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Consider professional vacuum massagers: indications and contraindications

Massage is the best way to get rid of the eternal female problem - cellulite. But if there is no time to visit a specialist, and is it already time to prepare for the beach season? Having bought a professional cellulite vacuum massager, you can quickly say goodbye to the hated tubercles on the hips, make the skin smooth and toned, without leaving the house. In addition, vacuum massagers relieve the sensation of fatigue and muscle pain, make the skin of the face and body young and toned.

Vacuum massage

How does a vacuum massager work?

The principle of operation of a vacuum massager is not the mechanical destruction of the walls of fat cells. There is a professional appliance or device for home use much larger. Massage normalizes lymphatic microcirculation, increases the number of active capillaries. This activates the production of collagen, responsible for the youth and elasticity of the skin, and eliminates sagging. The muscles relax under the influence of the massager, the sebaceous glands normalize.

During the session, air is pumped into the cavity of the can or cannula and pumped out. The air cushion gently and painlessly massages the skin of problem areas, irritating the nerve endings, the surface layers of the epidermis, lymph and blood vessels. The flow of arterial blood to the tissues is ensured. At the same time, toxins accumulated in muscles and tissues are actively eliminated, cellular respiration is improved, metabolic processes in tissues are enhanced.

Regular use of the massager inevitably leads to the removal of puffiness, as the cells gradually return to their normal size and cease to retain fluid. The skin after the course of procedures acquires smoothness and elasticity, scars and scars become invisible. Extra pounds are melting before our eyes.

Before and after the course of procedures

Among the main advantages of vacuum massage can be noted:

  • lack of damage to the epidermis;
  • comparative painlessness (discomfort is possible during the first sessions);
  • pronounced analgesic and relaxing effect;
  • improvement of blood microcirculation and strengthening of blood vessels;
  • decongestant action;
  • preservation of the results for a long time subject to regular exercise and compliance with the principles of proper nutrition;
  • getting rid of wrinkles and improving complexion.

Indications and contraindications

The main indications for using a vacuum massager are the following conditions:

  • loss of skin elasticity associated with age-related changes, sharp weight loss, hormonal disorders;
  • cellulite;
  • expression and deep wrinkles;
  • muscle pain;
  • swelling of the tissues;
  • excess weight.

The list of vacuum massage indications also includes: diseases of the musculoskeletal system (scoliosis, osteochondrosis, joint arthrosis, traumatic pain), neurological disorders (insomnia, neuralgia, chronic fatigue, neuritis, etc.). The vacuum perfectly relaxes, eliminates stress, which is used to solve a number of psychological health problems.

A contraindication to the use of a vacuum massager is:

  • hypertension;
  • heart failure;
  • bleeding disorder;
  • chronic renal disease;
  • inflammation and violation of the integrity of the skin at the site of exposure;
  • severe form of varicose veins;
  • fever;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • pregnancy (2nd and 3rd trimesters);
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • acute infectious diseases.

Some contraindications can be called absolute, others are relative. To avoid complications, before starting a course of vacuum therapy, you should consult your doctor.

Types of Vacuum Massagers

  • The most popular vacuum massagers are devices designed to combat cellulite and to lose weight. These can be cans that are easy to use at home, mechanical and electrical appliances, equipped with additional functions and nozzles.
  • Special models designed for the face will help activate the production of your own collagen, normalize metabolic processes in the tissues. This will make the skin young, give it elasticity and radiance.

    Vacuum facial massage

  • Such devices are also relevant for men who care about their own health. For example, a vacuum massager designed for legs will relieve fatigue after a hard day, give lightness and prevent complications associated with a sedentary lifestyle.
  • A vacuum massager for the breast allows you to improve the shape of the most seductive part of the female body. The skin tones up, metabolism is activated. Some women report an increase in the mammary glands after a course of vacuum massage.

However, it is worth entrusting such a tender zone to a professional who can strictly control the operation of the massager. Self-activity can lead to stretching of the skin, the appearance of microtraumas and hematomas.

Popular models of vacuum massagers

The range of devices for solving urgent skin problems is quite extensive. Among the most popular models among buyers, the following can be noted:

  1. Celluless MD. This vacuum massager differs from other models by ease of use in the most inaccessible places. Using the device, you can massage the buttocks, hips, legs and arms. The device effectively fights cellulite, normalizes blood circulation, improves skin turgor and relieves muscle cramps. Powered by battery in three modes. The manufacturer recommends working out problem areas three times a week. The cost of the device is low - about 3000 rubles.
  2. Gezatone Vacu Beauty. This device can be called universal. It combines a vacuum massager for face and body. With the help of Gezatone Vacu Beauty you can do a deep anti-cellulite massage, use it for lymphatic drainage on the face and neck, apply to the chest area and décolleté. The price of the device is quite affordable - in the region of 3,500 rubles.

    Gezatone Vacu Beauty

  3. Lanaform Visage This Belgian massager is a real beauty parlor at home. Using the nozzles included in the kit, you can improve skin tone, get rid of cellulite, say goodbye to the second chin. Due to its low power, the device is not suitable as a device that eliminates pain in osteochondrosis or radiculitis. The cost varies from 800 to 1200 rubles.
  4. BD 7300. The model from the Italian brand Bremed is designed for vacuum massage, body, chest and face. By installing these or other nozzles, you can eliminate the manifestations of cellulite, get rid of wrinkles, increase skin firmness and elasticity. The device also works well when used to relax muscles after overload in the gym. The price of the device is 2500 rubles.
  5. MVT-01. This home appliance combines a vacuum and magnetic roller massager. It is equipped with 10 special nozzles designed to work out various parts of the body, it works from the network. Used to accelerate metabolic processes in tissues, improve lymph outflow. This vacuum massager for men and women copes with the task of getting rid of cellulite on the hips. Cost - from 12,000 to 27,000 rubles.


Each of the vacuum massagers presented in trading networks has its own characteristics and contraindications, which should be studied before purchasing the device.

Affordable Alternative - Vacuum Cans

Vacuum can treatment has a long history. The technique related to traditional Chinese medicine quickly spread around the world and became popular in solving many health problems. However, creating a vacuum with fire had a number of side effects: the complexity of the procedure, relative insecurity, and the possibility of using it only in certain areas of the body.

Vacuum can massage

Today, pharmacies and trading floors offer a wide range of cans for vacuum massage at home without the use of an old technique for removing air from a fire. All of them are slightly different from each other by the material from which they are made, and by the principle of impact on problem areas. However, they provide the same result - they improve skin turgor, eliminate cellulite and fat deposits. Among the most popular solutions:

  • Vacuum massage jar of glass. The vacuum is created using a rubber bulb. It can be used for both anti-cellulite and general strengthening massage.
  • Rotary Vacuum Bank. This option is often used by professional masseurs during acupuncture procedures, therapeutic and anti-cellulite massage.
  • Vacuum massager - silicone jar. Long-lasting and durable products for vacuum massage are used for both adults and children, since a relatively small and non-touching deep layer of skin is created inside the can. Suitable for regular use at home.
  • Rubber can. Accessible and easy to use products have several significant drawbacks: they are short-lived, easily absorb odors and are destroyed by massage oils.
  • Bank equipped with a vacuum pump. A set of products of different diameters will provide optimal conditions for massage on any part of the face and body. Traditionally, the kit includes magnetic nozzles that give the procedure a magnetotherapeutic effect.

Set of vacuum cans with pump

When doing a vacuum massage at home, it is necessary to follow the recommendations on the use of these devices: take a shower before a session, move the jar in the direction of the lymph flow. It is important to choose a good massage cream or oil that will help facilitate the movement of the can on the skin and prevent the occurrence of hematomas.

How to use a vacuum massager

There are areas that cannot be massaged in any case. This applies to any type of massage, including vacuum. The inguinal region, the inner surface of the thigh, the internal parts of the knee and elbow bends, lymph nodes, the region of the kidneys and heart are superimposed on the taboo. The rules for the vacuum massage procedure are as follows:

  • Before the session, it is good to take a bath or a warm shower to open the pores and enhance the effect of the massager. The use of body scrub provides the same effect.
  • Massage is performed in the direction of movement of the lymph flow - from the ankles to the knees, from the hands to the shoulders, from the knees to the hips, on the stomach - clockwise.

    The direction of movement of the cans or massager

  • No more than 15 minutes should be spent on each problem area. The first sessions can be reduced to five minutes to avoid bruising and bruising.
  • The optimal number of procedures is 15 with mandatory breaks of 1 day. If you do massage once a week, you will not be able to achieve a visible effect. After a month, the course can be repeated to consolidate the result.
  • Massage ends with a shower (optimal contrast).
  • You can increase the effectiveness of massage if you apply an anti-cellulite cream to the treated areas.

Throughout the course of procedures, it is important to adhere to the drinking regime - to drink 1.5-2 liters of pure water per day. This will speed up the elimination of fats and toxins cleaved by the massager.

Salon treatments

Modern beauty salons offer a wide range of services related to solving the problem of cellulite and excess weight. And the vacuum of various depths of exposure is one of the most popular areas. The following procedures will help improve body contours without physical exertion:

LPG massage (vacuum roller massage) The hardware technique is recommended for reducing body fat, getting rid of puffiness, increasing skin elasticity in problem areas. The cosmetologist selects the size of the vacuum and the size of the nozzle based on the characteristics of the patient and medical indications. Subcutaneous fat is literally crushed using a constant or pulsating vacuum.

LPG massage

  • Dynamic vacuum massage. It is used to correct problem areas in which the use of roller heads is problematic. Most often, with this type of massage, the areas of the forearms and abdomen are processed.
  • Vacuum lifting. Has gained popularity as an effective method of restoring youthful skin. The procedure consists of four stages: surge, lymphatic drainage, activation and formation. The course of vacuum lifting sessions in its effectiveness can be equated with injection procedures for rejuvenating the skin of the face.
  • Laser-vacuum massage. This technique is now out of competition, and its possibilities for body correction are practically unlimited. The combination of a cold laser and vacuum allows you to achieve results comparable to the use of expensive injection methods of exposure to the skin.

Laser Vacuum Massage Procedure

The choice of the method of exposure should be entrusted to a specialist who will take into account the peculiarities of the client’s skin condition, indications and contraindications to the procedure, determine the frequency and number of procedures necessary to achieve the desired result.


Vacuum massage is an effective technique that allows you to get rid of cellulite in a short period of time, reduce weight, reduce the depth and number of wrinkles. In addition to smooth and supple skin, the massager qualitatively reduces muscle and joint pain, normalizes metabolism. You can enhance the effectiveness by supplementing the massage with regular physical activity and some nutritional restrictions. An integrated approach will give excellent results: the figure will acquire the desired shape in the shortest possible time.

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