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What you can bake in a slow cooker and the secrets of delicious pastries

The ability to bake is not given to every housewife, but you really want to pamper your household with something tasty. The slow cooker greatly simplifies the baking process, the pies in it do not burn and are well baked. It would seem that you can safely get down to business, but it's not so simple: there are secrets to cooking baking in a slow cooker. We’ll talk about them in more detail.

What you can bake in a slow cooker - the secrets of delicious pastries

Since the multicooker belongs to the category of multifunctional equipment, it is not surprising that it is equipped with a baking function. As practice has shown, the pies in it are wonderful: fragrant, with a special colorful flavor. Of course, the slow cooker is not a bread machine, you have to knead the dough manually, but this appliance successfully replaces the oven or pan.

Slow cooker bread - lush and very fragrant

What dishes can be baked in a slow cooker:

  • bread (wheat or rye);
  • pies with various fillings;
  • biscuits and pastries for trots;
  • casseroles, including manna;
  • pizzas and greases.

Such confectionery products as cookies, rolls, pastries, croissants and muffins are not cooked in a slow cooker. This is impractical due to the small surface of the bowl. It is more convenient to make such pastries on a baking sheet, but you can cook small pizzas and greases.

In the slow cooker bake greases and pies with fillings

With strict adherence to the recipe, yeast dough pies, as well as capricious biscuits, are even better than from the oven. This happens for the following reasons:

  1. The dough is heated and baked evenly.
  2. Thanks to the Teflon coating, baking does not burn.
  3. Yeast and butter dough is well suited due to the tightness and optimal humidity inside the multicooker.

In addition to classic baking, fried pies, whites, and crumpets are cooked in a multicooker - items that require a large amount of oil to cook.

Almost all models of multicookers are equipped with the "Baking" function. If this mode is absent, the modes “Porridge” or “Soup” are used for baking, followed by heating. True, in this case you will have to watch so that the pies and biscuits do not burn, and switch the appliance to heating on time.

Baking in a slow cooker - cooking features

To bake it turned out magnificent and well baked, you need to know the secrets of its preparation.

  • A distinctive feature of baking from the multicooker is the absence of a golden crust on top. This fact is explained by high humidity in a hermetically sealed bowl and the location of the heating element at the bottom of the device. In order for the product to acquire a beautiful crust, it is turned over 10 minutes before the end of baking. True, this can only be done with pastry, casseroles and manna. After such manipulation, yeast pies and biscuits can settle.
  • During cooking, do not open the lid, as baking settles. This rule must be observed especially strictly in the manufacture of pies, bread and other products from yeast dough.
  • When baking yeast, fill the bowl no more than ⅓, as the dough can double, stick to the lid and clog the steam valve.
  • Before laying the dough, coat the bowl with vegetable oil. If the dish is baked in the "Porridge" mode, you can be safe by laying out the bottom and walls of the container with oiled parchment.

    When baking in the "Porridge" mode, the bowl is covered with parchment

  • Due to the increased humidity inside the multicooker, there is a risk that the finished product will crumble. To maintain its shape, it is recommended to leave the baked goods in the bowl until completely cooled. The cover should be kept open.

    Cool baking with the lid of the multicooker open

  • After cooling, the bowl is gently inverted to get the product. In most cases, baking falls out easily. If it is stuck, lightly tap the bottom of the container with a wooden spatula.

Slow cooker bread - recipe and baking rules

Mistresses who bake bread and pies on their own know that the main thing for yeast dough is the melting process. Traditionally, the dough for thawing is placed in a warm place near any heat sources, where the temperature varies from 30 ° C to 35 ° C. If the crock-pot is equipped with the “Yogurt” function, the fermentation dough is put in the bowl, after which the mode is immediately switched to baking.

If there is no such function, the dough is melted in the heating mode. However, care must be taken to prevent overheating. After 2 minutes, the program is turned off and, if necessary, restarted. If you don’t feel like taking risks, prepare the dough in the usual way, and use the slow cooker only for baking.

Multicooker Wheat Bread Recipe

  • flour (premium) - 600 g;
  • granulated sugar - 15 g;
  • table salt - 5 g;
  • dry (instant) yeast - 10 g;
  • vegetable oil for dough and for lubricating containers - 15 g;
  • water - 350 ml.

Cooking dough and baking

Bread dough is kneaded in a combine or manually. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Flour is sifted through a sieve into a mixing bowl, salt, sugar and yeast are added, mixed.
  2. Continuing to stir, pour water, then oil.
  3. Knead until the dough is completely behind the hands and the surface of the bowl.
  4. Lubricate the bowl with butter, put the dough in it.
  5. With wet hands, smooth the top of the bread, close the lid.
  6. They turn on the “Yogurt” mode for 1 hour or the warm-up function for several minutes.
  7. After an hour they set the “Baking” mode without opening the slow cooker for about 1.5–2 hours. Time depends on the power of a particular model.
  8. After the time has passed, the bread is taken out, the product is cooled on the upper grill of the multicooker.

Baked Wheat Bread

Baked bread is suitable for making sandwiches and eating with cold appetizers and hot dishes.

By adding milk instead of water and doubling the sugar rate, you will get a butter product. In the process of kneading the dough, you can add pumpkin or flaxseeds, sesame, cheese or butter after frying the onions to get bread with your favorite flavor.

Failures usually occur due to violation of baking rules and the proportions of the recipe. Follow the instructions for cooking bread in the slow cooker to get a tasty and fragrant product to the table.

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