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Pulse massager for body and face - description of the device

Massage is the most popular cosmetic procedure for the skin on the body and face. It makes it more beautiful, resilient and has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. To date, there are many devices with which you can carry out the procedure at home, without resorting to the services of massage therapists and cosmetologists. One of them is an electropulse massager.

Pulse Massage Process

What is a pulsed massager?

A pulse massager is, first of all, a convenient tool for conducting independent massage procedures on your skin. Outwardly, it looks like a small device with several nozzles. They make it possible to massage both on the face and on the body, head and even hair:

  1. Drop shape.

    Drop nozzle

  2. The shape of the fungus.

    Mushroom nozzle

  3. The shape is t-shaped.


  4. Shape comb.

Brush head

The second name of the pulsed massager is darsonval. He was named after the physicist Jacques Arsen Darsonval. He was able to prove that alternating current has a positive effect on tissue and then invented a portable device.

The use of a pulsed massager makes it possible to improve the condition of the skin in a short time period. The device improves blood circulation, prevents the appearance of new wrinkles and reduces fat content. In addition, there is an improvement in metabolic processes and oxygen saturation of tissues. Most often, darsonvalization is offered to people with skin problems. The disappearance of acne, ulcers and inflammation is due to the improvement of the bactericidal properties of the epidermis by the apparatus. Thanks to the drying of the skin, the skin becomes more protected. The device also has a positive effect on the vascular system. By improving the microcirculation of the skin, the venous system functions with great effect. The procedure carried out by a pulsed massager is considered absolutely safe, since the external surface of the device receives current with a minimum frequency that is not even noticeable to the human eye. Due to this, the body receives a minimal discharge of current.

The device has large reserves of energy resource, which makes it possible to use it for a long period. Thanks to the presence of regulators, it is possible to adjust the intensity of the impact.

Girls who have already experienced the work of darsonval indicate its effectiveness and argue that after using it, swelling and varicose veins go away, and pain during migraines is also reduced.

The rules for the use of darsonval for varicose veins can be found in our article.

Pulse Massager Modes

The procedure with a pulsed massager can be carried out by contact and remote. The contact technique implies a tight fit to the skin of a glass electrode charge. This helps to increase skin turgor, elasticity, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and improve blood circulation, which prevents the appearance of wrinkles. If you use the device to massage the skin on the head, then in several sessions you can strengthen the hair follicles, activate the "sleeping bulbs", stimulate hair growth and eliminate diseases such as seborrhea.

With a remote technique, a glass charge of the electrode is carried out over the skin at a distance of 1-3 mm. This method is effective for acne, acute and purulent inflammation.

Indications for use

Recently, a pulsed massager for face and body began to be used not only in cosmetic procedures, but also in medical ones.However, before proceeding with its use, you need to familiarize yourself with all existing indications and contraindications.

Important! It is recommended to consult a specialist before massage. If necessary, he will prescribe a special examination and a series of tests to exclude the occurrence of malaise from a pulse massager.

Indications for using the device are as follows:

  1. Prevention of psoriasis, eczema, lichen and other skin diseases.
  2. Treatment of the inflammatory process and the consequences of injury (postoperative keloid, boil, burn, bruise, hematoma).
  3. Increased activation of the biochemical process of metabolism in the skin layer and subcutaneous fat (rejuvenation and improvement of appearance).
  4. Diseases of the respiratory system and nose (tracheitis, bronchitis, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis).
  5. Problems with muscles, tendons and joints (arthritis, high salt content, polyarthritis).
  6. Violation in the blood vessels.
  7. Diseases associated with neurology (neuritis, vegetovascular disease).
  8. Saturation of cells with oxygen.
  9. Cellulite elimination.
  10. Strengthening hair follicles.

In addition, in the treatment with the use of alternating current, the symptoms inherent in osteochondrosis, radiculitis, seborrhea, varicose veins are eliminated.

Rules of procedure

The most important rule during pulse massage is the absence of cosmetics and creams on the skin. Therefore, before starting the process, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin. All movements should be carried out slowly according to the massage lines on the face and body. To facilitate the sliding of the nozzle-electrode over the skin on the body, it is recommended to apply powder or talcum powder on it in advance. On the face - cosmetic talcum powder or powder. And when exposed to wounds or ulcers, it is better to carry out the procedure with a gauze bandage. It should be clean and dry. To increase oxygen penetration into the skin, an oxygen gel can be applied. The first procedures are carried out with minimal intensity, and then it can be gradually increased to the desired one. The whole process of pulse massage consists of the following:

  1. Choosing a suitable electrode and carefully installing it in a metal holder (it is important to do this with a minimum of effort, otherwise the device may simply be damaged).
  2. Checking the position of the control knob before darsonvalization starts (it must be off).
  3. Turning on the device (the knob must be turned to the right side until a click appears, then touch the skin with the electrode and set the intensity by turning the control knob to the right side).

Before changing the electrode, turn off the device by moving the handle to the left side until it clicks. The device can only be serviced after it is disconnected from the power supply. To remove dirt from the surface of the massager, you can use a soft and slightly moistened cloth. And the electrode itself is cleaned using ordinary detergent or an alcohol solution. Before the next use, the device and its nozzles must be thoroughly dried.

Contraindications to the procedure

If there are any diseases, you must always consult a doctor in advance to confirm the absence of such a disease in which pulsed massage is contraindicated. In the presence of warts and moles, exposure to them with an electrode should be avoided. Also, you can not use the device in the thyroid gland. Performing the procedure with a pulsed massager is prohibited under the following circumstances:

  1. Mental illness.
  2. Poor blood coagulation.
  3. Diseases of the cardiovascular system and rhythm disturbances.
  4. All types of tumors.
  5. Problems with skin sensitivity.
  6. Fever.
  7. Intolerance to electric current.
  8. Thrombophlebitis.
  9. The period of pregnancy and lactation.
  10. Breast diseases (tuberculosis).
  11. Rosacea
  12. Hirsutism (excessive hair growth in the face).
  13. Epileptic seizures.

In addition, the use of the device in the area where there is an electronic or metal implant is strictly contraindicated.

Overview of popular models of pulsed massagers

To date, a large assortment of drugs for pulse massage has been provided for people. The main thing when choosing to take into account your individual characteristics and wishes.

Star CH 101

The Darsonval Star CH 101 device is provided in two forms: Norma and Profi. The first is characterized by the presence of four electrodes, and the second by seven. Due to its high power (from 45 to 55 kV), it can be used on any part of the body. Moreover, his power consumption is quite low - no more than 10 kV. It is packed in a convenient box with magnetic tape. The average price in Russia for it is 2600 rubles.

Star CH 101

Carat DE-212

The device for darsonvalization Carat DE-212 is convenient to use and quite light (500 gr). It can be used both at home and in cosmetology rooms. The device has a universal holder for nozzles, which makes it possible to use not only native electrodes, but also intended for other darsonvalizers. It also has a voltage regulator, which prevents burnout during overvoltage surges in the network. The set consists of four nozzles (mushroom, cavity, comb and t-shaped). They serve for anti-cellulite massage on the abdomen, hips and buttocks. The average price in Russia for it is 2400 rubles.

Carat DE-212

Gezatone Biolift4 118

The pulsed darsonval massager Gezatone Biolift4 118 was produced by the French company GEZANNE I.T.C. It is suitable for self-impulse massage on the face, body and scalp. Thanks to the modernized coil, high power is provided at the output of the apparatus up to 45 kV and extends its service life. The kit includes four nozzle electrodes. The main advantage is light weight (up to 400 gr) and a convenient storage box. The average price in Russia for it is 2800 rubles.

Gezatone Biolift4 118


Darsonval ULTRATECH SD 199 is distinguished by its compactness, ultra-thinness, lightness (300 - 400 gr), the presence of five nozzles and a voltage stabilizer and a universal nozzle holder. It is made in the Russian company EUROMEDSERVICE and is available in a stylish design and several colors. However, its power is an order of magnitude lower than that of devices of other companies (up to 20 kV). The average price in Russia is 2200 rubles.


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