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Precautions In Using A Body Massager Electric

Using an electric massager can easily replace a visit to a specialist offering services in this area. But when using the device, it is necessary to follow the basic rules of safe use, as well as take into account possible contraindications.

What is an electric massager, the principle of its operation

Currently electronic options body massagers a lot, but the principle of their work is the same. It consists in the impact on the body of shock mechanisms, rollers or other elements that make vibrating, tapping or rotating movements.

Regardless of the constructive solution, the use of such a device helps to achieve a positive effect on the body by improving blood circulation, muscle relaxation, relieving cramps and pain.

In addition, continued use of the device can prevent the deposition of salts in parts of the spine.

With the regular use of an electric massager, immunity is strengthened, health and mood are improved, which leads to psychological comfort.

The choice of a massager should be carried out depending on those zones on which influence should be carried out. For independent use, you can choose one of the types of electric massagers:

  • manual;
  • in the form of a pillow;
  • in the form of a collar;
  • in the form of a seat cover;
  • in the form of a satchel.

Electric hand massager

Manual electric massager is one of the most common and multifunctional devices for this purpose. With it, you can work on literally every part of the body, including for weight loss, using the more suitable of the nozzles included in the kit.

Also, for greater convenience, the device is equipped with speed and intensity controls. Very often, in addition to the mechanical effect, infrared is also provided due to the built-in lamp, due to which greater efficiency is achieved, aimed at enhancing the lymph flow and eliminating edema.

The manual massager kit may contain interchangeable nozzles

The disadvantage of using this device can be called a great complexity, since in order to perform the kneading of a particular zone, the massager must be held with your hands and moved around the body.

To increase the efficiency of the device, as well as in the event that one or another treatment is performed, special creams and ointments can be used. After the procedure is completed, the nozzle must be cleaned.

When using a manual massager must be held in hand

Pillow and collar-shaped electric massager

Depending on the shape of the electric pillow massager, it can be used for the body both in the neck and occipital part of the head, and for a small portion of the back. More often, such a massager is equipped with several rollers that rotate in different directions and provide high-quality muscle development.

In appearance, the collar-shaped electric massager resembles either an ordinary scarf or a pillow designed to fix the head. For greater comfort, it is trimmed with a soft cloth.When it is turned on, there is practically no noise, since the action of the device is based on the creation of vibrational movements that allow relaxing and stretching the muscles.

If modern electric massagers for the back and neck are made in the form of a scarf, then they can easily be used to massage other parts of the body.

Electric massager in the form of a seat cover and a backpack

The electric massager in the form of a seat cover is ideal for those who are in a sitting position most of the day. In this case, you can relax without interruption from your activity, improve blood circulation, work out the spine.

Depending on the method of power supply, such a device can be used both at home and in a car. For greater practicality, it is often made of genuine or artificial leather.

The massager in the form of a seat cover is often made of leather

The main elements in the internal structure of the cloak are rollers built-in over its entire area, which have a different shape. To create a massage effect when you turn on the device, the rollers begin to rotate. Depending on the model, such devices can be equipped with a regulator, with the help of which the appropriate intensity and nature of the rollers are selected, for convenience, a remote control can be attached to the device.

The main working elements of the wrap massager are rollers

The massager in the shape of a backpack has a corresponding shape, before use it must be worn on the back. Unlike the previous model, the backpack is more suitable for people with a moving lifestyle.

The power source in such devices is a rechargeable battery, the capacity of which must be periodically replenished, charging from an electric current network. To turn on and off such a massager, as well as switch operating modes, a remote control is used, in which case there is no need to remove the backpack.

Backpack Massager

Contraindications for using the massager

In addition to the positive effect, the use of a massager can lead to negative consequences. In order to avoid them, before use it is necessary to know exactly the contraindications to using the device. If you have at least one of the items, you must refuse to use the device. The main contraindications in this case include:

  • the presence on the part of the body that will directly contact the device of inflammation, damage, as well as the manifestations of any of such skin diseases as psoriasis, eczema or any other type of dermatitis;
  • dislocation;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • the presence of chronic diseases, especially cardiovascular;
  • fever, fever;
  • suspicion or diagnosis of ARI, hepatitis or pneumonia;
  • oncological diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • neurosis, epilepsy, as well as other diseases of the nervous system, characterized by increased excitability.

Elevated body temperature is a contraindication for using a massager

Basic rules for using a massager

The basic rule is the inadmissibility of use in the presence of contraindications. In addition, when using the device, you must adhere to certain rules.

It is not allowed to use the massager for more time than recommended in the instructions. You can not fall asleep when the device is on, and since the effect of massage is aimed at relaxing the body, drowsiness, especially with increased human fatigue, can occur very quickly.

If you experience unpleasant sensations during the procedure, you should change the operating mode of the device, choosing a less intense one. If the discomfort persists, it is better to postpone the use of the device.

Since the electric appliance uses current for power, it is better to choose rooms with normal humidity to perform the procedure, you can not do massage when taking a shower or bath.

If various nozzles are included in the massager’s kit, each of them must be used precisely for the area for which it is intended, which will prevent the occurrence of unforeseen unpleasant situations.

The best electric massagers

One of the best electric massagers that are presented in the consumer market includes:

  • Maxion MX 3500 is a hand-held electric massager, used to increase performance and improve muscle endurance by increasing arterial blood flow. The kit includes three types of nozzles that allow you to perform various types of massage: soft, intense and relaxing. The procedure is performed with four massage “fingers” that carry out vibrating and pushing movements. As additional functions, an ionizer and heating are used. The frequency reaches 3000 rpm. The disadvantages of the device include a large weight - 1.5 kilograms and work only from the network. The average cost is 5,000 rubles;

    Maxion MX 3500

  • The Beurer MG520 is an electric massager in the form of a pillow with four rotating heads, powered by lithium-ion batteries, allowing continuous use of the device for almost three hours. The upper part of the pillow is made of hypoallergenic material Mesh, which does not cause skin irritation. Ideal for use at work or after playing sports to relax muscles, normalize blood pressure and accelerate blood circulation. The movement of the heads can be carried out in two different directions, it is possible to change the distance between them using a special controller located on the body. There is a backlight and heating. The cost of the device varies around 6000 rubles;

    Beurer MG520

  • Medisana MC 820/822 is an electronic modern body massager that provides acupressure of the back, neck and hips using massage rollers. An easy-to-clean fabric is used as the cover material of the cape. The device is attached to the seat using Velcro straps. For greater comfort when using people of different heights, height adjustment is provided. The timer allows you to automatically shut down the device after 15 minutes, the kit includes a remote control. The cost of such a massager varies from 11 to 18 thousand rubles.

Medisana MC 820/822

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