this appliance will take the load off and help you prepare a wide variety of dishes.
  2. Comfortable use. It’s easy to choose a cooking mode. The instructions set out the basic recipes with a clear indication of the optimal regime. In addition, the multicooker has a delayed start function, which allows you to cook for the right time, and keeps the dish hot for a long time.

    The slow cooker is convenient, just select the desired mode

  3. Save space in the kitchen. All models are multifunctional and can replace many kitchen appliances: a bread machine, a double boiler, an oven, and a microwave. The crock-pot is especially convenient in the conditions of small-sized kitchens where housewives consider every centimeter of usable area. This compact appliance will also help out lovers of relaxation in the country, when there is no way to buy fresh pastries, and work does not leave time to prepare a full meal.

    The slow cooker is compact and easy to store.

  4. Ease of care. It is easy to take care of the slow cooker: it is enough to empty the bowl, wash it with gentle means without abrasive particles and dry it.


Consumers know enough about the advantages of a multicooker, because manufacturers do not forget to advertise new models and position this device only on the positive side. But in the process of operation, it turns out that crockpots also have disadvantages:

  1. One cycle - one dish. If you cook all the dishes only in the slow cooker, then you need to start dinner in the morning. In one cycle, you can cook only one dish, in contrast to the stove, where both the first and second are cooked at the same time, and baking is suitable in the oven. In addition, to prepare the next recipe, the bowl will have to be emptied. To simplify the task, you can purchase another bowl to the multicooker, but this will entail additional material costs.
  2. Functionality as a flaw.Like all multifunctional appliances, the multicooker is inferior to specialized models. For example, the constant preparation of yogurt is more convenient in a yogurt maker. If the menu is dominated by steamed dishes, better to buy a double boiler. Oven baking is tastier. In a slow cooker you won’t get a fragrant crust, however, biscuits and casseroles will never burn.

    The crock-pot functions as a double boiler, a yogurt maker and a bread machine

  3. Respect for Teflon coating. Teflon coating requires accuracy in use. You will have to buy special silicone blades, skimmers and scoops so as not to scratch the surface. And in a large family, you also need to monitor households so that they do not spoil the Teflon bowl with metal cutlery.

    For cooking use only special appliances

  4. It is impossible to learn how to cook. Regular cooking in a slow cooker does not allow you to experiment and create culinary masterpieces. In a slow cooker you will not be able to cook a signature dish, and over time, the skills of cooking the simplest dishes will disappear.

Slow cooker food - good or bad?

As you can see, the pros and cons of the multicooker are the same amount. Each housewife decides for herself, it is advisable to purchase this household appliance. But the decisive question is the benefits and harms of such a device as a slow cooker for human health.

The principle of operation of the multicooker is built on tightness during cooking. Inside the appliance with the lid closed, the temperature rises to 400 ° C. For comparison: in the pan during cooking on the stove, the average temperature range is about 100–150 ° C, and the maximum value is 200 ° C. Teflon coating at high temperatures releases perfluorooctanoic acid, which can cause cancer.

The health hazard of a multicooker increases if:

  • the bowl has been in operation for more than five years;
  • mechanical damage appeared on the teflon coating.

Damaged teflon coating

In order to establish whether an ordinary multicooker is harmful to health, laboratory tests were conducted. They showed a direct correlation of the appearance of cancerous tumors in people who often or incorrectly operate this device.

How to avoid the harmful effects of a multicooker?

In order for the multicooker to bring only benefit, it is necessary to observe the rules for operating the bowl for cooking:

  • carefully take care of the teflon surface: do not use metal appliances to stir food, clean only with dishwashing detergents without abrasive particles;
  • change the bowl every 5 years - this is the period allotted by manufacturers for the operation of Teflon surfaces;
  • Do not operate the bowl in which the Teflon coating is damaged.

When buying, you should choose models no older than 2000, since from that moment manufacturers were obliged to declare the composition of Teflon and the materials from which crock-pots are made. Do not buy appliances by hand, as well as models for which there is no accompanying documentation and certificates.

According to professionals, not only the bowl, but also other elements of the multicooker require care: the bottom, the inner surface of the lid, a moisture collector, and a steam valve. Thoroughly clean the device after each cooking, wipe dry all parts and do not forget to ventilate to avoid unpleasant odor or the appearance of pathogenic flora.

Teflon coating requires gentle care

Nutritionists on cooking in a multicooker

Basically, the opinion of nutritionists about dishes cooked in a slow cooker is positive:

  • less fat and oil are required for cooking;
  • during cooking, the consumption of spices and salt is minimal;
  • food warms evenly.

Slow cooker food contains less salt and fat

Food from a slow cooker is more useful than dishes cooked on a stove, but nutritionists also recommend that you strictly monitor the integrity of the Teflon coating and replace it with the slightest damage.

A multicooker is used with caution to prepare children's menu dishes, and for babies up to three years old, nutritionists advise to completely exclude food from this device.

Do not get involved in food from a multicooker and adults. Choose recipes that do not require a long cooking time to avoid overheating the bowl. Use the slow cooker from time to time when there is a real need for it.

In the traditional way, food is prepared on the stove for the elderly. Slow cooker food can be harmful, as the risk of cancer increases with age.

Food from the multicooker will be beneficial if you follow the rules of operation of the device

Careful care and proper operation of kitchen appliances become the key to human health. Take care of your assistant to avoid potential health threats and get only positive emotions from cooking in a slow cooker.

Comments (2)
  1. Nika:

    I will add two more pluses:
    1. low power consumption
    2. The stove and oven heat the kitchen and apartment very much while cooking. And the multicooker does not heat the room, everyone who uses it will confirm this to you.
    3. The possibility of getting burned is excluded.
    4. cooks quickly and tasty (I have a slow cooker-pressure cooker)
    Cons too:
    1. At Mulineks - the stimulus is inserted into the bowl, inconvenient for cooking two dishes at the same time.
    2. A short cord, it would be better if the cord with the switch.
    3. included plastic appliances that scratch the bowl. Why not silicone or nylon?
    4. there are no handles on the bowl, although they are very rarely needed, but the kit could have been tongs or a handle for removing the bowl.


    I immediately noticed that when cooking in a slow cooker, the properties of salt disappear. Food does not become salty. The salt is always at the end. I read a lot of posts on this topic. Who sins on the multicooker who on salt. And for some, the slow cooker eats spices. So what's the question in a slow cooker or in salt?