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Instructions for use of the massager from China

Not everyone can find free time to visit a professional masseur. Therefore, alternative methods of solving the problem are so popular. In particular, we are talking about home massagers, and often the choice falls on massagers from China, largely due to their availability.

Neck massager with heating

Massagers made in China are very popular due to the fact that they are quite simple to purchase, and with a competent approach, you can find cheap options. When choosing such a technique, it should be remembered that the product must be of high quality, and not a single device can completely solve the problem, but can be a successful addition to other treatment methods.

Consider the most popular models of Chinese massagers.

Massage Cape

One of the common options for a massager from China are a variety of massage wraps.

Massage car seat cover

Thanks to their use, it is possible to maintain muscles, the spine in proper condition and provide rest for the body and a comfortable position while doing sedentary work. There are many models that differ from each other in technical characteristics and capabilities. Some are equipped with infrared heating, can be installed on both office and car seats, and so on.

A quality product, regardless of a particular manufacturer, has the following characteristics:

  • the presence of wear-resistant coating to protect internal mechanisms from damage;
  • several solutions in terms of design;
  • the presence of an established roller mechanism, responsible for reducing muscle weakness, reducing pain in the lower back and back as a whole;
  • vibration function, etc.

The Chinese massager Planta MN-900W from the category of massage wraps imitating shiatsu massage is quite in demand.

Massager Planta MN-900W

The main areas of his work are the area of ​​the back and neck. The user can adjust the level of intensity of the device, include heating. Since shiatsu itself is a form of manual therapy, it is necessary to consult a doctor before using the equipment. After all, there are many contraindications, and instead of a positive effect on the body, various complications and exacerbations of chronic diseases can occur.

However, the device will help a healthy person to relieve stress and get a peculiar, but at the same time pleasant sensation, normalize blood circulation in the treated areas, and reduce swelling due to improved lymphatic drainage. The device has a high price range and does not belong to the budget category, the price starts from 12-13 thousand rubles.

Can massager

In addition to facilities equipped with technical mechanisms, massagers are also manufactured in China and are quite simple, familiar to many from childhood, but effective. A vivid example is vacuum massage jars. Their use is common in areas of the body such as:

  • back;
  • collar area;
  • lower back;
  • separate hips, lower legs or shoulders.

Vacuum Cupping Massage

It is important to remember that banks cannot be installed on the heart area. The use of cans promises to solve numerous problems and even cope with cellulite, the last point and has a great influence on the level of their popularity. When deciding to purchase such a tool, it should be understood that a positive result at home can only be achieved if you have sufficiently specialized knowledge, skills and abilities.Be sure to take into account medical contraindications for use, among which there are:

  • diagnosed at any stage with varicose veins;
  • the presence of dermatitis, eczema, fungus, inflammatory processes or wounds on the skin;
  • low hemoglobin;
  • installation on moles and birthmarks is not allowed;
  • can not be used for tuberculosis, pregnancy and stress, as well as during acute infectious diseases of the body.

We recommend you to familiarize yourself with: use of the Darsonval apparatus for varicose veins.

Only a specialist who knows how to use them can calculate the number of cans that can be installed. Chinese manufacturers produce them not only from glass, but also from other materials, namely:

  • affordable rubber cans. They have a shorter life and some difficulties in maintenance;
  • latex is a bit more expensive than glass. One set includes only two cans with holes of different shapes. For full use requires the purchase of several sets;
  • cans with a vacuum pump made of medical plastic. The presence of the pump allows you to adjust the degree of impact, taking into account individual characteristics;
  • silicone, having a presentable appearance and a good ratio in terms of price and quality.

All of the above options can be bought both for home use and for professional massage. The cost varies from 500 rubles to several thousand.

Other species

Also in great demand is massage equipment made in China, manufactured by the Breo brand. Each device is based on an acupuncture technique that promises to increase the level of oxygen in the blood, improve vascular tone, and relieve muscle cramps.

Breo Facial Massager

There are specialized options for facial massage that have a cosmetic effect on the skin (edema, dark circles, small wrinkles, etc. are reduced). The price of Breo equipment, depending on the specific model, varies from one thousand to 20,000 rubles.

However, as in any other case, it should be remembered that the Chinese massager can be of high quality, most importantly, purchase it either from the manufacturer or from an authorized dealer. Mandatory consultation with a doctor before use. High-quality equipment, especially with technical equipment, cannot be cheap.

Read also: electric body massager - precautions.

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