home-For kitchen-Slow cooker-Compatibility table for multicooker bowls, and which bowl cover is better for cooking and human health

Compatibility table for multicooker bowls, and which bowl cover is better for cooking and human health

A slow cooker is an indispensable assistant in every kitchen. There is nothing easier and tastier than dishes made with steam in your own juice. Choosing this small cook in the kitchen, it is worth considering many criteria: from appearance to functionality. One of the most important features in every slow cooker is its bowl. Depending on the volume and coverage, it suits different models and affects the taste of dishes. To determine which bowl is suitable for a multicooker, it is better to study the compatibility of various models in advance.

Multicooker with filling

Differences in multicooker bowls

Each bowl has characteristics thanks to which, it will become an ideal dish for the preparation of certain dishes. When choosing a device, it is worth considering:

  • bowl size;
  • external coating;
  • whether there is a measuring scale inside;
  • manufacturer;
  • the presence of pens.

Redmond Bowl

The first difference of all containers, which is worth paying attention to, is their volume. On sale you can find the appliance or individual containers with a capacity of 2-7 liters. The most common volume used by manufacturers in their devices corresponds to average figures of 3.5 - 5 liters. Such a slow cooker is suitable for a family of several people or those who want to cook food for several days in advance.

For those who need small amounts of food, for one, at most two meals, bowls-babies with a capacity of 2 to 3 liters are suitable. Miniature models are compact and have low energy consumption, so for a small family, or people with a small child, they will be the best option.

Handles are a nice advantage, allowing you to conveniently carry the cup and fill it. But not all models of devices support this form, so when buying a separate tank you need to consider this feature.

Slow cooker bowl with lid for storage in the refrigerator

Measuring scale, as a rule, is present in most of the presented models. If there is a choice to take the tank with measured division or without, it is better to stop on the first option. The scale will help not to be mistaken with the volume of ingredients and greatly simplify the cooking process.

The brand of the acquired bowl is also worth paying attention to. Some manufacturers, such as Redmond, Polaris, Panasonic or Philips, have specialized in multi-cooker manufacturing for many years and try to use the best materials, new technologies in their products. Capacity purchased from an experienced brand can guarantee longer life and comfort.

We get the bowl with handles from the multicooker

The last, most important criterion relates to the type of coating of the bowl. Each multicooker comes with a standard tank with a top layer, which is determined by the manufacturer. Depending on it, the bowl will be better suited for baking, frying or some other food operations. On sale there are separate containers that are suitable for various models of multicookers.

Important! Before purchasing the appliance, each buyer must decide: whether the standard capacity is suitable for him, which coating for the multicooker bowl is better and should immediately purchase an additional one.


Types of Coatings

The capacity of the multicooker is cast from aluminum or steel. The second option is typical for pressure cookers cooking with pressure.The outer layer, depending on the manufacturer, will be different for different models. There are 3 options for coatings for a multicooker bowl:

  • without an outer layer. This capacity belongs to the category of eco-dishes. The bowl itself is smelted from stainless steel or aluminum, suitable for the food industry. This type of coating is very resistant to various types of scratches, mechanical stress. Plus, this capacity in its versatility for any action: right in it you can use a mixer, blender, knives and blades from any material. The downside is the possible burning of food;

Stainless steel bowl

  • non-stick, including teflon. In a container with such a surface, you can cook any dishes. It does not mix odors and does not preserve them in its structure. Such bowls are very durable to blows, but can be scratched by metal objects, this is their main disadvantage. It is better to use silicone or plastic kitchen tools when cooking. To place in the refrigerator, to create sharp temperature changes for such bowls is also not desirable, they can crack;

Non-stick bowl

Silicone multicooker set

  • ceramic. This coating can withstand very large degrees (up to 450 °). All substances in its structure are completely natural, therefore they do not emit harmful substances when heated. Ceramic bowls have a high cost, easily break and scratch when using any tools consisting of materials other than plastic and silicone. As a rule, the manufacturer immediately adds several accessories suitable for the surface to the kit. Manufacturers do not recommend washing such containers in a dishwasher.

Ceramic bowl

The effect of different coatings on human health

Like any other tools involved in the preparation of human food, all types of multicooker bowls are subjected to detailed analysis and study by the regulatory authorities. Such attention is due to the fact that many appliances are bought for cooking for babies.

Teflon bowl with removable handle

Facts and myths about health hazards of multicooker bowls person:

  • danger of teflon when heated. When heated, the material releases substances that adversely affect the body. In fact, the release of any harmful substances occurs only at temperatures above 200 ° C, while all types of devices cannot exceed 175 ° C when heated;
  • acid in the blood. The experiments conducted by American scientists showed the presence of harmful acids in the blood of the entire studied population. The reason was called food cooked in Teflon dishes. However, evidence that substances were found in the body due to the use of multicookers was not found;

Standard Teflon Bowl in Multi Cooker Set

  • chemicals. Ceramic coating can be applied on an aluminum base only at temperatures above 1000 ° C. Therefore, manufacturers use chemicals to solder. There was an opinion that when heated, these harmful elements are mixed with food. No evidence was found;
  • nickel. Experts consider this chemical element to be a dangerous feature of uncoated bowls. It is dangerous for people prone to allergies, but inferior to Teflon and ceramics in its alleged negative reactions. No evidence of his bad influence was provided.

Note! Despite the abundance of warnings, possible negative effects, evidence of any bad influence of the materials used to cover the multicooker bowls has never been provided, while each owner of this appliance knows its good impact on the household due to the simplicity of cooking and comfort of use .


Bowl and mulwark compatibility

It happens that the surface of the bowl in the purchased model of the device does not meet the needs, it crashed, worn out or just want to have an additional set of dishes. In this case, it is necessary to consider options for bowls on the principle of interchangeability. Considering analogues, it is worth considering the diameter of the container and its height.To easily navigate in the variety of choices, it is worth using the compatibility table of bowls for multicookers, which considers the main brands of devices in accordance with the volume, diameter and height of their bowls.



V = 2.7 L
D = 195 mm
H = 131 mm
RMC-M4505, RMC-M10,
SR-TMH 10VS-522, VS-584,
V = 4 L
D = 220 mm
H = 131 mm
DSB40-800B9, F, QDL414A, C, QDL-414D, 414D GIFTYBW40-80A, YBW40-80A1, YBD40-80A, A1RMC-M4515, RMC-M4524HD3039 / 00, HD3033 / 00, HD3036 / 03Vc-607VS-513, VS-517, VS-520, VS-582, VS-592, VS-594, VS-586
V = 4 L
D = 226 mm
H = 134 mm
HD2173 / 03
V = 4.5 L
D = 220 mm
H = 141 mm
HD3024 / 00, HD3024 / 40, HD3027 / 03PMC 0508D, PPC0105ADVS-591
V = 5 L
D = 210 mm
H = 146 mm
RMC-4502, RMC-4503, RMC-M70, RMC-M20, RMC-M90, RMC-4500, RMC-M4501, RMC-M45011, RMC-M4525, RMC-M45021, RMC-M45031, RMC-M150SR-Tms520ktqHD3037 / 03PMC 0506AD, PMC 0508, PMC 0508 FLORIS, PMC 0512AD, PMC 0517AD, PMC 0519D, PMC 0511ADVC-600, VC-601VS-516, VS-518, VS-581, VS-529, VS-593
V = 5 L
D = 220 mm, H = 141 mm
QDL514A, C, QDL-514D, D GIFTYBW50-90A, A1HD3024 / 00, HD3024 / 40, HD3027 / 03PPC 0105AD, PPC 0205AD, PPC 0305AD, PPC 0505AD
V = 5 L
D = 20 mm
H = 136 mm
DSB50-900B9, F, F1YBD50-90A, A1RMC-M4504,
HD2173 / 03VS-524, 525, 526
V = 6 L
D = 220 mm
H = 161 mm
DSB60-1000B9, F, F1, QDL614A, C, D, D GIFTYBW60-100A, A, YBD60-100A, A1VS-3005, 3006,

Each substance tends to break or become worthless. Slow cooker is no exception to the rule. The bowl of the device is subjected to temperature loads, the oxidation process, friction and other stresses affecting its shelf life. Depending on the brand, model and characteristics of the container for loading products to any multicooker, you can choose a replacement tank, the main thing is to take into account all the initial parameters.

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