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Types of wooden body massagers

A long time ago, a primitive man decided that moving on two legs is very convenient. But upright posture greatly overloaded the back, and weight lifting and prolonged physical exertion provoked pain. A modern person is also familiar with all these problems, so quite a long time ago a simple and elegant solution was found - a wooden massager for the back.

What types are there?

There are two types of mechanisms on sale:

  • universal;
  • specialized.

The former are useful for massage on any part of the body, while the latter are designed to work out the muscles of specific parts. Their design enhances the impact on the feet, neck, face. The procedures are best carried out using aromatic oils, then the stimulation will be soft and pleasant.

Masters in production prefer to make wooden massagers for the back, legs and neck from birch. But if you wish, you can buy products from sandalwood, cedar, oak or beech.

Making a massager


Consist of a handle and roller rollers. Rollers rotate freely, perfectly warm muscles, relieve tension. With their help, conduct longitudinal and transverse stimulation.

Roller devices are perfect for self-massage. It is advisable for people who spend a lot of time at the computer to have a wooden roller massager in the workplace to relieve stress during the working day.

Roller massager


The product consists of two elastic cords on which wooden rollers are alternately strung. On both sides the mechanism is equipped with handles, thanks to which you can independently massage your back, shoulders, neck, and hips.

Given that the back muscles are constantly tense during the day, it is necessary to give them rest, relax. Rollers press on acupuncture points, which restores blood circulation, normalizes metabolism.

Athletes enjoy tape massager to prepare muscles before and after training, to remove excess lactic acid.

Massage wraps

Made in the form of bedspreads from wooden balls strung on a solid fishing line. The product has earned decent recognition among motorists.

Tape Massager

Indeed, in the muscles of the lower back and neck. Helper balls stimulate blood flow in the muscles when the driver sits motionless in a car seat.

Massage wraps create an additional layer of air between the body and the seat, which is a real salvation in hot weather.

Beech wraps are made. This material has a dense texture, perfectly absorbs paint, and is durable.

Massage Cape

Massage shoes

Products have the form of sandals or slippers made of wooden beads. You can use them at home, in the country, during sports. When walking, acupressure of the feet and stimulation of nerve endings occur. Such slippers are recommended to be worn daily for 10-15 minutes in the morning and in the evening.

Massage sandals

How to make a good choice?

First step when choosing body massager should be a doctor’s consultation. This stage is especially important for people with chronic diseases.

It is necessary to determine for what purpose the product is purchased. The universal mechanism is suitable for working out the whole body. If you plan to pay special attention to individual areas, then get a specialized model.

Pay attention to the quality of the clips. Ideally, they have a smooth, well-polished surface. All moving elements are firmly fixed.The distance between them should be minimal, in order to avoid injury to the skin.

Check the quality of coloring elements. During manipulations, the product should not leave colored marks or paint particles on the skin.

As an example

  1. 1. "All-terrain vehicle." The device consists of a flat handle to which several rollers are attached. Their surface is made smooth or studded. The cost of 250-400 rubles.

    All-terrain vehicle

  2. “The abacus." Use them to work out the feet. consists of a fixed base on which gear rollers are fixed. It has long been known that there are nerve endings on the foot that are responsible for the operation of all body systems. Massage helps restore blood flow, relieve fatigue, strengthen immunity. The cost of 450-500 rubles.


  3. The rolling pin. Very similar to the kitchen utensils of the same name. Produce them smooth or with spikes. The cost of 200-400 rubles.

The Rolling Pin

How to get the most out of it?

Massagers from wood are used to prevent diseases, improve blood circulation, increase vitality. The doctor may prescribe massage as an adjunct to drug therapy for diseases.

Indications for use:

  1. physical inactivity;
  2. professional load on the legs and back;
  3. elimination of the consequences of injuries;
  4. osteochondrosis;
  5. cellulite and body fat;
  6. sleep disturbance;
  7. flat feet.

May be interesting: Darsonval apparatus for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.


With proper use, the device will fix many problems. But it must be remembered that it is strictly prohibited to use it during an exacerbation of diseases, at high temperature and damaged skin.


  • intervertebral hernia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • dermatitis;
  • varicose veins;
  • dislocation of the joints;
  • oncological diseases:
  • pathology of the nervous system.

Terms of use

Experts recommend taking a bath or shower before the procedure in order to relax the muscles. Gently carry out manual stimulation of the skin, apply a little aromatic oil. The movements should be increasing, therefore, after warming up, it is necessary to increase their intensity.

The main principle: from the general massage of the body to move smoothly to the study of specific areas. Each part requires a special relationship, and the effective number of passes varies from 10 to 20 times.

A relaxing massage begins with neck stimulation. It is necessary to act very carefully, because the neck is extremely vulnerable. The roller is rolled, slightly pressing along the cervical vertebrae. It is advisable to tilt the head alternately to the sides, forward and backward during the procedure.

Next, work out the back. Movements can be longitudinal or transverse. It is important to remember that the right and left parts of the back are massaged alternately, in no case touching the spine.

Massage of the arms and legs is performed from the bottom up. It is convenient to work out the shins and hips independently in a standing position, bending the leg and putting on a raised platform. First massage the top from the knee joint to the groin, then the movements are transferred in the direction from the foot to the knee. In no case should you touch the popliteal fossa, where there is a large accumulation of lymph nodes.

Foot massage

Foot massage is carried out in a sitting position. Bare feet are placed on the massager and roll rollers with them. The device must be placed on a horizontal non-slip surface.

When the procedure is performed correctly, the skin turns slightly red, and a sensation of warmth arises throughout the body. It is important to remember that when acute pain occurs, it is necessary to immediately stop the manipulation.

Wooden massagers can be the first helpers to a person in the prevention and treatment of many diseases. They help to eliminate toxins from the body, improve blood circulation, relieve stress. Unlike electric counterparts, they will come to the rescue in any, even the most unexplored corner of the globe. The main thing is to follow safety rules and listen to the signals of your own body.

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